
for the OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker Web Interface is: www.daml.ri.cmu.edu/matchmaker.
The World
Wide Web is changing. While once conceived of and implemented
as a collection of static pages for browsing, it now promises
to become a web of services--a dynamic aggregate of interactive,
automated, and intelligent services that interoperate via
the Internet. Multiple web services will interoperate to perform
tasks, provide information, transact business, and generally
take action for users, dynamically and on demand. Such prospects
are especially important for the e-business community, providing
opportunities for conducting business faster, more efficiently,
and with greater ease than ever before. For instance, the
opportunity to manage supply chains dynamically, to achieve
market advantage, is expected to increase productivity and
add value to products. On the other hand, automatic management
of supply chains presents new challenges.
One of
the problems posed by the web of services model is the need
for a service to match service requestors with service providers,
especially when--as in real web-life conditions--services
are undiscovered, new, and/or coming and going on a rapid
In these
pages, we present our Semantic Matchmaker, an entity
that will allow web services to locate other services, provide
a solution to the problem of matching, and allow for full
implementation of interoperative service providers on the
web. Here we introduce OWL-S, a OWL-based language for describoing
service capabilities. We show how semantic matching between
advertisements and requests is performed.
Matchmaking for Web Services Discovery
we focus on the problem of locating web services on the basis
of the capabilities that they provide. The solution to this
problem requires a language to express the capabilities of
services, and the specification of a matching algorithm between
service advertisements and service requests, one that recognizes
when a request matches an advertisement. We adopt OWL-S as
a service description language, because it provides a semantically-based
view of of web services, including the abstract description
of the capabilities of the service, the specification of the
service interaction protocol, and the actual messages that
it exchanges with other web services.
The ability
of OWL-S to describe the semantics of web services can be
contrasted with emerging XML-based standards as connected
to web services. Standards such as SOAP and WSDL are designed
to provide descriptions of message transport mechanisms, and
for describing the interface used by each service. However,
neither SOAP nor WSDL are of any use for providing the automatic
location of web services on the basis of their capabilities.
Another emerging XML based standard is UDDI. It provides a
registry of businesses and web services. UDDI describes businesses
by their physical attributes such as name, address and the
services that they provide. In addition, UDDI descriptions
are augmented by a set of attributes, called TModels, which
describe additional features such as the classification of
services within taxonomies such as NAICS. But because UDDI
does not represent service capabilities, it is of no use for
locating services on the basis of what they provide.
the tight connection with OWL+OIL, OWL-S supports our need
for semantic representation of services. OWL+OIL allows for
subsumption reasoning on concept taxonomies. Furthermore,
OWL+OIL allows for the definition of relations between concepts.
The main limitation of OWL+OIL is its lack of a definition
of rules and an associated reasoner. Therefore, we coupled
OWL-S with RuleML. RuleML can describe constraints related
to input and output, and also preconditions and effects for
The Matchmaker
is also a web service that helps make connections between
service requesters and service providers. The Matchmaker serves
as a "yellow pages" of service capabilities. The Matchmaker
allows users and/or software agents to find each other by
providing a mechanism for registering service capabilities.
Registration information is stored as advertisements. When
the Matchmaker agent receives a query from a user or another
software agent, it searches its dynamic database of advertisements
for agents that can fulfill the incoming request(s). Thus,
the Matchmaker also serves as a liaison between a service
requester and a service provider.
Matchmaker employs techniques from information retrieval,
AI, and software engineering to compute the syntactical and
semantic similarity among service capability descriptions.
The matching engine of the matchmaking system contains five
different filters for namespace comparison, word frequency
comparison, ontology similarity matching, ontology subsumption
matching, and constraint matching. The user configures these
filters to achieve the desired tradeoff between performance
and matching quality.
In this
site, we show actual OWL-S profiles in some detail. Then,
we will present a matching algorithm between advertisements
and requests described in OWL-S that recognizes various degrees
of matching. We will show how OWL-S and an implemented version
of the matching algorithm are used to provide capability matching
to the UDDI registry. Click here
for instructions for using the Semantic Matchmaker.
See the
Agent Transaction Language
for Advertising Services (ATLAS) website for our work
in describing, advertising and matching service descriptions
using OWL. The result of this (in conjunction with the OWL-S
coalition) is "OWL-S".
on OWL-S (DAML-S) and the Semantic Web follow. (See Publications
page for complete list of publications).
- M.
Paolucci, J. Soudry, N. Srinivasan, and K. Sycara, "Untangling
the Broker Paradox in OWL-S", in Proceedings of AAAI
2004 Spring Symposium.
- N.
Srinivasan, M. Paolucci and K. Sycara, "Adding
OWL-S to UDDI, implementation and throughput."
First International Workshop on Semantic Web Services
and Web Process Composition **(SWSWPC 2004) 6-9, 2004,
San Diego, California, USA.
- D.
Martin, M. Paolucci, S. McIlraith, M. Burstein, D. McDermott,
D. McGuinness, B. Parsia, T. R. Payne, M. Sabou, M. Solanki,
N. Srinivasan, K. Sycara (SRI, CMU, Univ. Toronto) "Bringing
Semantics to Web Services: The OWL-S Approach."
First International Workshop on Semantic Web Services
and Web Process Composition (SWSWPC 2004) 6-9, 2004,
San Diego, California, USA.
- K.
Sycara and M. Paolucci, "Ontologies
in Agent Architectures," in Handbook on Ontologies
in Information Systems,
- K.
Sycara, M. Paolucci, A. Ankolekar and N. Srinivasan, "Automated
Discovery, Interaction and Composition of Semantic Web services,"
Journal of Web Semantics, Volume 1, Issue 1, September
2003, pp. 27-46.
- G.
Denker, L. Kagal, T. Finin, M. Paolucci, N. Srinivasan,
and K. Sycara, "Security
For DAML Web Services: Annotation and Matchmaking" In
Proceedings of the Second International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC 2003), Sandial Island, Fl, USA, October
2003, pp 335-350.
- M.
Paolucci, N. Srinivasan, K. Sycara, and T. Nishimura, "Toward
a Semantic Choreography of Web Services: From WSDL to DAML-S"
In Proceedings of the First International Conference
on Web Services (ICWS'03), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June
2003, pp 22-26.
- T.
Kawamura, J. A. De Blasio, T. Hasegawa, M. Paolucci, and
K. Sycara, "A Preliminary
Report of a Public Experiment of a Semantic Service Matchmaker
combined with a UDDI Business Registry," 1st
International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC
2003), Trento, Italy, December 2003.
- M.
Paolucci, A. Ankolekar, N. Srinivasan and K. Sycara, "The
DAML-S Virtual Machine," In Proceedings of the
Second International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC),
2003, Sandial Island, Fl, USA, October 2003, pp 290-305.
- M.
Paolucci, and K. Sycara, "Autonomous
Semantic Web Services." In IEEE Internet Computing,
vol. 7, #5, September/October 2003, pp 34-41.
- M.
Paolucci, N. Srinivasan, K. Sycara, and T. Nishimura, "Towards
a Semantic Web Ecommerce," in Proceedings of
6th Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS2003),
Colorado Springs, Co, USA, June 2003, pp 153-161 .
- M.
Paolucci, K. Sycara, T. Nishimura, and N. Srinivasan, "Using
DAML-S for P2P Discovery," in Proceedings of
the First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03),
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2003, pp 203- 207 .
- M.
Paolucci, K. Sycara, and T. Kawamura, "Delivering
Semantic Web Services," in Proceedings of the
Twelves World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), Budapest,
Hungary, May 2003, pp 111- 118 .
- R.
Singh, K. Sycara, T. R. Payne, "Distributed
AI, Schedules and the Semantic Web," in the
XML Journal, Vol. 03, Number 11.
- M. Paolucci,
T. Kawamura, T. R. Payne, and K. Sycara,
"Importing the Semantic Web in UDDI," in Proceedings
of Web Services, E-business and Semantic Web Workshop
- T.
R. Payne, R. Singh, and K. Sycara, "Calendar
Agents on the Semantic Web," IEEE Intelligent
Systems, Vol. 17(3), pp. 84-86, May/June 2002. Copyright
2002, IEEE Computer Society. Also appears in IEEE Distributed
Systems Online, Vol. 3(5), 2002.
- T.
R. Payne, R. Singh, and K. Sycara, "RCal:
A Case Study on Semantic Web Agents," in The
First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agent Systems, 2002.
- T.
R. Payne, M. Paolucci, R. Singh, and K. Sycara, "Facilitating
Message Exchange though Middle Agents." in The
First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agent Systems, 2002.
- T.
R. Payne, R. Singh, and K. Sycara, "Browsing
Schedules - An Agent-based approach to navigating the Semantic
Web," in The First International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC), 2002.
- The
DAML Services Coalition: A. Ankolekar, M. Burstein, J. R.
Hobbs, O. Lassila, D. L. Martin, D. McDermott, S. A. McIlraith,
S. Narayanan, M. Paolucci, T. R. Payne and K. Sycara. "DAML-S:
Web Service Description for the Semantic Web."
In The First International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC),
- M.,
Takahiro Kawamura, T. R. Payne, and K. Sycara, "Semantic
Matching of Web Services Capabilities," in Proceedings
of the 1st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002)
- Massimo
Paolucci, Takahiro Kawamura, Terry R. Payne, Katia Sycara;
"Importing the Semantic Web in
UDDI," in Proceedings of Web Services, E-business
and Semantic Web Workshop
- Anupriya
Ankolekar, Frank Huch and Katia Sycara. "Concurrent
Semantics for the Web Services Specification Language DAML-S,"
in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
on Coordination Models and Languages, York, UK, April
8-11, 2002.
- Terry
R. Payne, Rahul Singh, and Katia Sycara. "Calendar
Agents on the Semantic Web." IEEE Intelligent
Systems, Vol. 17(3), pp. 84-86, May/June 2002. Copyright
2002, IEEE Computer Society. Also appears in IEEE
Distributed Systems Online,
Vol. 3(5), 2002.
- Terry
R. Payne, Rahul Singh, and Katia Sycara. "Browsing
Schedules - An Agent-based approach to navigating the Semantic
Web," in The First International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC), 2002.
- The
DAML Services Coalition: Anupriya Ankolekar, Mark Burstein,
Jerry R. Hobbs, Ora Lassila, David L. Martin, Drew McDermott,
Sheila A. McIlraith, Srini Narayanan, Massimo Paolucci,
Terry R. Payne and Katia Sycara. "DAML-S:
Web Service Description for the Semantic Web,"
in The First International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC),
- Massimo
Paolucci, Takahiro Kawamura, Terry R. Payne, Katia Sycara;
"Semantic Matching of Web
Services Capabilities," in Proceedings of the 1st
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002).
- Katia
Sycara, Seth Widoff, Matthias Klusch and Jianguo Lu,
"LARKS: Dynamic Matchmaking Among Heterogeneous Software
Agents in Cyberspace." Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems, 5, 173–203, 2002.
- The
DAML Services Coalition: Anupriya Ankolekar, Mark Burstein,
Jerry R. Hobbs, Ora Lassila, David L. Martin, Sheila A.
McIlraith, Srini Narayanan$, Massimo Paolucci, Terry Payne,
Katia Sycara, Honglei Zeng. "DAML-S:
Semantic Markup For Web Services," in Proceedings
of the International Semantic Web Workshop, 2001.
- K. Sycara, J.
Lu, M. Klusch, and S. Widoff.
Dynamic Service Matchmaking among Agents in Open Information
Environments . Journal ACM SIGMOD Record ,
Special Issue on Semantic Interoperability in Global Information
Systems, A. Ouksel, A. Sheth (Eds.), 1999.
- K. Sycara,
J. Lu, M. Klusch, and S. Widoff.
Matchmaking Among Heterogeneous Agents in the Internet
. Proceedings AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Agents
in Cyberspace , Stanford, USA, 1999.
- K. Sycara,
J. Lu, and M. Klusch. Interoperability
among Heterogeneous Software Agents on the Internet
. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-98-22 , CMU Pittsburgh,
USA, October 1998.