Overview | API
See also
See also
Gets the current period.
Returns: | Refresh period (in milliseconds). |
Gets the current precision.
Returns: | Precision of the extractor. |
Gets the period for a specific subscription.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Refresh period (in milliseconds). |
Gets the precision for a specific subscription.
Parameters: |
Returns: | precision of the extractor |
Get the list of values updated in ALMemory.
Returns: | Array of values updated by this extractor in ALMemory |
Gets the parameters given by the module.
Returns: | Array of names and parameters of all subscribers. |
Subscribes to the extractor. This causes the extractor to start writing information to memory using the keys described by getOutputNames(). These can be accessed in memory using ALMemory.getData(“keyName”). In many cases you can avoid calling subscribe on the extractor by just calling ALMemory.subscribeToEvent() supplying a callback method. This will automatically subscribe to the extractor for you.
Parameters: |
Subscribes to the extractor. This causes the extractor to start writing information to memory using the keys described by getOutputNames(). These can be accessed in memory using ALMemory.getData(“keyName”). In many cases you can avoid calling subscribe on the extractor by just calling ALMemory.subscribeToEvent() supplying a callback method. This will automatically subscribe to the extractor for you.
Parameters: |
Unsubscribes from the extractor.
Parameters: |
Updates the period if relevant.
Parameters: |
Updates the precision if relevant.
Parameters: |
Raised when the right bumper is pressed
Parameters: |
Raised when the left bumper is pressed
Parameters: |
Raised when the chest button is pressed
Parameters: |
Raised when the front head tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the middle head tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the rear head tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when at least one joint have a temperature > 75deg since 200ms
Parameters: |
Raised when the right hand back tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the right hand left tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the right hand right tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the left hand back tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the left hand left tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the left hand right tactil sensor is touched (by human)
Parameters: |
Raised when the body stiffness (average of all joints) have significantly changed.
Parameters: |