This section contains examples showing how to get images from NAO’s cameras, and how to visualize them with PIL or PyQt.
This example gets an image on the robot.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is just an example script that shows how images can be accessed
# through ALVideoDevice in python.
# Nothing interesting is done with the images in this example.
from naoqi import ALProxy
import vision_definitions
IP = "nao.local" # Replace here with your NAOqi's IP address.
PORT = 9559
# Create proxy on ALVideoDevice
print "Creating ALVideoDevice proxy to ", IP
camProxy = ALProxy("ALVideoDevice", IP, PORT)
# Register a Generic Video Module
resolution = vision_definitions.kQVGA
colorSpace = vision_definitions.kYUVColorSpace
fps = 30
nameId = camProxy.subscribe("python_GVM", resolution, colorSpace, fps)
print nameId
print 'getting images in local'
for i in range(0, 20):
resolution = vision_definitions.kQQVGA
camProxy.setResolution(nameId, resolution)
print 'getting images in remote'
for i in range(0, 20):
print 'end of gvm_getImageLocal python script'
Get one image from NAO, then display it using PIL.
# Get an image from NAO. Display it and save it using PIL.
import sys
import time
# Python Image Library
import Image
from naoqi import ALProxy
def showNaoImage(IP, PORT):
First get an image from Nao, then show it on the screen with PIL.
camProxy = ALProxy("ALVideoDevice", IP, PORT)
resolution = 2 # VGA
colorSpace = 11 # RGB
videoClient = camProxy.subscribe("python_client", resolution, colorSpace, 5)
t0 = time.time()
# Get a camera image.
# image[6] contains the image data passed as an array of ASCII chars.
naoImage = camProxy.getImageRemote(videoClient)
t1 = time.time()
# Time the image transfer.
print "acquisition delay ", t1 - t0
# Now we work with the image returned and save it as a PNG using ImageDraw
# package.
# Get the image size and pixel array.
imageWidth = naoImage[0]
imageHeight = naoImage[1]
array = naoImage[6]
# Create a PIL Image from our pixel array.
im = Image.fromstring("RGB", (imageWidth, imageHeight), array)
# Save the image."camImage.png", "PNG")
if __name__ == '__main__':
IP = "nao.local" # Replace here with your NaoQi's IP address.
PORT = 9559
# Read IP address from first argument if any.
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
IP = sys.argv[1]
naoImage = showNaoImage(IP, PORT)
Visualize live NAO images using PyQt.
# This is a tiny example that shows how to show live images from Nao using PyQt.
# You must have python-qt4 installed on your system.
import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget, QImage, QApplication, QPainter
from naoqi import ALProxy
# To get the constants relative to the video.
import vision_definitions
class ImageWidget(QWidget):
Tiny widget to display camera images from Naoqi.
def __init__(self, IP, PORT, CameraID, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
self._image = QImage()
self._imgWidth = 320
self._imgHeight = 240
self._cameraID = CameraID
self.resize(self._imgWidth, self._imgHeight)
# Proxy to ALVideoDevice.
self._videoProxy = None
# Our video module name.
self._imgClient = ""
# This will contain this alImage we get from Nao.
self._alImage = None
self._registerImageClient(IP, PORT)
# Trigget 'timerEvent' every 100 ms.
def _registerImageClient(self, IP, PORT):
Register our video module to the robot.
self._videoProxy = ALProxy("ALVideoDevice", IP, PORT)
resolution = vision_definitions.kQVGA # 320 * 240
colorSpace = vision_definitions.kRGBColorSpace
self._imgClient = self._videoProxy.subscribe("_client", resolution, colorSpace, 5)
# Select camera.
def _unregisterImageClient(self):
Unregister our naoqi video module.
if self._imgClient != "":
def paintEvent(self, event):
Draw the QImage on screen.
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.drawImage(painter.viewport(), self._image)
def _updateImage(self):
Retrieve a new image from Nao.
self._alImage = self._videoProxy.getImageRemote(self._imgClient)
self._image = QImage(self._alImage[6], # Pixel array.
self._alImage[0], # Width.
self._alImage[1], # Height.
def timerEvent(self, event):
Called periodically. Retrieve a nao image, and update the widget.
def __del__(self):
When the widget is deleted, we unregister our naoqi video module.
if __name__ == '__main__':
IP = "nao.local" # Replace here with your NaoQi's IP address.
PORT = 9559
CameraID = 0
# Read IP address from first argument if any.
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
IP = sys.argv[1]
# Read CameraID from second argument if any.
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
CameraID = int(sys.argv[2])
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
myWidget = ImageWidget(IP, PORT, CameraID)