
Class Summary
b_CanKick_r Report whether we are in a position to kick the ball.
b_Close_vv Return true if the values of two embedded nodes are close to one another.
b_Equal_i Return true if the value of embedded node equals a set integer value.
b_NonNegative_s True if embedded node is non-Negative.
b_NonZero_s Return true if the value of embedded node is non-zero.
b_NonZero_v Returns true if embedded schema Vec2 is is non-zero length.
b_Not_s Provides the inverse of an embedded scalar node's value.
b_Persist_s Persist on a true value of embedded NodeBoolean for the prescribed amount of time.
b_SameXSign_vv Returns true if the values of the two embedded schemas' x components are both negative or both positive.
b_WatchDog_s Monitor a boolean node for true values.
d_Add_dd Add the output of two NodeDoubles.
d_FixedDouble_ Always reports the same double.
d_ReinforcementComm_r Report the sum of recently received Reinforcement Learning Messages.
d_Select_i Select one from an array of doubles based on the output of an embedded integer schema.
i_FixedInt_ Always reports the same int.
i_FSA_ba A Finite State Automoton that generates an integer output.
i_InGripper_r Report the type of object in the gripper.
i_Learner_id A node that uses a reinforcement learning module to learn over time which output to select, given the current state and reward.
i_Merge_ba Merge the outputs of embedded boolean nodes into a single int.
i_Merge_ia Merge the output of several embedded integer nodes into a single state number.
i_StepLearner_id A node that uses a reinforcement learning module to learn over time which output to select, given the current state and reward.
Node The basic unit for constructing behaviors in Clay.
NodeBoolean A Node that returns boolean values.
NodeDouble A Node that returns double values.
NodeInt A Node that returns int values.
NodeScalar A Node that returns int, double and boolean values.
NodeVec2 A Node that returns Vec2 values.
NodeVec2Array A Node that returns an array of Vec2 values.
v_Attract_va This node (motor schema) generates a vector away from the items detected by its embedded perceptual schema.
v_Average_va This node generates a vector that is the average of the incoming list.
v_Average_vv Average the Vec2 output of two embedded Vec2 nodes.
v_Avoid_v This node (motor schema) generates a vector away from a single hazard.
v_Avoid_va This node (motor schema) generates a vector away from the items detected by its embedded perceptual schema.
v_Ball_r Report the egocentric position of a soccer ball.
v_Closest_va Finds the closest in a list of Vec2s.
v_EgoToGlobal_rv Convert an egocentric Vec2 to global coordinates based on the position information proved by the robot.
v_FixedPoint_ Always reports the same Vec2.
v_GeoField_vav Generates a linear attractive field from detected objects, along a given axis.
v_GlobalPosition_r Report a Vec2 representing the robot's position in global coordinates.
v_GlobalToEgo_rv Convert a global Vec2 to egocentric coordinates based on the positional information provided by a SimpleInterface robot.
v_Intercept_v Generates a vector towards an intercept with a moving attractor.
v_LinearAttraction_v Generates a vector towards a goal location that varies with distance from the goal.
v_LinearAttraction_va Generates a vector towards a multiple goal locations that varies with distance from the goals.
v_Localizer_rv This determines the robots location, given an abstract_robot and a visible landmark as input.
v_Noise_ Generates a vector in a random direction for a specified time.
v_OurGoal_r Report the egocentric position of the defended goal for a soccer robot.
v_Select_vai Selects one from an array of embedded NodeVec2s based on the output of an embedded integer schema.
v_StaticWeightedSum_va Combine an array of embedded schemas using static weights set at configuration time.
v_SteerHeading_r Report a Vec2 pointing in the direction of a robot's heading.
v_Subtract_vv Subtract the vector output of two embedded NodeVec2s.
v_Swirl_vav Generate a vector that swirls to one side or the other of detected hazards.
v_Swirl_vv Generate a vector that swirls to one side or the other of a detected hazard.
v_SwirlLeft_va Generate a vector that aways swirls to the left of detected hazards.
v_TheirGoal_r This perceptual node reports the position of a soccer ball for a GoalSensor robot.
v_WinnerTakeAll_va Combine an array of embedded schemas using a winner-take-all policy.
va_Add_vav Add one vector to an array of others.
va_FilterClose_va Keep Vec2s that are close to 0,0.
va_FilterClose1_va Keep Vec2s that are close to 0,0; keep at least the closest one.
va_FilterOutClose_vva Remove Vec2s that are close to a location from a list of Vec2s.
va_Merge_vav Merge a Vec2 into a Vec2Array.
va_Merge_vava Merge two Vec2Arrays.
va_Obstacles_r Report a list of Vec2s pointing to obstacles detected by the robot.
va_Opponents_r Report a list of Vec2s pointing to the oppoenents detected by a soccer robot.
va_Persist_va Remember Vec2s for a given period of time.
va_PersistBlend_va Remembers Vec2s for a given period of time.
va_Subtract_vav Subtract one vector from an array of others.
va_Teammates_r Report a list of Vec2s pointing to the teammates detected by a KinSensor.
va_VisualObjects_r Reports a list of Vec2s pointing to the type of attractor requested and detected by a vision-equipped robot.