Class navigator_base

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class navigator_base
extends java.lang.Object
implements navigable

This class provides a simple base class for objects which represents a current position within an interactor tree and provide an API for moving that position around in the tree (i.e., implement navigable).

Field Summary
protected  interactor _current_location
          The current location of the navigator in the tree.
Constructor Summary
navigator_base(interactor cur_loc)
          Construct a navigator based on an initial position in the tree.
Method Summary
 void arrive(interactor at_interactor)
          Provide feedback and/or actions associated with arriving at a particular interactor node.
 interactor current_location()
          The current location of the navigator in the tree.
 void depart(interactor from_interactor)
          Provide feedback and/or actions associated with leaving a particular interactor node.
protected  boolean do_move(interactor target)
          Do a local area move to the given target object.
protected  boolean do_preview(interactor target)
          Do the preview for a local area move to the given target object.
 boolean enter_text_entry_mode(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Request to enter text entry mode.
 boolean exit_text_entry_mode(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Indicate that we are leaving text entry mode and returning to navigation mode.
protected  interactor find_down(interactor from_loc)
          Find the next node moving down, returning null if we hit the bottom.
protected  interactor find_left(interactor from_loc)
          Find the next node moving left, returning null if we go beyond the first child.
protected  interactor find_right(interactor from_loc)
          Find the next node moving right, returning null if we go beyond the last child.
protected  interactor find_up(interactor from_loc)
          Find the next node moving up, returning null if we hit the top.
 void focus_set_enter(event cause_evt, focus_dispatch_agent of_agent, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Method called when we go in the focus set.
 void focus_set_exit(event cause_evt, focus_dispatch_agent of_agent, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Method called when we go in the focus set.
 void hit_bottom()
          Provide feedback for attempting to move down past a leaf.
 void hit_left()
          Provide feedback for attempting to move left past the first sibling.
 void hit_right()
          Provide feedback for attempting to move right past the last sibling.
 void hit_top()
          Provide feedback for attempting to move up past the root.
 boolean navigate_down(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Navigate downwards in the tree (move to first child).
 boolean navigate_left(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Navigate left in the tree (move to the previous sibling).
 boolean navigate_right(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Navigate right in the tree (move to the next sibling).
 boolean navigate_to_top(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Navigate to the root of the tree.
 void navigate_to(interactor target_location)
          Move the current location to an arbitrary interactor
 boolean navigate_up(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Navigate upwards in the tree (move to the parent).
 boolean perform_action(int act_num, event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Do an associated with the interactor at the current location.
 void preview_arrive(interactor at_interactor)
          Provide preview feedback associated with arriving at a particular interactor node.
 void preview_depart(interactor from_interactor)
          Provide preview feedback associated with leaving a particular interactor node.
 boolean preview_down(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_down().
 void preview_hit_bottom()
          Provide preview feedback for attempting to move down past a leaf.
 void preview_hit_left()
          Provide preview feedback for attempting to move left past the first sibling.
 void preview_hit_right()
          Provide preview feedback for attempting to move right past the last sibling.
 void preview_hit_top()
          Provide preview feedback for attempting to move up past the root.
 boolean preview_left(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_left().
 boolean preview_right(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_right().
 boolean preview_to_top(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_to_top().
 void preview_to(interactor target_location)
          Perform a preview of the actions that moving to an arbitrary interactor would do.
 boolean preview_up(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_up().
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected interactor _current_location
The current location of the navigator in the tree.
Constructor Detail


public navigator_base(interactor cur_loc)
Construct a navigator based on an initial position in the tree.
interactor - cur_loc initial location for the navigator
Method Detail


public interactor current_location()
The current location of the navigator in the tree.
interactor the object the navigator is currenly located at.


public void navigate_to(interactor target_location)
Move the current location to an arbitrary interactor
interactor - target_location the position in the tree we should move to


protected interactor find_up(interactor from_loc)
Find the next node moving up, returning null if we hit the top. Here in the base class this is simply the parent. In subclasses some nodes may be invisible or collapsed with respect to navigation.
interactor - from_loc the interactor we are moving up from
interactor the next interactor in the up direction, or null if we hit the top


protected interactor find_down(interactor from_loc)
Find the next node moving down, returning null if we hit the bottom. Here in the base class this is simply the first child. In subclasses some nodes may be invisible or collapsed with respect to navigation.
interactor - from_loc the interactor we are moving down from
interactor the next interactor in the down direction, or null if we hit the bottom


protected interactor find_left(interactor from_loc)
Find the next node moving left, returning null if we go beyond the first child. Here in the base class this is simply the previous sibling. In subclasses some nodes may be invisible or collapsed with respect to navigation.
interactor - from_loc the interactor we are moving left from
interactor the next interactor in the down direction, or null if we go past the first child


protected interactor find_right(interactor from_loc)
Find the next node moving right, returning null if we go beyond the last child. Here in the base class this is simply the next sibling. In subclasses some nodes may be invisible or collapsed with respect to navigation.
interactor - from_loc the interactor we are moving right from
interactor the next interactor in the down direction, or null if we go past the last child


protected boolean do_move(interactor target)
Do a local area move to the given target object. This will do the required depart() and arrive() calls as needed. If this returns false, then the move failed (probably because the passed in target location hadn't been found and was null), and an alternate action may be needed.
interactor - target the interactor we are moving to
boolean indicating whether the move worked (== true) or we need to do an alternate action (== false).


public boolean navigate_up(event evt,
                           java.lang.Object user_info)
Navigate upwards in the tree (move to the parent). If the navigator is at the top of the tree this will call hit_top(), but probably do nothing else. In other cases, this will call depart() and arrive() as needed.
Specified by:
navigate_up in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean navigate_down(event evt,
                             java.lang.Object user_info)
Navigate downwards in the tree (move to first child). If the navigator is at a leaf this will call hit_bottom(), but probably do nothing else. In other cases, this will call depart() and arrive() as needed.
Specified by:
navigate_down in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean navigate_left(event evt,
                             java.lang.Object user_info)
Navigate left in the tree (move to the previous sibling). If the navigator is at the first sibling this will call hit_left(), but probably do nothing else. In other cases, this will call depart() and arrive() as needed.
Specified by:
navigate_left in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean navigate_right(event evt,
                              java.lang.Object user_info)
Navigate right in the tree (move to the next sibling). If the navigator is at the last sibling this will call hit_right(), but probably do nothing else. In other cases, this will call depart() and arrive() as needed.
Specified by:
navigate_right in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean navigate_to_top(event evt,
                               java.lang.Object user_info)
Navigate to the root of the tree. This should be equivalent to a series of one or more navigate_up() calls. If the navigator is already at the root this will call hit_top(), but probably do nothing else. In other cases, this will call depart() and arrive() as needed.
Specified by:
navigate_to_top in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


protected boolean do_preview(interactor target)
Do the preview for a local area move to the given target object. This will do the required preview_depart() and preview_arrive() calls as needed. If this returns false, then the move fails (probably because the passed in target location hadn't been found and was null), and an alternate preview action may be needed.
interactor - target the interactor we are previewing the moving to
boolean indicating whether the move works (== true) or we need to do an alternate action (== false).


public void preview_to(interactor target_location)
Perform a preview of the actions that moving to an arbitrary interactor would do. This will call preview_depart() and preview_arrive() as needed. This operation may be ignored by navigators which do not do previews.
interactor - target_location the position in the tree we should preview to.


public boolean preview_up(event evt,
                          java.lang.Object user_info)
Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_up(). If the navigator is at the top of the tree this will call preview_hit_top(). This will call preview_depart() and preview_arrive() as needed. This operation may be ignored by navigators which do not do previews.
Specified by:
preview_up in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean preview_down(event evt,
                            java.lang.Object user_info)
Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_down(). If the navigator is at a leaf in the tree this will call preview_hit_bottom(). This will call preview_depart() and preview_arrive() as needed. This operation may be ignored by navigators which do not do previews.
Specified by:
preview_down in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean preview_left(event evt,
                            java.lang.Object user_info)
Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_left(). If the navigator is at the first sibling this will call preview_hit_left(). This will call preview_depart() and preview_arrive() as needed. This operation may be ignored by navigators which do not do previews.
Specified by:
preview_left in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean preview_right(event evt,
                             java.lang.Object user_info)
Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_right(). If the navigator is at the first sibling this will call preview_hit_right(). This will call preview_depart() and preview_arrive() as needed. This operation may be ignored by navigators which do not do previews.
Specified by:
preview_right in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean preview_to_top(event evt,
                              java.lang.Object user_info)
Perform a preview of the actions that would be taken on a navigate_to_top(). This should be equivalent to a series of one or more preview_up() calls. If the navigator is already at the root this will call preview_hit_top(). This operation may be ignored by navigators which do not do previews.
Specified by:
preview_to_top in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean enter_text_entry_mode(event evt,
                                     java.lang.Object user_info)
Request to enter text entry mode. In this mode, keystrokes that might normally be interpreted by the input agent as navigation commands are treated as normal keystrokes again. If the current interactor does not accept text, text_entry_mode_fail() will be called, and false will be returned (indicating that the input agent should not enter text entry mode). Here in the base class this always succeeds (returns true), but otherwise does nothing.
Specified by:
enter_text_entry_mode in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating successful entry into text entry mode.


public boolean exit_text_entry_mode(event evt,
                                    java.lang.Object user_info)
Indicate that we are leaving text entry mode and returning to navigation mode. Here in the base class this does nothing.
Specified by:
exit_text_entry_mode in interface navigable
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating whether input was accepted


public boolean perform_action(int act_num,
                              event evt,
                              java.lang.Object user_info)
Do an associated with the interactor at the current location. What this means depends on the subject object. Actions out of range for the subject are rejected. Here in the base class this always fails (returns false).
Specified by:
perform_action in interface navigable
int - act_num number of the action to perform
event - evt the event causing this input
Object - user_info information supplied at focus time
boolean indicating if the (inputs corresponding to the) action was accepted by the object.


public void hit_top()
Provide feedback for attempting to move up past the root. This is normally called internally as a side effect of navigation input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void hit_bottom()
Provide feedback for attempting to move down past a leaf. This is normally called internally as a side effect of navigation input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void hit_left()
Provide feedback for attempting to move left past the first sibling. This is normally called internally as a side effect of navigation input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void hit_right()
Provide feedback for attempting to move right past the last sibling. This is normally called internally as a side effect of navigation input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void preview_hit_top()
Provide preview feedback for attempting to move up past the root. This is normally called internally as a side effect of preview input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void preview_hit_bottom()
Provide preview feedback for attempting to move down past a leaf. This is normally called internally as a side effect of preview input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void preview_hit_left()
Provide preview feedback for attempting to move left past the first sibling. This is normally called internally as a side effect of preview input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void preview_hit_right()
Provide preview feedback for attempting to move right past the last sibling. This is normally called internally as a side effect of preview input calls. Here in the base class this does nothing.


public void depart(interactor from_interactor)
Provide feedback and/or actions associated with leaving a particular interactor node. Here in the base class this does nothing.
interactor - from_interactor


public void arrive(interactor at_interactor)
Provide feedback and/or actions associated with arriving at a particular interactor node. Here in the base class this does nothing.
interactor - at_interactor


public void preview_depart(interactor from_interactor)
Provide preview feedback associated with leaving a particular interactor node. Here in the base class this does nothing.
interactor - from_interactor


public void preview_arrive(interactor at_interactor)
Provide preview feedback associated with arriving at a particular interactor node. Here in the base class this does nothing.
interactor - at_interactor


public void focus_set_enter(event cause_evt,
                            focus_dispatch_agent of_agent,
                            java.lang.Object user_info)
Method called when we go in the focus set. Here we just ignore this.
event - cause_evt the event that caused the focus.
focus_dispatch_agent - of_agent the agent doing the focus.
Object - user_info uninterpreted information that was given to the agent when the focus was established.


public void focus_set_exit(event cause_evt,
                           focus_dispatch_agent of_agent,
                           java.lang.Object user_info)
Method called when we go in the focus set. Here we just ignore this.
event - cause_evt the event that caused this.
focus_dispatch_agent - of_agent the agent doing the this.
Object - user_info uninterpreted information that was given to the agent when the focus was established.