This page is incomplete; please send corrections and additions to mihaib+who@cs.cmu.edu.
This page does not list students.
Name | Address | Picture | Work |
R | |||
Goto: all A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Jan M. Rabaey |
Professor UC Berkeley, EE bwrc.eecs.berkeley.edu/People/Faculty/jan |
digital integrated circuits, low-power design dblp | |
Sriram K. Rajamani |
Microsoft Research research.microsoft.com/~sriram |
model checking, static analyses, SLAM dblp | |
Ryan Rakvic |
Intel ece.cmu.edu/~rnr (old) |
memory hierarchy optimizations
dblp | |
Umakishore Ramachandran |
Professor Georgia Tech U, CS cc.gatech.edu/~rama |
Clouds, Beehive, Stampede dblp | |
G. Ramalingam |
IBM T. J. Watson research.ibm.com/people/r/rama/ |
static analysis, compilers dblp | |
C. V. Ramamoorthy |
Professor (emeritus) UC Berkeley, CS cs.berkeley.edu/People/Faculty/Homepages/ramamoorthy.html |
distributed systems, Petri nets, software engineering, databases dblp | |
J. Ramanujam |
Professor Louisiana State U ece.lsu.edu/jxr |
compiler optimizations, embedded systems, low-power computing, high performance computing, hardware synthesis, configurable computing, computer architecture, operating systems, distributed systems dblp | |
Alex Ramirez |
Professor U Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain people.ac.upc.es/aramirez |
fetch engine performance, commercial workloads, compiler optimizations, binary translation, architecture simulation dblp | |
Norman Ramsey |
Professor Harvard U eecs.harvard.edu/~nr |
C--, SLED, Zephyr, retargetable debugger, noweb (literate programming) dblp | |
Nagarajan Ranganathan |
Professor U of South Florida vcapp.csee.usf.edu/~ranganat |
VLSI Algorithms and architectures, application specific VLSI system design, VLSI design automation, data compression, VLSI for image/video/signal processing, computer architecture and parallel computing dblp | |
Parthasarathy Ranganathan |
Hewlett Packard WRL research.compaq.com/wrl/people/parthas/bio.html |
computer architecture, parallel computing, performance evaluation, low-power system design dblp | |
Srikantam Sai Surya Prakasa Rao |
Professor Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India cse.iitb.ac.in/~ssspr/personal.html |
VLSI Design, computer architecture, reconfigurable computing, microprocessor design and interfaces dblp | |
Justin R. Rattner |
director Microprocessor Research, Intel intel.com/pressroom/kits/bios/jrattner.htm |
ASCII Red, advanced circuits, microarchitecture, architecture dblp | |
Bob Ramakrishna Rau |
(deceased) Hewlett-Packard Labs trimaran.org/car_group/bob_rau.html Eckert-Mauchly (2002) award |
VLIW, EPIC, Elcor, Trimaran, PICO, rotating register files, Cydra 5 dblp | |
Lawrence Rauchwerger |
Professor Texas A&M U, CS cs.tamu.edu/faculty/rwerger |
speculative parallelization, Polaris dblp | |
Daniel A. Reed |
Professor U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CS www-pablo.cs.uiuc.edu/People/Reed/DanReed.htm |
performance analysis techniques and resource management for parallel systems
dblp | |
John Regehr |
Professor U of Utah, CS cs.utah.edu/~regehr |
embedded systems
dblp | |
Jakob Rehof |
Microsoft Research research.microsoft.com/~rehof |
type systems, type inference, model checking and type systems for concurrent programs, static program analysis, program logics, complexity and scalability of program analyses dblp | |
Steven K. Reinhardt |
Professor U of Michigan eecs.umich.edu/~stever |
computer architecture, parallel and distributed systems, operating systems, computer system simulation dblp | |
Glenn Reinman |
Professor UC Los Angeles cs.ucla.edu/~reinman |
computer architecture, ILP, speculative execution, branch prediction and fetch architectures, cache design and prefetching, CACTI, scalable architectures dblp | |
Didier Rémy |
Researcher INRIA Rocquencourt, France pauillac.inria.fr/~remy/ |
type systems and type inference, object oriented languages, concurrent and distributed languages, semantics of programming languages, Ocaml, Join dblp | |
Jose Renau |
Professor UC Santa Cruz coe.ucsc.edu/~renau |
energy/performance trade-offs, thread level speculation, simulation tools, FPGAs, complexity dblp | |
John H. Reppy |
Professor U of Chicago people.cs.uchicago.edu/~jhr |
design and implementation of advanced programming languages, Moby, SML/NJ dblp | |
Thomas W. Reps |
Professor U of Wisconsin-Madison, CS cs.wisc.edu/~reps/reps.html |
program slicing, shape analysis, model checking dblp | |
John C. Reynolds |
Professor Carnegie Mellon U, CS cs.cmu.edu/~jcr |
design of programming languages, semantics of programming languages, methods for proving that programs meet specifications dblp | |
Laura Ricci |
Professor U of Pisa, Italy di.unipi.it/~ricci |
compilation and modelling of HPC, parallelization of irregular applications, static analysis dblp | |
Martin C. Rinard |
Professor MIT cag.lcs.mit.edu/~rinard |
commutativity analysis, compilers, multithreaded program analysis dblp | |
Dennis M. Ritchie |
Bell Labs, Lucent cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr Turing (1983) award |
C, Unix dblp | |
Scott Rixner |
Professor Rice U, CS cs.rice.edu/~rixner |
microprocessor architecture, media and network processing, VLSI and computer architectures, memory system architecture dblp | |
Davide Rizzo |
ST Microelectronics |
architectural support for multimedia
dblp | |
Anne Rogers |
Prfessor U of Chicago, CS people.cs.uchicago.edu/~amr |
compilers, Olden, parallel programming dblp | |
Ronny Ronen |
Israel Microarchitecture Lab Director Intel intel.com/research/mrl/people/ronen_r.htm |
microprocessor architecture and microarchitecture, compilers dblp | |
Jonathan Rose |
Professor U of Toronto, EE, Canada eecg.utoronto.ca/~jayar |
FPGAs architecture, CAD, Field-Programmable Systems, graphics and vision applications on FPGAs dblp | |
Mendel Rosenblum |
Professor Stanford U/Vmware simos.stanford.edu/~mendel |
SimOS, FLASH, Hive, Disco, log-structured filesystem dblp | |
Guido van Rossum |
Elemental Security python.org/~guido |
Python, Amoeba, hypermedia dblp | |
Grigore Rosu |
Professor U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CS gureni.cs.uiuc.edu/~grosu |
design/semantics/implementation of programming and specification languages, certification/monitoring/synthesis/modularization, automated reasoning, algorithms, category theory dblp | |
Eric Rotenberg |
Professor North Carolina State U, ECE tinker.ncsu.edu/ericro |
Trace cache, Slipstream processors dblp | |
Amir Roth |
Professor U of Pennsylvania cis.upenn.edu/~amir |
multithreaded processors, prediction dblp | |
Jerry Roth |
Professor Gonzaga U cps.gonzaga.edu/~roth |
optimizing compiler technology for scalar and parallel architectures
dblp | |
Kaushik Roy |
Professor Purdue U, ECE dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu/~kaushik |
low power VLSI
dblp | |
Elizabeth M. Rudnick |
Professor U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, ECE crhc.uiuc.edu/~liz |
design verification, test generation, fault simulation, design for testability, fault diagnosis, VLSI system design, electronic design automation dblp | |
Larry Rudolph |
professor MIT csg.lcs.mit.edu/~rudolph |
starT, parallel computation, Oxygen dblp | |
Erik Ruf |
Microsoft Research research.microsoft.com/~ruf |
design and implementation of programming languages, Bartok, AST toolkit dblp | |
Radu Rugina |
Professor Cornell U, CS cs.cornell.edu/People/rugina |
multithreaded prog. pointer analysis, automatic paralellization dblp | |
Rob A. Rutenbar |
Professor Carnegie Mellon U, ECE ece.cmu.edu/~rutenbar |
custom analog circuit CAD, high-performance digital ICs and CAD dblp | |
Oliver Rüthing |
post doc (old) U of Dortmund, Germany ls5-www.cs.uni-dortmund.de/~ruething |
static analysis, lazy code motion dblp | |
Barbara G. Ryder |
Professor Rutgers U, CS cs.rutgers.edu/~ryder |
compile-time program analyses, tools for program understanding/testing/maintenance, optimization of object-oriented programs, static and dynamic program analyses in server systems dblp |