Indexed by Author
These reviews come from the pages of Of Cosmic Importance, the weekly newsletter of the Penn State Science Fiction Society (PSSFS), from May, 1990, through May, 1991, and the pages of Sigma, the montly newletter of the PARSEC (The Pittsburgh area's premier SF organization), beginning in February, 1997, to the current issue.
Note: Reviews by Christina Schulman are maintained by her, and so going to them leave's the Sigma pages. if you are just browsing for books, you should check out her review page itself, as it clasifies them into "The Good", "The Decent", and "The Ugly".
- Brian Aldiss
- Patricia Anthony
- Piers Anthony
- Kelly Armstrong
- Women of the Other World Review by Sarah-Wade Smith
- Bitten,
- Stolen,
- Dime Store Magic
- Industrial Magic
- (Other books in this series forthcoming.)
- Catherine Asaro
- Isaac Asimov
- Robert Lynn Asprin
- A. A. Attanasio
- Eric T. Baker
- Iain M. Banks
- Clive Barker
- John Barnes
- Stephen Baxter
- Flux Review by Thomas Rafalski
- Peter S. Beagle
- Tasmin Review by Ann Cecil. Reviewed with Winter Rose by Patricia McKillip and The Shape Changer's Wife by Sharon Shinn.
- Greg Bear
- Alfred Bester
- Micheal Bishop
- Terry Bisson
- James Blish
- John Boyd
- Mary Brown
- Steven Brust
- Algis Budrys
- Lois McMaster Bujold
- Emma Bull
- Melvin Burgess
- Levar Burton
- Pat Cadigan
- Karl Capek
- Orson Scott Card
- Raphael Carter
- Jay Caselberg
- Karen Rose Cercone
- Jack L. Chalker
- A. Bertram Chandler
- Joel Champetier
- C. J. Cherryh
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Susanna Clarke
- Hal Clement
- Mark Clifton
- Brenda W. Clough
- Nancy Collins
- D. G. Compton
- Glen Cook
- Michael Crichton
- Brian Daley
- Kara Dalkey
- Peter David
- Don DeBrandt
- L. Sprague de Camp
- Lest Darkness Fall Review by Matthew Urick, Reviewed with To Bring the Light by David Drake
- The Wheels of If Review by Bill Johnston, Reviewed with The Pugnacious Peacemaker by Harry Turtledove (TOR Double #20)
- John DeChancie
- Charles de Lint
- The Fair in Emain Macha Review by Bill Johnston, Reviewed with Ill Met in Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber (TOR Double #19)
- Trader Review by Christina Schulman
- Stephen Dedman
- Lester Del Ray
- Samuel Delaney
- Philip K. Dick
- Gordon Dickson
- William C. Dietz
- Thomas Disch
- David Drake
- To Bring the Light (Reviewed with Lest Darkness Fall by L. Sprague de Camp) Reviews by Matthew Urick
- Diane Duane
- Rosemary Edghill
- Philip Jose' Farmer
- Joe Clifford Faust
- Raymond Feist
- Riftwar Saga Review by John Clarke
- Magician: Apprentice
- Magician: Master
- Silverthorn
- Darkness at Sethanon
- John M. Ford
- Alan Dean Foster
- Gardner Fox
- James Alan Gardner
- William Gibson
- Lisa Goldstein
- Steven Gould
- Simon R. Green
- Terence M. Green
- H. Rider Haggard
- Joe Haldeman
- Barbara Hambly
- Laurell K. Hamilton
- Peter F. Hamilton
- Harry Harrison
- M. John Harrison
- Elizabeth Haydon
- Denise Lopes Heald
- Robert A. Heinlein
- Frank Herbert
- James A. Hetley
- P.C. Hodgell
- James P. Hogan
- Robert Holdstock
- Tanya Huff
- Eric Idle
- Cary James
- M. R. James
- K. W. Jeter
- William Johnston
- Robert Jordan
- Kaiji Kawaguchi
- Guy Gavriel Kay
- James Patrick Kelly
- Philip Kerr
- Damon Knight
- Dean Koontz
- C. M. Kornbluth
Our Best Also by Frederik Pohl, Review by Bill Johnston
The Syndic Review by Bill Johnston
- Nancy Kress
- Victor Koman
- R. A. Lafferty
- Geoffrey Landis
- Mary Lee
- Fritz Leiber
- Valery Leigh
- Jonathan Lethem
- Paul Levinson
- Jane Lindskold
- Holly Lisle
- James MacDonald
- Roderick MacLeish
- Paul J. McAuley
- Anne McCaffrey
- Wil McCarthy
- Jack McDevitt
- Ian McDonald
- Patricia McKillip
- Robin McKinley
- Gabriel Mesta
- L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
- Jim Monroe
- Elizabeth Moon
- Christopher Moore
- Pat Murphy
- Garth Nix
- Patrick O'Leary
- Jerry Oltion
- Rebecca Ore
- Alexei Panshin
- Charles Pellegrino
- Dust Review by John H. Branch
- Clifford A. Pickover
- Frederick Pohl
- Jerry Pournelle
- Higher Education Co-authored with Charles Sheffield, Review by Christina Schulman
- Tim Powers
- Terry Pratchett
- Philip Pullman
- Michael Reaves
- Robert Reed
- Connie Regan-Blake
- John Maddox Roberts
- Garcia y Robertson
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Spider Robinson
- Willian Rotsler
- Jane Routley
- Mary Doria Russell
- Carl Sagan
- R.A. Salvatore
- Ron Sarti
- Robert J. Sawyer
- John Scalzi
- Julius Schwartz
- Melissa Scott
- Garrett Serviss
- Charles Sheffield
- Sharon Shinn
- The Shape Changer's Wife Review by Ann Cecil. Reviewed with Tasmin by Peter S. Beagle and Winter Rose by Patricia McKillip.
- Robert Silverberg
- Dan Simmons
- Joan Slonczewski
- Kristine Smith
- Wen Spencer
- Nancy Springer
- Tom Standage
- Allen Steele
- Bruce Sterling
- Caroline Stevermer
- Sean Stewart
- Charles Stross
- Judith Tarr
- William Tenn
- Brian Thomsen
- Mark Tiedemann
- MirageReview by Ann Cecil
- The Secantis Sequence
- Harry Turtledove
- Jack Vance
- John Varley
- Jules Verne
- Kenneth von Gunden
- Howard Waldrop
- Lawrence Watt-Evans
- David Weber
- Martha Wells
- Scott Westerfeld
- Gary Westfahl
- Ken Wharton
- Steve White
- Walter John Williams
- Robert Charles Wilson
- Gene Wolfe
- Jack Womack
- Stephan Woodworth
- Timothy Zahn
- George Zebrowski
- Roger Zelazny
- Home is the Hangman Review by Bill Johnston, Reviewed with We, in Some Strange Power's Employ, Move in a Rigorous Line by Samuel Delaney (TOR Double #21)
- Sarah Zettel
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