
Overview | API | Advanced


When writing reactive code that needs to send a new command every cycle, or use fresh sensor data, it can be helpful to synchronize with ALMotion’s cycles.

Cycle events

  • preProcess event
  • sensor data is refreshed from memory
  • cartesian data is updated and available
  • Tasks provide their new intentions
  • intentions are executed on the model
  • intentions are sent to the DCM
  • postProcess event
  • sleep

The motion thread uses a real time priority just lower than the DCM, and will try to execute on the anniversary of start up time + CycleNumber * 20ms. Should we fall behind by more than 20ms we will stop trying to catch up, and continue from the present.

Using cycle events

From a NAOqi module, perhaps made with the module generator, you have access to the broker, and can use it to create a connection to Motion’s preProcess or postProcess events. This allows to be woken at the beginning or end of each cycle to do some processing: get the current state of the robot, and prepare some commands.

// Your method that will be called
void YourModule::motionPreProcessCallback() {
// Do something very small every 20ms.
// You are in a real time thread, so beware.
// If you wish to do heavy processing, you should
// raise a signal that is consumed by another thread
void YourModule::subscribeMotionPreProcess() {
try {
// Register the callback
// The specialized proxy does not give access
// to the underlying module needed for this binding,
// so we get a generic proxy from the parent broker
} catch(const AL::ALError& e) {
std::cout << "Motion preProcess callback registration failed" << std::endl;

DCM and ALMotion cohabitation

It is possible to use at the same time DCM and ALMotion but it needs some precautions.
It is not really well-made and we will improve it on the next version.

Using DCM after Motion

Disactivate Smart Stiffness: ALMotion does not get the command angle directly send to DCM and can not manage the stiffness for the given posture.
With Smart Stiffness, nao should have not enough stiffness to realize the desired motion.

Using Motion after DCM

After using DCM, ALMotion’s command angle are not updated to the internal model. To avoid jerky transition between using DCM and ALMotion, there are both options.

  1. Reset the joints angle to the previous ALMotion posture before using the DCM.
  2. Remove and reset the stiffness of the joints moved by DCM (ALMotionProxy::setStiffnesses).