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Name | Address | Picture | Work |
F | |||
Goto: all A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Manuel A. Fähndrich |
Microsoft Research research.microsoft.com/~maf |
static program analysis, type systems, novel programming languages, Fugue, Vault, BANE dblp | |
Michael Faiman |
(deceased) U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CS cs.uiuc.edu/people/faculty/faiman.html |
computer architecture, computer networks, ILLIAC I & II, graphical processing, device theory, circuit design dblp | |
Babak Falsafi |
Professor Carnegie Mellon U, ECE ece.cmu.edu/~babak |
microarchitecture, multiprocessors, memory coherence dblp | |
Jesse Z. Fang |
Director Intel MRL Programming Systems Lab intel.com/research/people/bios/fang_j.htm |
compiler/architecture research for ILP and threads, dynamic optimization for C/C++, object oriented languages, virtual machines and just-in-time compilation dblp | |
Paolo Faraboschi |
Hewlett-Packard Labs, Cambridge |
embedded computers, custom-fit processors dblp | |
Keith I. Farkas |
Hewlett Packard WRL research.compaq.com/wrl/people/farkas/bio.html |
low power, processor architecture, memory system performance dblp | |
Matthew K. Farrens |
Professor UC Davis, CS huron.cs.ucdavis.edu/~farrens |
architecture and design of high-performance single-chip processors
dblp | |
Stuart Feldman |
Director IBM Institute for Advanced Commerce research.ibm.com/iac/advisory-feldman.html |
software engineering, programming languages, scientific computing, make dblp | |
Edward W. Felten |
Professor Princeton U, CS cs.princeton.edu/~felten |
secure internet programming, SHRIMP multicomputer dblp | |
Jeanne Ferrante |
Professor UC San Diego www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/ferrante |
SSA, predicated execution, compiler optimizations dblp | |
John Field |
Research staff IBM Research research.ibm.com/people/j/jfield |
program understanding and analysis tools, algorithms for program analysis, logics of programs, term- and graph-rewriting, program slicing, compiler optimization, incremental algorithms dblp | |
Tony Field |
Senior Lecturer and Teaching Fellow Imperial College, UK doc.ic.ac.uk/~ajf |
performance modelling of computer software and hardware, software performance optimisation, particle-based simulation of microbiological systems, discrete-event simulation, functional programming languages, compilers and run-time systems dblp | |
Robert Bruce Findler |
Professor U of Chicago cs.uchicago.edu/people/robby |
programming languages, DrScheme, software contracts dblp | |
Ulrich Finger |
Director Institut Eurecom, France eurecom.fr/Resources/Direction/finger.html |
parallel processing, parallel computer architecture dblp | |
Alan M. Finn |
United Technologies Research Center users.erols.com/alanfinn |
computer architecture with emphasis on embedded systems
dblp | |
Charles N. Fischer |
Professor U of Wisconsin-Madison, CS cs.wisc.edu/~fischer/fischer.html |
compilers, register allocation dblp | |
Joseph A. Fisher |
Hewlett-Packard Labs, Cambridge hpl.hp.com/about/bios/josh_fisher.html Eckert-Mauchly (2003) award |
ILP, branch prediction, VLIW, trace scheduling dblp | |
Kathleen Fisher |
AT&T Research research.att.com/info/kfisher |
domain-specific programming languages, Moby, PADS, Hancock dblp | |
Cormac Flanagan |
Professor UC Santa Cruz CS soe.ucsc.edu/~cormac |
software engineering, validation, defect detection dblp | |
Matthew Flatt |
Professor U of Utah CS cs.utah.edu/~mflatt |
programming languages, DrScheme, object-oriented programming, high-level operating systems dblp | |
Michael J. Flynn |
Professor (emeritus) Stanford U umunhum.stanford.edu/~flynn Eckert-Mauchly (1992) award |
computer architecture
dblp | |
José A. B. Fortes |
Professor U of Florida acis.ufl.edu/fortes |
parallel processing, computer architecture, network-computing, fault-tolerant computing dblp | |
Jeff P. Foster |
Professor U of Maryland, CS cs.umd.edu/~jfoster |
tools and techniques to improve software quality, cqual dblp | |
Matthew Frank |
Professor U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ECE ece.uiuc.edu/faculty/faculty.asp?mif |
parallelization of programs with statically unpredictable dependencies, RAW dblp | |
Michael P. Frank |
Professor U of Florida ECE cise.ufl.edu/~mpf |
low-power computing, reversible computing, adiabatic circuits, reversible languages dblp | |
Manoj Franklin |
Professor U of Maryland ece.umd.edu/~manoj |
computer architecture especially ILP, compiling for ILP machines, memory systems dblp | |
Mark A. Franklin |
Professor Washington U in St. Louis ccrc.wustl.edu/~jbf |
computer architecture, parallel processing, systems performance evaluation, VLSI design dblp | |
Michael Franz |
Professor UC Irvine ics.uci.edu/~franz |
security and efficiency of mobile code, code compression, dynamic compilation, compiling for low-power dblp | |
Paul Franzon |
Professor North Carolina State U, ECE ece.ncsu.edu/erl/faculty/paulf.html |
high speed packaging and interconnect, high speed and low power chip design, micro electro mechanical machines, wafer-scale integration, IC yield modeling, VLSI chip design, communications systems design, molecular computers dblp | |
Christopher W. Fraser |
Microsoft Research research.microsoft.com/~cwfraser/ |
code compression, code generation, editors dblp | |
Eby G. Friedman |
Professor U of Rochester, EE ee.rochester.edu/users/friedman |
VLSI circuits and systems, CMOS circuits, synchronization, clock distribution, pipelining, speed/power/area tradeoffs dblp | |
Jason Fritts |
Professor Washington U in St. Louis ccrc.wustl.edu/~jefritts |
media processors, embedded systems, ubiquitous computing, computer architecture, parallel processing, video and image processing dblp | |
W. Kent Fuchs |
Professor Cornell U, ECE composer.ecn.purdue.edu/~fuchs (old) |
dependable computer systems, testing and fault diagnosis of VLSI IC dblp | |
Donald S. Fussell |
Professor U of Texas, Austin, CS cs.utexas.edu/users/fussell |
computer architecture, computer graphics, database systems, design automation, fault-tolerant computing dblp |