index3D.h File Reference

Header file declaring Index3D class. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <dlrCommon/exception.h>

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class  dlr::numeric::Index3D
 The Index3D class represents a 3 dimensional index, such as (0, 1, 4), (23, 7, -11), or (-4, 2, 0). More...


namespace  dlr::numeric
 This namespace contains code for 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays, matrices, coordinate transformations, rotation conversions, and much more.


Index3D dlr::numeric::operator+ (const Index3D &index0, const Index3D &index1)
 This operator returns the elementwise sum of two Index3D instances.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator- (const Index3D &index0, const Index3D &index1)
 This operator returns the elementwise difference of two Index3D instances.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator* (const Index3D &index0, const Index3D &index1)
 This operator returns the elementwise product of two Index3D instances.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator/ (const Index3D &index0, const Index3D &index1)
 This operator returns the elementwise dividend of two Index3D instances.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator+ (const Index3D &index0, int scalar0)
 This operator adds a scalar and an Index3D.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator- (const Index3D &index0, int scalar0)
 This operator subtracts a scalar from an Index3D.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator* (const Index3D &index0, int scalar0)
 This operator multiplies an Index3D by scalar.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator/ (const Index3D &index0, int scalar0)
 This operator divides an Index3D by scalar.
bool dlr::numeric::operator== (const Index3D &index0, const Index3D &index1)
 This operator checks the supplied indexs for equality.
bool dlr::numeric::operator!= (const Index3D &index0, const Index3D &index1)
 This operator checks the supplied indexs for inequality.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator+ (int scalar0, const Index3D &index0)
 This operator adds a scalar value to each element of an Index3D instance.
Index3D dlr::numeric::operator* (int scalar0, const Index3D &index0)
 This operator multiplies a scalar value with each element of a Index3D instance.
std::ostream & dlr::numeric::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Index3D &index0)
 This function outputs a text representation of an Index3D instance to a std::ostream.
std::istream & dlr::numeric::operator>> (std::istream &stream, Index3D &index0)
 This function sets the value of an Index3D instance from a std::istream.

Detailed Description

Header file declaring Index3D class.

Copyright (C) 2001-2008 David LaRose, See accompanying file, LICENSE.TXT, for details.

2006-08-04 19:41:11 -0400 (Fri, 04 Aug 2006)

Definition in file index3D.h.

Generated on Wed Nov 25 00:42:44 2009 for dlrUtilities Utility Library by  doxygen 1.5.8