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 Mobot Slalom 
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 -The Arena
 -The Bots
 -The Joust


Carnegie Mellon - MOBOT  MoboJoust

Who may participate?

While the competition is intended primarily as an undergraduate activity, other members of the CMU community are encouraged to compete for a single prize (and bragging rights) in the competition's "Open Class." The "Undergraduate Category" is open only to students registered as full-time Carnegie Mellon undergraduates during the spring semester. Anyone else associated with the university, including faculty, staff, graduate students, special/part-time students, and alumni, may participate in the Open Class. There is no registration or entry fee.

Important rules

  1. To be eligible for cash prizes, each team must fill out an Official Registration Form that will be available at least two weeks before race day. Each team member must sign the form.
  2. Competing vehicles used by a team must be the result of work by the officially registered members of that team.
  3. No individual may be registered with, nor participate with, more than one team.
  4. Contestants in the Undergraduate Category are not eligible for the Open Category prize.
  5. In order to be eligible for a cash prize, a team's Mobot must successfully negotiate at least two gates (excluding the start-line gate). (Neither requirement above applies to the Judges' Choice prize.)
  6. Any prize money awarded to a team will be split equally among the officially registered members of that team.

Last modified: 17 April 2010.
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University