amanatidesWoo2D.h [code] | Header file declaring AmanatidesWoo2D class |
amanatidesWoo2DIterator.h [code] | Header file declaring AmanatidesWoo2DIterator class |
amanatidesWoo3D.h [code] | Header file declaring AmanatidesWoo3D class |
amanatidesWoo3DIterator.h [code] | Header file declaring AmanatidesWoo3DIterator class |
array1D.h [code] | Header file declaring Array1D class |
array2D.h [code] | Header file declaring Array2D class |
array3D.h [code] | Header file declaring Array3D class |
arrayND.h [code] | Header file declaring ArrayND class |
bilinearInterpolator.h [code] | Header file declaring BilinearInterpolator class |
boxIntegrator2D.h [code] | Header file declaring the BoxIntegrator2D class |
bSpline.h [code] | Header file declaring the BSpline class |
bSpline2D.h [code] | Header file declaring the BSpline2D class |
convolutionStrategy.h [code] | Header file declaring an enum which represents different ways of handling border effects when performing convolution and correlation |
convolve.h [code] | Header file declaring 1D correlation and convolution functions |
convolve1D.h [code] | Header file declaring 1D correlation and convolution functions |
convolve2D.h [code] | Header file declaring 1D correlation and convolution functions |
convolveND.h [code] | Header file declaring founctions for doing N-dimensional convolution and correlation |
functional.h [code] | Header file declaring numeric functors |
geometry2D.cpp [code] | Source file file declaring useful functions for dlrNumeric |
geometry2D.h [code] | Header file declaring some 2D geometric routines for dlrNumeric |
IEEEFloat32.cpp [code] | Source file defining the IEEEFloat32 class |
IEEEFloat32.h [code] | Header file declaring the IEEEFloat32 class |
index2D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Index2D class |
index2D.h [code] | Header file declaring Index2D class |
index3D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Index3D class |
index3D.h [code] | Header file declaring Index3D class |
LICENSE.TXT [code] | This file describes the license for the dlrNumeric library |
maxRecorder.h [code] | Header file declaring MaxRecorder class |
minRecorder.h [code] | |
normalizedCorrelator.h [code] | Header file declaring NormalizedCorrelator class |
numericTraits.h [code] | Header file declaring numericTraits types |
polynomial.h [code] | Header file declaring a class for representing simple polynomials |
quaternion.cpp [code] | Source file defining Quaternion class |
quaternion.h [code] | Header file declaring Quaternion class |
README.TXT [code] | |
RELEASE_NOTES.TXT [code] | This file gives a high level overview of recent changes |
rotations.cpp [code] | Source file declaring functions which convert between different representations of 3D rotation |
rotations.h [code] | Header file declaring functions which convert between different representations of 3D rotation |
sampledFunctions.h [code] | Header file declaring code which return sampled versions of common functions, such as gaussians, etc |
slice.h [code] | Header file declaring Slice class |
solveCubic.h [code] | Header file declaring a function for solving cubic polynomial equations of a single variable |
solveQuadratic.h [code] | Header file declaring a function for solving quadratic polynomial equations of a single variable |
solveQuartic.h [code] | Header file declaring a function for solving quartic polynomial equations of a single variable |
stencil2D.h [code] | Header file declaring the Stencil2D class template |
subArray1D.h [code] | Header file declaring SubArray1D class |
subArray2D.h [code] | Header file declaring SubArray2D class |
subpixelInterpolate.h [code] | |
transform2D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Transform2D class |
transform2D.h [code] | Header file declaring Transform2D class |
transform3D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Transform3D class |
transform3D.h [code] | Header file declaring Transform3D class |
transform3DTo2D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Transform3DTo2D class |
transform3DTo2D.h [code] | Header file declaring Transform3DTo2D class |
utilities.h [code] | Header file declaring useful functions for dlrNumeric |
vector2D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Vector2D class |
vector2D.h [code] | Header file declaring Vector2D class |
vector3D.cpp [code] | Source file defining Vector3D class |
vector3D.h [code] | Header file declaring Vector3D class |
VERSION.TXT [code] | This is dlrNumeric version 2.3 |