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 Mobot Slalom 
 $99 Mini Challenge 
 The Race
 The Bots
 The Course
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 -The Arena
 -The Bots
 -The Joust


Carnegie Mellon - MOBOT  MoboJoust

The Race

Race emphasis is on accuracy. The winner of the competition will be the entry that successfully passes the most gates in sequence. Vehicles are timed at each gate, and those that navigate through the same number of gates (or the full course) are ranked according to their time to the last gate reached (shortest time best). Race officials will be on hand to time each run and to to observe vehicles while on the course.

Every entered team will be given two runs down the course, one in each of two separate "heats." A different vehicle may be used in each heat. The order of competition in a given heat is at the sole discretion of the race officials and may change from heat to heat.

The best performance of a team's two runs will be compared against the best performances of the other entered teams to determine race winners.

Each run is limited to a maximum of four (4) minutes.

All teams must be present and ready to race at the announced starting time of a given day's competition. When called to the starting line, a team will have one (1) minute to get its Mobot underway (through the "zeroth" (starting) gate) or that run is forfeited.

A given run begins when the Mobot breaks the plane of the "zeroth" (starting) gate.

No communication or interaction of any kind between the competitors (or anyone else) and a vehicle is permitted once it has entered the race course. A run will be terminated if the vehicle is touched by a competitor (or anyone else) or if any interaction with the vehicle takes place during a run.

Only registered members of a team are permitted to assist their Mobot entry at the starting gate. One registered team member is permitted on the course during a run to follow their vehicle and grab it if necessary.

Contestants are "strongly" encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the race (Noon - sharp!) for check-in and final instructions.

Team Registration Form
Map of Race Day Grounds Set-Up 2010
Final Race Day Course Map 2010

Last modified: 17 April 2010.
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University