Classes start in the week of August 30, 2021.

This schedule may change throughout the semester. Check back regularly for updates, including assignment deadlines and other important dates.

date topic notes
8/31/21 Introduction intro.pdf
9/2/21 Induction and Recursion Assignment 1 due
9/7/21 Structural Induction and Invariants invariants.pdf
9/9/21 Using Lean I Assignment 2 due
9/14/21 Using Lean II
9/16/21 Propositional Logic I prop.pdf, Assignment 3 due
9/21/21 Propositional Logic II normalforms.pdf
9/23/21 Implementing Propositional Logic I Assignment 4 due
9/28/21 Exam I
9/30/21 Implementing Propositional Logic II
10/5/21 SAT Solving Basics sat-basics.pdf
10/7/21 Using SAT Solvers using-sat.pdf, Assignment 5 due
10/12/21 Conflict-Driven Clause Learning cdcl.pdf
10/14/21 Mid-semester break (no classes)
10/19/21 Deduction and Search
10/21/21 Terms and Formulas I Assignment 7 due
10/26/21 Terms and Formulas II
10/28/21 First Order Logic Assignment 8 due
11/2/21 Exam II
11/4/21 Implementing First Order Logic I Assignment 9 due
11/9/21 Implementing First Order Logic II
11/11/21 Decision Procedures for First Order Logic
11/16/21 SMT solvers smt.pdf
11/18/21 Using SMT solvers using-smt.pdf
11/23/21 Deduction for First Order Logic
11/25/21 Thanksgiving (no classes)
11/30/21 First Order Logic in Lean
12/2/21 Simple Type Theory
TBD Final Exam