All recitations are Thursdays, 5:00-6:20, Wean Hall 5409, unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday, Jan. 16: Joseph

Review of Linear Algebra (using Matlab)


The slides are available here in PPT and here in PDF.

Thursday, Jan. 17: Gaurav

Linear Programming

Thursday, Jan. 24: Han Liu

Geometric and Algebric veiws of Linear Programming

Thursday, Jan. 31: Joseph

LP Duality and QPs

My notes for the recitation.

Thursday, Feb. 7: Gaurav

LP Duality and Lagrangians

Thursday, Feb. 14: Han Liu

Constrained Generation and Column Generation

Thursday, Feb. 21: Gaurav

Ellipsoid Method and Subgradient Descent

Thursday, Feb. 28: Joseph

Subgradient Descent and Convex Sets

My notes for the recitation.

Thursday, Mar. 6: Han Liu

Convex Sets and Convex Functions

Thursday, Mar. 20: Joseph

Convex Optimization Problems

My notes for the recitation.

Thursday, Mar. 27: Gaurav

Convexity and Duality

Thursday, Apr. 3: Joseph

Duality: Functions, Sets, CPs

My notes for the recitation.

Tuesday, May 6: Joseph


My notes for the recitation.