dlrCommon dlrPortability
In order to build the unit tests for this library, you must install the dlrTest library.
You should be able to get these dependencies from the same place you got this library.
Building this file will put libraries in
NOTE: Microsoft's compiler considers much of the C++ Standard Library to be deprecated. Building this code under recent versions of VC++ generates lots of warnings telling you to use the use the confusingly named "Safe Standard C++ Library," which isn't standard at all, and as far as I know isn't portable to any other platforms. It's possible to disable these warnings. I encourage you to do so by adding "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" and "/D_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" to the compiler command line via the "properties" dialog for the .vcproj file within Visual Studio. I've done this for the .vcproj files included with dlr_libs, but you may find these warnings popping up in your own code when you include dlr_libs header files. Don't be fooled.
Please be aware that I hardly ever use windows, so the .sln/.vcproj files are usually a little out of date. I occasionally check that friends who use these libraries under windows are still happy, but I don't get patches too often. Let me know if you have any trouble, and please feel free to email with updates. Also note that the .vcproj files are all configured to build multi-threaded code. This may cause some trouble if you're linking with projects that use single threaded code. See the code generation page of the project properties dialog to change this.
> tar -xvf dlrnumeric-x.y.z.tar.gz > cd dlrnumeric-x.y.z > ./configure > make > make install
If you're using the source files from subversion, you need to add a step:
> [get source from svn]
> ./bootstrap
> ./configure
> make
> make install
Of course, you may want to specify an installation directory:
> [get source from cvs and run ./bootstrap, or unpack tarball]
> ./configure --prefix=/home/jfisher/software
> make
> make install
Or some compiler options:
> [get source from cvs and run ./bootstrap, or unpack tarball] > env CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall" ./configure \ --prefix=/home/jfisher/software > make > make install
For more information on configure options:
> ./configure --help
Thanks, David LaRose