array2D.h File Reference

Header file declaring Array2D class. More...

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <dlrCommon/exception.h>
#include <dlrNumeric/array1D.h>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <dlrCommon/functional.h>
#include <dlrCommon/inputStream.h>
#include <dlrNumeric/numericTraits.h>
#include <dlrNumeric/functional.h>

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class  dlr::numeric::Array2D< Type >
 The Array2D class template represents a 2D array of arbitrary type. More...


namespace  dlr::numeric
 This namespace contains code for 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays, matrices, coordinate transformations, rotation conversions, and much more.


template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::squareRoot (const Array2D< Type > &array0)
 This function returns an array which is the same size as its argument, and in which the value of each element is the square root of the corresponding element of the argument.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::sqrt (const Array2D< Type > &array0)
 This function returns an array which is the same size as its argument, and in which the value of each element is the square root of the corresponding element of the argument.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator+ (const Array2D< Type > &array0, const Array2D< Type > &array1)
 Elementwise addition of Array2D instances.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator- (const Array2D< Type > &array0, const Array2D< Type > &array1)
 Elementwise subtraction of Array2D instances.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator* (const Array2D< Type > &array0, const Array2D< Type > &array1)
 Elementwise multiplication of Array2D instances.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator/ (const Array2D< Type > &array0, const Array2D< Type > &array1)
 Elementwise division of Array2D instances.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator+ (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type scalar)
 Addition of Array2D and scalar.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator- (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type scalar)
 Subtraction of Array2D and scalar.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator* (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type scalar)
 Multiplication of Array2D and scalar.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator/ (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type scalar)
 Division of Array2D and scalar.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator+ (Type scalar, const Array2D< Type > &array0)
 Addition of scalar and Array2D.
template<class Type >
Array2D< Type > dlr::numeric::operator* (Type scalar, const Array2D< Type > &array0)
 Multiplication of scalar and Array2D.
template<class Type >
Array2D< bool > dlr::numeric::operator== (const Array2D< Type > &array0, const Type arg)
 Elementwise comparison of an Array2D with a constant.
template<class Type >
Array2D< bool > dlr::numeric::operator== (const Array2D< Type > &array0, const Array2D< Type > &array1)
 Elementwise comparison of an Array2D with another array.
template<class Type >
Array2D< bool > dlr::numeric::operator> (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type arg)
 Elementwise comparison of Array2D with a constant.
template<class Type >
Array2D< bool > dlr::numeric::operator< (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type arg)
 Elementwise comparison of Array2D with a constant.
template<class Type >
Array2D< bool > dlr::numeric::operator>= (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type arg)
 Elementwise comparison of Array2D with a constant.
template<class Type >
Array2D< bool > dlr::numeric::operator<= (const Array2D< Type > &array0, Type arg)
 Elementwise comparison of Array2D with a constant.
template<class Type >
std::ostream & dlr::numeric::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Array2D< Type > &array0)
 Outputs a text representation of an Array2D instance to a std::ostream.
template<class Type >
std::istream & dlr::numeric::operator>> (std::istream &stream, Array2D< Type > &array0)
 Sets the value of an Array2D instance from a std::istream.

Detailed Description

Header file declaring Array2D class.

Copyright (C) 2001-2007 David LaRose, See accompanying file, LICENSE.TXT, for details.

2009-09-09 11:25:46 -0400 (Wed, 09 Sep 2009)

Definition in file array2D.h.

Generated on Wed Nov 25 00:42:44 2009 for dlrUtilities Utility Library by  doxygen 1.5.8