This page is incomplete; please send corrections and additions to mihaib+who@cs.cmu.edu.
This page does not list students.
Name | Address | Picture | Work |
W | |||
Goto: all A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Philip Wadler |
Researcher Avaya Labs research.avayalabs.com/user/wadler |
XML, Java, functional languages, Haskell, Erlang, logic and programming dblp | |
Robert Wagner |
Professor Duke U, CS cs.duke.edu/~raw |
loop scheduling
dblp | |
Larry Wall | wall.org/~larry |
Perl, patch, rn dblp | |
Hong Wang |
Researcher Santa Clara Intel Microarchitecture Lab intel.com/research/mrl/people/wang_h.htm |
performance modelling, IA-64 dblp | |
Jun Wang |
Professor U of Nebraska, Lincoln cse.unl.edu/~wang |
high performance I/O architectures and storage systems, file systems, peer-to-peer systems, cluster and grid computing, internet server and technology, performance evaluation dblp | |
Wen-Hann Wang |
manager of Emerging Platforms Lab Intel, Hillsboro |
caches, computer architecture dblp | |
Nancy J. Warter-Perez |
Professor California State U at Los Angeles calstatela.edu/faculty/nwarter/nwareter.htm |
computer architecture, high-performance processor design, compiler design, instruction scheduling, EPIC processors dblp | |
John Wawrzynek |
Professor UC Berkeley, CS cs.berkeley.edu/~johnw |
BRASS, GARP dblp | |
Charles C. Weems |
Professor U of Massachusetts, Amherst, CS cs.umass.edu/~weems |
associative processing and architectures, parallel architectures for image processing, heterogeneous parallel architectures and compilers, integration of compile-time and run-time information dblp | |
Mark N. Wegman |
IBM research.ibm.com/people/w/wegman |
SSA, program optimization, programming languages dblp | |
William E. Weihl |
CTO Akamai akamai.com/en/html/about/management_bw.html |
DCPI, distributed and parallel computing, transaction processing, parallel programming languages, distributed garbage collection, replication, scheduling dblp | |
Markus Weinhardt |
Researcher PACT, Germany markus-weinhardt.de |
reconfigurable hardware compilation
dblp | |
Stephanie Weirich |
Professor U of Pennsylvania, CS cis.upenn.edu/~sweirich |
programming languages, type theory, functional programming, logic, language-based security dblp | |
Daniel Weise |
Microsoft Research research.microsoft.com/~daniel |
program slicing, programming languages, VDG dblp | |
Uri C. Weiser |
Director of Streaming Technology, Corporate Technology Group Intel intel.com/pressroom/kits/bios/uweiser.htm |
Pentium, MMX dblp | |
David B. Whalley |
Professor Florida State U cs.fsu.edu/~whalley |
optimizing compilers, computer architecture, performance evaluation, real-time systems dblp | |
Reinhard Wilhelm |
Professor U des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, Germany rw4.cs.uni-sb.de/~wilhelm |
static program analysis, embedded systems, security, animation and visualisation dblp | |
Maurice V. Wilkes |
Advisor on research policy AT&T Research xorl.org/people/mvw Turing (1967) award, Eckert-Mauchly (1980) award |
EDSAC, stored-program computers, microprogramming, caches, distributed memories dblp | |
Linda M. Wills |
Professor Georgia Tech, ECE users.ece.gatech.edu/~linda |
software understanding and retargeting, parallelization of portable multimedia applications, rapid prototyping of reconfigurable embedded software, binary reverse engineering dblp | |
Scott Wills |
Professor Georgia Tech U, ECE users.ece.gatech.edu/~scotty |
focal plane architectures, short wire architectures, VLSI and GSI semiconductor technology, portable multimedia supercomputers, image processing architectures dblp | |
Steve J. E. Wilton |
Professor U of British Columbia, Canada ece.ubc.ca/~stevew |
computer architecture, VLSI design dblp | |
Jeannette M. Wing |
Professor Carnegie Mellon U, CS cs.cmu.edu/~wing |
Software specification and verification, security, concurrent and distributed systems, programming languages, programming methodology dblp | |
Niklaus Wirth |
Professor emeritus ETH Zurich cs.inf.ethz.ch/~wirth Turing (1984) award |
Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon, CAD Tools for Hardware Design (Lola) dblp | |
Michael J. Wirthlin |
Professor Brigham Young U, EE ee.byu.edu/faculty/wirthlin |
reconfigurable hardware, JHDL dblp | |
Emmett Witchel |
Professor U of Texas Austin CS cs.utexas.edu/users/witche |
network processors, Mondriaan memory protection, machine learning for scheduling dblp | |
Mario Wolczko |
Senior staff engineer Sun Research research.sun.com/people/mario |
architectural support for object-oriented languages, Mushroom dblp | |
Tilman Wolf |
Professor U of Massachusetts, Amherst ecs.umass.edu/ece/wolf |
network processors, programmable routers dblp | |
Wayne Wolf |
Professor Princeton U, EE ee.princeton.edu/~wolf |
embedded computing systems, video architectures, multimedia information systems dblp | |
Andrew Wolfe |
Senior Vice President and CTO SonicBlue sonicblue.com/default.asp?menu=Company&sub_menu=Key_Management&item=Andy_Wolfe |
3D graphic accelerators
dblp | |
Michael R. Wolfe |
ST Microelectronics |
parallelizing compilers, vectorization dblp | |
Martin D. F. Wong |
Professor U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ECE ece.uiuc.edu/faculty/faculty.asp?mdfwong |
CAD, field-programmable systems, design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial optimization dblp | |
David A. Wood |
Professor U of Wisconsin-Madison, CS cs.wisc.edu/~david |
computer architecture, parallel computing, memory systems, performance evaluation dblp | |
Jim Woodcock |
Reader Oxford U, UK web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/jim.woodcock |
software engineering, formal methods, mechanised proofs, security and safety, Z dblp | |
Jie Wu |
Professor Florida Atlantic U cse.fau.edu/~jie |
wireless networks and mobile computing, parallel and distributed systems, fault tolerant computing, load balancing in multicomputers, software engineering dblp | |
Youfeng Wu |
Intel MRL intel.com/research/mrl/people/wu_y.htm |
advanced compiler transformations, profile-guided optimizations, instruction-level parallelism, performance analysis with large workloads dblp |