Class halo_navigator

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class halo_navigator
extends navigator_base

This class provides a navigator object which is designed to be connected to a halo_container object to provide feedback about the current location.

Field Summary
 halo_container _feedback_halo
          The object providing halo feedback for us.
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.new_lib.navigator_base
Constructor Summary
halo_navigator(halo_container feedbk_halo, interactor init_loc)
          Full constructor
Method Summary
 void arrive(interactor at_interactor)
          Provide feedback and/or actions associated with arriving at a particular interactor node.
 void depart(interactor from_interactor)
          Provide feedback and/or actions associated with leaving a particular interactor node.
 halo_container feedback_halo()
          The object providing halo feedback for us.
 void feedback_halo(halo_container fb_obj)
          The object providing halo feedback for us.
 boolean navigate_up(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Navigate upwards in the tree (move to the parent).
 boolean preview_to_top(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_to_top().
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.new_lib.navigator_base
current_location, do_move, do_preview, enter_text_entry_mode, exit_text_entry_mode, find_down, find_left, find_right, find_up, focus_set_enter, focus_set_exit, hit_bottom, hit_left, hit_right, hit_top, navigate_down, navigate_left, navigate_right, navigate_to_top, navigate_to, perform_action, preview_arrive, preview_depart, preview_down, preview_hit_bottom, preview_hit_left, preview_hit_right, preview_hit_top, preview_left, preview_right, preview_to, preview_up
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public halo_container _feedback_halo
The object providing halo feedback for us. If this is set to null, no feedback is provided.
Constructor Detail


public halo_navigator(halo_container feedbk_halo,
                      interactor init_loc)
Full constructor
halo_container - feedbk_halo the halo container that provides our feedback. If this is null, no feedback is provided.
interactor - init_loc initial location for the navigator.
Method Detail


public halo_container feedback_halo()
The object providing halo feedback for us. If this is set to null, no feedback is provided.
halo_container our current feedback object.


public void feedback_halo(halo_container fb_obj)
The object providing halo feedback for us. If this is set to null, no feedback is provided.
halo_container - fb_obj the new feedback object.


public void depart(interactor from_interactor)
Provide feedback and/or actions associated with leaving a particular interactor node.
interactor - from_interactor
depart in class navigator_base


public void arrive(interactor at_interactor)
Provide feedback and/or actions associated with arriving at a particular interactor node.
interactor - at_interactor
arrive in class navigator_base


public boolean navigate_up(event evt,
                           java.lang.Object user_info)
Navigate upwards in the tree (move to the parent). If the navigator is at the top of the tree this will call hit_top(), but probably do nothing else. In other cases, this will call depart() and arrive() as needed.

We override this here to keep it from moving up into a halo_container (which we treat as an artificial ceiling and do a hit_top() if we try to move up into it).

event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted
navigate_up in class navigator_base


public boolean preview_to_top(event evt,
                              java.lang.Object user_info)
Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_to_top(). This should be equivalent to a series of one or more preview_up() calls. If the navigator is already at the root this will call preview_hit_top().

Here we override this to keep us from going up into a halo_container object (which we treat as an artificial ceiling and do a preview_hit_top() if we try to move up into it).

event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted
preview_to_top in class navigator_base