qitoolchain.feeds – Parsing toolchain feeds

All the XML parsing is done with the excellent xml.etree.ElementTree standard Python library.


qitoolchain.feed.parse_feed(toolchain, feed)

Parse an xml feed, adding packages to the toolchain while doing so

  • toolchain – a Toolchain instance
  • feed – a feed location. Maybe a path or an url.

Create a ToolchainFeedParser object, then get the list of parsed packages, and call handle_package for each package


class qitoolchain.feed.ToolchainFeedParser

A class to handle feed parsing

A list of packages, stored as ElementTree objects. The feed where the package came from is stored in a “feed” XML atribute of this package for later use.

A dict name->version used to only keep the latest version of packages


Add a package to self.packages. If an older version of the package exists, replace it by the new version


Recursively parse the feeds, filling packages while doing so.

Handling packages

qitoolchain.feed.handle_package(package, package_tree, toolchain)

Handle a package.

  • package – a Package instance. Initially the Packge object will only have its name set, but after is has been handled, it will have a correct path and a correct toolchain_file attributes.
  • package_tree – A ElementTree object. Note that it contains all the attribute it had when it was parse from the feed, plus a ‘feed’ attribute containing the url of the feed it was parsed from.
  • toolchain – The :py:class:Toolchain <qitoolchain.toolchain.Toolchain>` class to which the package will be added.

Depending on the attribute of the XML object, several functions will be called.

qitoolchain.feed.handle_remote_package(package, package_tree, toolchain)

Set package.path of the given package, downloading it and extracting it inside toolchain.cache if necessary.

qitoolchain.feed.handle_local_package(package, package_tree)

Set package.path using the feed attribute. Useful when the package path is relative to the feed

For instance with:

<!-- in /path/to/sdk/feed.xml -->
<package name="foo directory="foo" >

package.path will be /path/to/foo

qitoolchain.feed.handle_toochain_file(package, package_tree)

Set package.toolchain_file using package.path The toolchain file path wil always be relative to the package path.

Note: this functions are called in precisely that order.

This means that something like:


will work.

See also