Using toolchains

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build your projects using pre-compiled packages.


The requirements for this tutorial are the same as in the Managing dependencies between projects tutorial.

You should have:

  • a properly configured qiBuild worktree
  • two projects, world and hello, with hello depending on the world library.

The goal of this tutorial is to manage to compile hello, using a pre-compiled binary of world.

Creating the world package

Generating a package for the world project is done with:

$ qibuild package world

This will create a package named hello.tar.gz in QI_WORK_TREE/package/hello.tar.gz (or on windows)

Inside the package, you will have:

|__ include
    |__ world
       |__ world.h
        |__ world-config.cmake


The archive generated by qibuid always contain a properly named top directory. This is annoying only when using the build-in zip extractor of Windows, you will end up with world/world/ ...), so get over it or just use 7zip.

The LFS hierarchy is still preserved, and it is the same as in build/sdk.

The world-config.cmake is a standard CMake file, but it can be used even after installing the world package, because it only uses relative paths.

So the world package is usable anywhere.


The world-config.cmake does not even requires qibuild to be used by an other CMake project, all it does is calling standard CMake functions.

Using a toolchain

First, you have to create a toolchain for qibuild to use:

$ qitoolchain create <TOOLCHAIN_NAME> --default

Not that you can choose any name for your toolchain, but is advised to choose between this set of configurations:

  • linux32
  • linux64
  • mac32
  • mac64
  • win32-vs2008
  • win32-vs2010
  • mingw

Here we will assume you chose linux32

Here we used the --default option. If you don’t use --default, you will have to use -c linux32 for every qibuild command.

The only thing the default option does is to set QI_WORK_TREE/.qi/qibuild.cfg so that it looks like:

config = linux32

So it’s easy to change your mind later.

This will create a directory looking like: ~/.local/share/qi/toolchains/linux32/

This is where every packages corresponding will be put. put.

You can check that your toolchain has been created with:

$ qitoolchain status

Toolchain linux32
No feed
No packages

Now you can use:

$ qitoolchain add-package -c linux32 world /path/to/worktree/package/world.tar.gz

You can check that your package has been added with:

 $ qitoolchain status

Toolchain linux32
No feed
      in /home/user/.local/share/qi/toolchains/linux32/world

This will simply:

  • copy the world package somewhere in you toolchain directory.
  • configure some files so that qibuild knows that the linux32 toolchain can provide the world package

When resolving dependencies of the hello project, qibuild will see that you use a toolchain called linux32 and that this toolchain provides the world project, so it’s enough to set CMAKE_MODULE_PATHS to path/to/linux/toolchain/world

The world project will not be built when you use qibuild make hello, unless you specify it explicitly on the command line:

$ qibuild configure world hello

Creating toolchain feeds

Now, that you have a nice local toolchain, and a world package, you may want other people to be able to use the world package, without them having to recompile it from source.

So here we are going to create a remote configuration file, so that other developpers can simply download the world package from a server

We will assume you have access to a FTP or a HTTP sever.

First, upload the world package, so that is accessible with the url:

Next, create a fee.xml accessible with the url:, looking like


    url = ""


Then, from an other machine, run

 $ qitoolchain create linux32

Getting package world from
Toolchain linux32: adding package world

You can see that the feed has been store in qibuild configuration:

$ qitoolchain status

Toolchain linux32
Using feed from
      in /home/user/.local/share/qi/toolchains/linux32/world

Full feed.xml specification

The full sepcifcation can be found in the Toolchain feed syntax section

Just for fun

You can always add something like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/toolchain.xsl"?>

With an xsl looking like

<html xsl:version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns="">
  <body >
    <h2> Packages </h2>
      <xsl:for-each select="toolchain/package">
        <xsl:attribute name="href">
          <xsl:value-of select="@url" />
        <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
    <h2> Feeds </h2>
      <xsl:for-each select="toolchain/feed">
        <xsl:attribute name="href">
          <xsl:value-of select="@url" />
        <xsl:value-of select="@url" />