NAO v4: Rescue software update


This section will help you update your NAO v4, and only NAO v4, in the rescue mode.

If you are not sure whether your robot is a NAO v4 or not, refer to this section of the manual.


Achieving a rescue software update will reset all settings you may have set to the factory ones.

Any data or settings that you may have put in the robot will be lost at the end of this procedure.


This is a rescue procedure.

This is not the standard way to update the software version of NAO.

If your robot is booting normally please use Choregraphe’s How to update NAO system.

Getting the new software version

The software version for NAO v3.X is gzip file (”.gz” extension) and should have a name like opennao-atom-system-image-X.Y.Z.opn [1].

Download the OpenNAO software version if you do not already have it.

Getting the USB stick

Just take one of your own USB sticks (its size must be larger or equal to 512MB).


This process erase the whole USB stick.

Any data on the USB stick will be irreparably lost.

Writing the image on the USB stick

  1. Insert your USB stick in your computer.


    On Windows and Mac OSX, you might encounter a prompt telling you that the USB drive you inserted is not readable, and that you should format it.

    This happens because they do not recognize what is on the USB stick. This is perfectly normal.

    Please ignore this and click on the “Cancel” button or similar.

    If you allready formated your drive or if you have a file system on it (if you took one of your own usb sticks it is probably the case), try cleaning up your drive.

  2. Launch the flasher executable.

    It should look roughly like this:

  3. Click the browse button (or press Ctrl+O) to select the image you want to flash in your local filesystem. You can also copy/paste the file’s address directly in the text box.

  4. Select your USB stick from the list (if your USB stick doesn’t appear in the list try the Refresh button after inserting it in your computer):


    Check the Factory Reset box if you want a brand new system:


    Factory Reset will remove all the data from your robot, please backup your data before running the program.

  5. Click the write button to start the process:


    If you get an error telling you that the usb stick contains a file system, try cleaning up your drive.

    ../../_images/nao-flasher04.png ../../_images/nao-flasher05.png
  6. When NAO-flasher is done, it should look like this:


Upgrading the NAO’s system and running the new software version


Ensure that NAO is plugged to its adapter during the system update process.

  1. Shutdown the robot.
  2. After having flashed the USB stick, you can plug it into the USB connector at the rear of the NAO’s head.
  3. Boot the robot keeping the torse button pushed for 5 seconds (do not release the torse button until it is blinking in blue).

The NAO’s system will be upgraded during the boot. The new software version will be automatically started.


If you enabled the factory reset option, this may take a very long time to complete (the duration directly depends on the size of the flash memory dedicated to user purposes).

So be patient or go have a beer in the mean time.


To understand the ears lighting during the boot, refer to the ears lightning on boot section of the manual.

To understand the ears lighting during upgrade process, refer to the ears lightning on upgrade section of the manual.


[1]X.Y.Z is the version number of the system contained in the OpenNAO software release.