Creating a new project

In this tutorial, we will simply create a new project

Navigate to your QI_WORK_TREE and type:

$ qibuild create foo

Remember, for this to work on windows, you should have:

  • Run install-qibuild.bat
  • Put C:Python27 and c:PythonScripts in your %PATH%

This will create a new project in QI_WORK_TREE/foo.

Let’s have a look at what has been generated:

|__  CMakeLists.txt
|__  main.cpp
|__  qibuild.cmake
|__  qibuild.manifest
  • main.cpp is just a standard “Hello World”
  • CMakeLists.txt : this is a script file that will be read by CMake to generate makefiles, or Visual Studio solutions.
  • qibuild.cmake : this file MUST be included by the CMakeLists.txt to find the qiBuild CMake framework
  • qibuild.manifest : this file MUST be present for qiBuild to know how to build the foo project.

If you already have source code somewhere, all you have to do is to:

  • create a qibuild.manifest looking like
[project foo]
  • copy-paste the qibuild.cmake file from qibuild/cmake/qibuild/templates/qibuild.cmake and make sure to include it in you root CMakeLists.txt
  • (optional, if you want to use qi_ functions...): include ‘qibuild/cmake’ somewhere

You cand do this by running

$ qibuild convert


‘qibuild convert’ will check that your root CMakeLists is correct, please read the messages carefully

In any case, the root CMakeLists should look like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

The ‘project()’ call is mandatory for qibuild to work when using Visual Studio, the include(‘qibuild.cmake’) call must be right after ‘project()’, otherwize you can have trouble when cross-compiling.