Matlab SDK
Overview | C++ |
Python | .Net | Java
| Matlab | Urbi
NaoQi-Matlab-SDK allows you to call any NaoQi module method in Matlab script.
Call syntax is the same as c++, java, python or .Net. All calls are made remotely
from the pc with Matlab to real or simulated robot.
- Requirements:
- Matlab
- Naoqi C++ SDK (for source code compilation)
- NaoQi Matlab SDK (source code and precompiled library)
- Tested on:
- Matlab 2009. Windows xp 32 bits. Others configuration require modification of the CMake configuration files.
Others OS may need some changes on CMakeLists or sources code.
Use precompiled Matlab library
- All c++ module API converted to matlab. For example, ALMemoryProxy.m contains all ALMemory method’s. See module APIs for more information.
- Matlab proxy library
- Matlab call library
- memory example: insert a variable in ALMemory with matlab.
- footStep example: trace footstep with Matlab
Use precompiled Matlab library
Point matlab to the toolbox folder with matlab interface:
Use CMake to compile the naoqi-Matlab-SDK.
z$ cd matlab
z$ mkdir build
z$ cd build
z$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=sdkpath/naoqi-sdk- ..
- Depending your matlab version, CMake may not find Matlab install folder. In CMake GUI or with command line, fill the matlab variable:
- ${MATLAB_INSTALL_PATH} for example C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2009a
- ${MATLAB_LIBRARY_DIR} for example C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2009a\extern\lib\win32\microsoft
- ${MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR} for example C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2009a\extern\include
and configure again.
Get joint name in cells matrix
motion = ALMotionProxy('');
names = motion.getAngles('Body',false);
You can see a matrix named “names” with all joints name.
Helloworld example
tts = ALTextToSpeechProxy('myRobotIP',9559);
tts.say('hello world');
ALMemory::insertData example
mem = ALMemoryProxy('',9559);
Using Naoqi.Net with Matlab
On Microsoft Windows, Matlab allows you to use a .Net library from within an m file. To use this approach, please first follow the instructions for installing Once installed, you can use the following approach in an matlab file.
NET.addAssembly('C:\Program Files (x86)\Aldebaran\NAOqi.Net SDK *.*.*.*\naoqi-dotnet4.dll')
m = Aldebaran.Proxies.MotionProxy('',9559)
angles = m.getAngles('Body',true)
tts = Aldebaran.Proxies.TextToSpeechProxy('robotName.local',9559)
tts.say('Hello from Matlab through DotNet.')
Type conversion
Module API methods sometimes require or return an ALValue. ALValue is a Cell or Cell Array in Matlab and can often be converted to a simple matlab type.
C++ |
Matlab |
bool |
bool |
int |
int32 |
float |
double |
string |
string |
ALValue::binary |
not managed |
vector<float> |
cells array |
vector<int> |
cells array |
vector<string> |
cells array |
ALValue |
cells |