Convert an arv video file to an avi.
The whole example is available here:
Download arv2avi.cpp.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <alvision/alvisiondefinitions.h>
#include <alvision/alvideo.h>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
using namespace AL;
void printUsage()
printf("Usage: arv2avi [OPTION] ARV_FILE AVI_FILE\n"
"Convert ARV_FILE arv video file into AVI_FILE avi\n\n"
" -f compression method (MJPG(defaut), IYUV, ...)\n"
" -s for multi-streams arv, indicate which stream is going to be converted in avi "
"(1st stream has number 0)\n" );
inline char klip( int val )
if( val > 255 ) return (unsigned char)255;
if( val < 0 ) return (unsigned char)0;
return (unsigned char) val;
void convertYUV422ToBGR(int _width, int _height, int _nScaleFactor,
const unsigned char* _imageDataIn,
unsigned char* _imageDataOut)
// integer implementation (4.9 times faster) - PEV
unsigned char * ptuc_imageDataOut = (unsigned char *)_imageDataOut;
const unsigned char * ptuc_imageDataIn = (const unsigned char *)_imageDataIn;
int widthMax = _width*2*_nScaleFactor;
int widthStep= 4*_nScaleFactor;
for(int j=0; j < _height; j++)
{ for(int i=0; i < widthMax; i+=widthStep)
{ int C = ptuc_imageDataIn[i ] - 16;
int D = ptuc_imageDataIn[i+1] - 128;
int C2= ptuc_imageDataIn[i+2] - 16;
int E = ptuc_imageDataIn[i+3] - 128;
register int valC1 = 298 * C;
register int valC2 = 298 * C2;
register int valB = 517 * D;
register int valG = - 208 * D - 100 * E;
register int valR = 409 * E;
*ptuc_imageDataOut++ = klip(( valC1 + valB ) >> 8);
*ptuc_imageDataOut++ = klip(( valC1 + valG ) >> 8);
*ptuc_imageDataOut++ = klip(( valC1 + valR ) >> 8);
*ptuc_imageDataOut++ = klip(( valC2 + valB ) >> 8);
*ptuc_imageDataOut++ = klip(( valC2 + valG ) >> 8);
*ptuc_imageDataOut++ = klip(( valC2 + valR ) >> 8);
ptuc_imageDataIn += widthMax*_nScaleFactor;
void removeFileExtension(char* _file, const char* _extension)
if( strlen(_file) > 4 )
if( !strcmp( _file+strlen(_file)-4 , _extension) )
_file[strlen(_file)-4] = '\0';
void writeExtensionOnce(char* _file, const char* _extension)
if( strlen(_file) > 4 )
if( !strcmp( _file+strlen(_file)-4 , _extension) )
sprintf(_file, "%s%s", _file, _extension);
bool checkFileExistance(char* _file)
fs::path full_path( fs::initial_path<fs::path>() );
full_path = fs::system_complete( fs::path( _file ) );
if ( !fs::exists( full_path ) )
std::cout << "\nNot found: " << full_path.string() << std::endl;
return false;
if ( fs::is_directory( full_path ) )
sprintf(_file, "%s\\%s", full_path.string().c_str(), _file );
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char fourcc[] = "MJPG";
int streamNumber = 0;
if (argc < 3)
return -1;
// parse arguments
for(int i=1; i<argc-2; ++i)
if( !strcmp(argv[i],"-f") )
if( strlen(argv[i+1]) == 4 )
memcpy(fourcc, argv[i+1], 5);
else if( !strcmp(argv[i],"-s") )
streamNumber = (int)(argv[i+1][0] - '0');
char* arvFile = argv[argc-2];
if( checkFileExistance(arvFile)==false )
return 0;
char* aviFile = argv[argc-1];
writeExtensionOnce(aviFile, ".avi");
// open the arv file
ALVideo videoFile;
if( !videoFile.readVideo( arvFile ) )
{ std::cout<<"Error reading "<< arvFile <<" file."<<std::endl;
return -2;
// retrieve arv properties
printf("arv file info : number of frames = %d number of streams = %d \n",
videoFile.getNumberOfStreams() );
if(streamNumber >= (int)videoFile.getNumberOfStreams() )
{ std::cout<<"Error : maximum stream # is "<< videoFile.getNumberOfStreams() - 1 <<std::endl;
return -3;
// retrieve stream properties
int fileNbrOfFrames = videoFile.getNumberOfFrames();
int colorSpace = videoFile.getStreamColorSpace(streamNumber);
int resolution = videoFile.getStreamResolution(streamNumber);
int width, height;
if(resolution == kVGA)
{ width = 640; height = 480; }
else if(resolution == kQVGA)
{ width = 320; height = 240; }
else if(resolution == kQQVGA)
{ width = 160; height = 120; }
{ std::cout<<"Error : stream "<< streamNumber <<" resolution not supported"<<std::endl;
return -4;
// place frames into an ALImage, convert them to BGR and place them in the avi file
const double fps = 33.0;
const unsigned long long frameDelay = static_cast<unsigned long long>(floor((1.0 / fps) * 1e6 + 0.5));
ALImage arvImg(width, height, colorSpace);
IplImage* cvImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8, 3);
CvVideoWriter* writer = cvCreateVideoWriter( aviFile,
CV_FOURCC(fourcc[0], fourcc[1], fourcc[2], fourcc[3]),
cvSize(width, height),
1 );
if (writer == NULL)
{ std::cout<<"Error when creating writer."<<std::endl;
return -5;
unsigned long long currentTimeStamp, oldTimeStamp = 0ULL;
bool ret = videoFile.getFrame( arvImg, 0, streamNumber, true );
if (!ret) {
std::cout<<"error grabbing first frame"<<std::endl;
return -6;
oldTimeStamp = arvImg.getTimeStamp();
unsigned long long startTimeStamp = oldTimeStamp;
unsigned long long endTimeStamp = startTimeStamp; //for computing the average fps
int counter = 0;
unsigned long long runningStart = startTimeStamp; //for computing the fps for 10 imgs
for(int i=0; i<fileNbrOfFrames; ++i)
ret = videoFile.getFrame( arvImg, i, streamNumber, true );
if (!ret) {
std::cout<<"error grabbing frame "<< i <<std::endl;
return -7;
currentTimeStamp = arvImg.getTimeStamp();
//***** compute framerate *****//
if(counter == 10)
{ unsigned long long diff = currentTimeStamp - runningStart;
runningStart = currentTimeStamp;
std::cout<<"Current fps: "<< (10.0 / (diff / 1000000.0)) <<std::endl;
counter = 0;
while( currentTimeStamp >= oldTimeStamp + frameDelay ) // copy again old image by using timestamps in order to obtain 33fps
cvWriteFrame(writer, cvImg);
oldTimeStamp += frameDelay;
if (currentTimeStamp >= oldTimeStamp)
convertYUV422ToBGR(width, height, 1, arvImg.getData(),
(unsigned char*) cvImg->imageData);
cvWriteFrame(writer, cvImg);
oldTimeStamp += frameDelay;
endTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
std::cout << "Average fps: " << (fileNbrOfFrames / ((endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp) / 1000000.0)) << std::endl;
// release data
return 0;
Download CMakeLists.txt.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.4 FATAL_ERROR)
qi_create_bin(arv2avi arv2avi.cpp)
When running CMake, you might have to replace the default OpenCV libraries by the ones on your system. To do that, switch to Advanced view in Cmake-GUI and replace the arguments of OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR and OPENCV_LIBRARIES with the OpenCV paths of your system.