See also
In this tutorial, we directly use the specific kinematic of NAO (body symmetric and quite the same length for the thigh and the tibia)
The tutorial is written in Python.
You can download the PoseInit example here:
Please refer to the section: Python SDK Install Guide for any troubleshooting linked to python.
In this section we describe each important piece of code of the example.
import sys
import almath
from naoqi import ALProxy
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
print "Usage: 'python IP [PORT]'"
IP = sys.argv[1]
PORT = 9559
if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
PORT = sys.argv[2]
proxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", IP, PORT)
except Exception,e:
print "Could not create proxy to ALMotion"
print "Error was: ",e
# Define The Initial Position for the upper body
HeadYawAngle = + 0.0
HeadPitchAngle = + 0.0
ShoulderPitchAngle = +80.0
ShoulderRollAngle = +20.0
ElbowYawAngle = -80.0
ElbowRollAngle = -60.0
WristYawAngle = + 0.0
HandAngle = + 0.0
# Define legs position
kneeAngle = +40.0
torsoAngle = + 0.0 # bend the torso
spreadAngle = + 0.0 # spread the legs
# Get the Robot Configuration
robotConfig = proxy.getRobotConfig()
robotName = ""
for i in range(len(robotConfig[0])):
if (robotConfig[0][i] == "Model Type"):
robotName = robotConfig[1][i]
if robotName == "naoH25":
Head = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]
LeftArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle, +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]
RightArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle, -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]
LeftLeg = [0.0, #hipYawPitch
spreadAngle, #hipRoll
-kneeAngle/2-torsoAngle, #hipPitch
kneeAngle, #kneePitch
-kneeAngle/2, #anklePitch
-spreadAngle] #ankleRoll
RightLeg = [0.0, -spreadAngle, -kneeAngle/2-torsoAngle, kneeAngle, -kneeAngle/2, spreadAngle]
elif robotName == "naoH21":
Head = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]
LeftArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle, +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle]
RightArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle, -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle]
LeftLeg = [0.0, spreadAngle, -kneeAngle/2-torsoAngle, kneeAngle, -kneeAngle/2, -spreadAngle]
RightLeg = [0.0, -spreadAngle, -kneeAngle/2-torsoAngle, kneeAngle, -kneeAngle/2, spreadAngle]
elif robotName == "naoT14":
Head = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]
LeftLeg = [0.0, spreadAngle, -kneeAngle/2-torsoAngle, kneeAngle, -kneeAngle/2, -spreadAngle]
RightLeg = [0.0, -spreadAngle, -kneeAngle/2-torsoAngle, kneeAngle, -kneeAngle/2, spreadAngle]
LeftLeg = []
RightLeg = []
elif robotName == "naoT2":
Head = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]
LeftArm = []
RightArm = []
LeftLeg = []
RightLeg = []
print "ERROR : Your robot is unknown"
print "This test is not available for your Robot"
print "---------------------"
# Gather the joints together
pTargetAngles = Head + LeftArm + LeftLeg + RightLeg + RightArm
# Convert to radians
pTargetAngles = [ x * almath.TO_RAD for x in pTargetAngles]
#------------------------------ send stiffness -----------------------------
proxy.stiffnessInterpolation("Body", 1.0, 0.5)
#------------------------------ send the commands -----------------------------
# We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints
pNames = "Body"
# We set the fraction of max speed
pMaxSpeedFraction = 0.2
# Ask motion to do this with a blocking call
proxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(pNames, pTargetAngles, pMaxSpeedFraction)