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Carnegie Mellon - MOBOT  MoboJoust


16 April 2010

Open to all Undergraduates
and members of the Carnegie Mellon community

The School of Computer Science invites all members of the CMU community to participate in the 16th Annual CMU Mobot Slalom Race in the spring of 2010. MOBOT (MObile roBOTs) entrants race autonomous vehicles along a slalom course on the paved walk in front of Wean Hall. The course consists of a series of gates connected by a wavy, painted stripe. Vehicles will be judged on their ability to navigate sequentially through the gates.

The Very Late Fall Open House will be held in December 2009 and the Spring Information Session in February 2010. Two official competitions will be held during the Spring Semester: the $99 Mini Challenge and Clinic on Wednesday, April 7; and the final competition during Spring Carnival, on Friday, April 16. The preliminary competition will provide an opportunity for contestants to run the course under race conditions, and will encourage early development of vehicles.

Last modified: 17 April 2010.
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University