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This section shows how to get sensors values from ALMemory in Python.

To execute them, modify the robot’s IP adress inside the example file.

FSR values

from naoqi import ALProxy

IP = "" # set your Ip adress here
PORT = 9559

# ====================
# Create proxy to ALMemory
memoryProxy = ALProxy("ALMemory", IP, PORT)

# Get The Left Foot Force Sensor Values
LFsrFL = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor/Value")
LFsrFR = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor/Value")
LFsrBL = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value")
LFsrBR = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value")

print( "Left FSR [Kg] : %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f" %  (LFsrFL, LFsrFR, LFsrBL, LFsrBR) )

# Get The Right Foot Force Sensor Values
RFsrFL = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor/Value")
RFsrFR = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor/Value")
RFsrBL = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value")
RFsrBR = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value")

print( "Right FSR [Kg] : %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f" %  (RFsrFL, RFsrFR, RFsrBL, RFsrBR) )

Inertial Sensor values

from naoqi import ALProxy

IP = "" # set your Ip adress here
PORT = 9559

# ====================
# Create proxy to ALMemory
memoryProxy = ALProxy("ALMemory", IP, PORT)

# Get the Gyrometers Values
GyrX = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/GyrX/Sensor/Value")
GyrY = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/GyrY/Sensor/Value")
print ("Gyrometers value X: %.3f, Y: %.3f" % (GyrX, GyrY))

# Get the Accelerometers Values
AccX = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AccX/Sensor/Value")
AccY = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AccY/Sensor/Value")
AccZ = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AccZ/Sensor/Value")
print ("Accelerometers value X: %.3f, Y: %.3f, Z: %.3f" % (AccX, AccY,AccZ))

# Get the Compute Torso Angle in radian
TorsoAngleX = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleX/Sensor/Value")
TorsoAngleY = memoryProxy.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleY/Sensor/Value")
print ("Torso Angles [radian] X: %.3f, Y: %.3f" % (TorsoAngleX, TorsoAngleY))