Semantic Web Services



Semantic Web Technologies

     MultiAgent Systems
     Electronic Commerce

     MAS Management

     Information Gathering
Multi-Agent Learning
MAS Interoperability


Project Grants
Site Map

Autonomous Web Services Web Services represent the most recent as well as the most revolutionary technology developed for the World Wide Web. Web Services are transforming the web from a collection of static pages to a web of dynamic service providers that automatically discover information that we seek, negotiate on our behalf for goods we intend to purchase, gather information from different sources, and fuse it into coherent forms. Today, Web Services are discovered and invoked manually by human users, limiting the ability to take advantage of opportunities that may exist.

Our research efforts are aimed at overcoming these limitations, allowing Web Services to discover and interact with each other autonomously, thus reducing the need for human mediation. This research will help us to realize the vision for the next Web revolution.

To make possible stable and scalable autonomous Web Services, a widely used, extensible, multiagent infrastructure is crucial. This infrastructure should be language-ready for the semantic annotation of services, so that services can be discovered, invoked, and composed. It must also support communications and interoperability between services, while allowing various types of interaction, including synchronous, asynchronous, brokered, and peer-to-peer.

We at the Intelligent Software Agents Lab have adapted the RETSINA Discovery mechanism to Web Services, with the development of the DAML-S Matchmaker. The application of our matchmaking technology to the domain of Web Services will help companies reduce the cost of doing e-business, become more agile, deploy faster solutions, and open up new business opportunities.

See the various pages for under Semantic Web pages for the details of our work, including publications.


Publications on OWL-S (DAML-S) and the Semantic Web follow. (See Publications page for complete list of publications).


Copyright 2006 - 2012 © Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Lab - The Robotics Institute - Carnegie Mellon University

Internal Site (Restricted Access).