Automatic 3D modeling from reality | |
Thesis Research |
Robotics Institute
Daniel Huber |
Carnegie Mellon University
We have tested our automatic modeling alogrithms on a large database of real and synthetic objects. We have also demonstrated the performance over a wide range of scales, sensors, and scene types. Finally, we have shown that automatic modeling produces accurate 3D models, limited mainly by the quality of the input data. Here are some example automatically created models. The objects shown here were scanned with a Minolta Vivid 700 laser scanner, which also records a registered color image of each 3D view. The left-hand column for each objects shows the color image from two input views, and the right-hand column shows a rendering of the automatically constructed 3D model from approximately the same viewpoint. The VRML models are in VRML 1.0 format and can be viewed with a VRML viewer such as Cosmo player. The models have been simplified to 2,000 to 5,000 triangles to keep the file sizes small. For data sets of about 20 views, the automatic modeling process takes about 25 minutes: 5 minutes to collect data and 20 minutes to create the model.
Some artifacts can be seen in the 3D models: