Porting to qiBuild


This tutorial assumes that you already have a CMake-based project.

We will see how qiBuild can help you writing less code, while staying close to the “official” CMake recommendations when dealing with the Find<>.cmake or <>-config.cmake files.

In this tutorial, we will use a simple project called foobar.

It is pure CMake code, there is a foo library, and a bar executable linking with the foo library.

Extract the archive in you qiBuild worktree, you should end up with something like:

|__ build.cfg
|__ foobar
    |__ CMakeLists.txt
    |__ bar
        |__ CMakeLists.txt
        |__ bar
            |__ bar.h
            |__ bar.cpp
    |__ foo
        |__ CMakeLists.txt
        |__ main.cpp

A standard CMake project

The standard CMakeLists.txt for such a project looks like this

# main CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# bar/CMakeLists.txt:



install(TARGETS bar

install(FILES bar/bar.h
  DESTINATION "include/bar")
# foo/CMakeLists.txt:


add_executable(foo main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(foo bar)

install(TARGETS foo DESTINATION "bin")

A few CMake limitations

  • You have to specify install rules for every target

  • If you move the bar library to an other directory, you will have to fix foo‘s CMakeLists

  • You cannot use foobar as a subdirectory of a new project (because of the use of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR)

  • You have a standard layout when you install your targets:

      |__ lib
          |__ libbar.a
      |__ bin
          |__ foo
      |__ include
          |__ bar
             |__ bar.h

But it has nothing to do with where targets are in your build directory. (foo is somewhere in build/foo/ and libbar.a in build/bar).

  • If you want to give a foobar SDK for someone working with Visual Studio, you will have to make sure libbar and foo contain a _d when there are build on debug (unless you are very careful, you cannot mix debug and release libraries on Visual Studio, so the _d is the safest way to do it)
  • If you want other people to use the bar library from an other project, you will have to configure a bar-config.cmake looking like:
find_path(BAR_INCLUDE_DIR bar/bar.h)
find_library(BAR_LIBRARY bar)


mark_as_advanced(${BAR_INCLUDE_DIR} ${BAR_LIBRARY})

(and of course create the install rule for the bar-config.cmake)

  • Then, someone willing to use the bar library from an other project can do:

add_executable(myexe ...)
target_link_libraries(myexe ${BAR_LIBRARIES})

This assumes that the person has installed the bar packaged somewhere CMake can find it. (For instance in /usr/local/share/cmake/bar-config.cmake), or that he sets -DBAR_DIR.

It the person also happens to have the foboar sources built somewhere, it cannot use them...

Neither libbar or bar.h can be found by CMake: bar.h is hidden somewhere in the sources of foobar, and libbar.a somewhere in the build directory of foobar, so it is impossible to use the carefully home-made bar-config.cmake, unless you install libbar to /usr/local/lib/libbar.a for instance.

qiBuild to the rescue!

The motivation for qiBuild is to help solve this CMake limitations with a clean, easy way, while staying the more compatible possible with other CMake projects.


Add a qibuild.cmake file at the root of the project and have it included right after the project() line.

The qibuild.cmake file can be found in qibuild/cmake/qibuild/templates/qibuild.cmake

Copy-paste this file at the root of the foobar project, then modify the CMakeLists.txt to have:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

We wanted to have this explicit step.

The ‘qibuild.cmake’ file does 3 things:

  • It includes the ‘dependencies.cmake’ found in the build dir if it exists
  • It includes qibuild/general.cmake to given access to all the qibuild CMake functions
  • It procudes a nice error message if this step fails.

So here you should write a dependencies.cmake file in your build dir looking like


Or just use qibuid configure which will do the job for you.

Install rules

Replace the add_library by qi_create_lib, and fix the install rules:

  SRC bar/bar.h bar/bar.cpp)

qi_install_header(bar HEADERS bar/bar.h SUBFOLDER bar)

Using qi_create_lib and :ref:qi_install_header` will have the following effects:

  • The install rules will been properly generated for the library
  • For the headers, you must choose a subfolder in which to put your headers. (otherwise, it’s too easy to have conflicts, especially when you are generating a big SDK.) Unless you have a very good reason not to, please choose the same folder name to put you headers inside your source tree, and once your header is installed. (here, the bar argument of qi_install_header matches the location of bar.h: bar/bar.h).
  • A sdk directory will be created, with libbar in skd/lib

Using the bar library

Add the following line in bar’s CMakeLists:


And replace code in foo’s CMakeLists to have

qi_use_lib(foo bar)

(no need to call include_directories or target_link_libraries anymore)

So what happened?

Two versions of the foo-config.cmake file have been generated:

  • The first one is in build/cmake/sdk/bar-config.cmake : this one is supposed to be installed. You can see it is only using relative paths to find the library.
  • The second one is in build/sdk/cmake/bar-config.cmake : this one is supposed to be used inside your project: it contains absolute paths only.

So, since the layout in build/sdk is the same as the layout when the library is installed, and since the foo-config file has been automatically generated (along with the install rules), it makes no difference whether you want to find the bar library you have just built in the foobar project, using the bar library you have just built in a other project, or using the installed bar library.

Finding the bar-config.cmake in foobar/build/skd from an other project is as easy as:

list(APPEND CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH "/path/to/foobar/build/sdk")

Finding the bar-config.cmake once bar has been installed in as easy as:

# No qiBuild required: the installed bar-config.cmake contains
# no qibuild-sepecific code:



# Or, still using qibuild:
qi_use_lib(... bar)


We always generate variables in the form <PREFIX>_INCLUDE_DIRS and <PREFIX>_LIBRARIES (all upper case, no version number, plural form)


This is what the final code looks like when you’re done:

# Main CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)


# build/dependencies.cmake

set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "path/to/qibuild/cmake/qibuild/cmake")

# bar/CMakeLists.txt



qi_install_header(bar bar/bar.h)

# foo/CMakeLists.txt

qi_create_bin(foo main.cpp)
qi_use_lib(foo bar)

Less code, so many features !

  • You have a nice layout in build/sdk
  • You can use the newly compiled bar library inside the foobar project, outside the foobar project, or using an installed foobar package with always the same line:
qi_use_lib(foo bar)
  • You did not have to write any install rule.
  • You did not have to write any bar-config.cmake.
  • You can build SDK packages for other people to use, even on Visual Studio, without handling all the annoying cross-platform stuff (for instance, on windows, the .dll must be generated next to the .exe otherwise the use has to set %PATH%, and so on...)
  • It’s still pure, standard CMake code: you did not have to use the qibuild script.
  • Absolutely nothing has been generated in the source directory, build/sdk only contains the useful, re-distributable binaries (no .o here)