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This section shows how to make NAO go to poses Pose Init and Pose Zero outside Choregraphe.

Pose Init

Make NAO go to a good initial position.


#-*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-

''' PoseInit: Small example to make Nao go to an initial position. '''

import config
import motion

def main():
    proxy = config.loadProxy("ALMotion")

    # Define The Initial Position
    HeadYawAngle       = + 0.0
    HeadPitchAngle     = + 0.0

    ShoulderPitchAngle = +80.0
    ShoulderRollAngle  = +20.0
    ElbowYawAngle      = -80.0
    ElbowRollAngle     = -60.0
    WristYawAngle      = + 0.0
    HandAngle          = + 0.0

    HipYawPitchAngle   = + 0.0
    HipRollAngle       = + 0.0
    HipPitchAngle      = -25.0
    KneePitchAngle     = +40.0
    AnklePitchAngle    = -20.0
    AnkleRollAngle     = + 0.0

    # Get the Robot Configuration
    robotConfig = proxy.getRobotConfig()
    robotName = ""
    for i in range(len(robotConfig[0])):
        if (robotConfig[0][i] == "Model Type"):
            robotName = robotConfig[1][i]

    if (robotName == "naoH25") or\
       (robotName == "naoAcademics"):

        Head     = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]

        LeftArm  = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle, +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]
        RightArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle, -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]

        LeftLeg  = [HipYawPitchAngle, +HipRollAngle, HipPitchAngle, KneePitchAngle, AnklePitchAngle, +AnkleRollAngle]
        RightLeg = [HipYawPitchAngle, -HipRollAngle, HipPitchAngle, KneePitchAngle, AnklePitchAngle, -AnkleRollAngle]

    elif (robotName == "naoH21") or\
         (robotName == "naoRobocup"):

        Head     = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]

        LeftArm  = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle, +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle]
        RightArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle, -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle]

        LeftLeg  = [HipYawPitchAngle, +HipRollAngle, HipPitchAngle, KneePitchAngle, AnklePitchAngle, +AnkleRollAngle]
        RightLeg = [HipYawPitchAngle, -HipRollAngle, HipPitchAngle, KneePitchAngle, AnklePitchAngle, -AnkleRollAngle]

    elif (robotName == "naoT14"):

        Head     = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]

        LeftArm  = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle, +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]
        RightArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle, -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]

        LeftLeg  = []
        RightLeg = []

    elif (robotName == "naoT2"):

        Head     = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]

        LeftArm  = []
        RightArm = []

        LeftLeg  = []
        RightLeg = []

        print "ERROR : Your robot is unknown"
        print "This test is not available for your Robot"
        print "---------------------"

    # Gather the joints together
    pTargetAngles = Head + LeftArm + LeftLeg + RightLeg + RightArm

    # Convert to radians
    pTargetAngles = [ x * motion.TO_RAD for x in pTargetAngles]

    #------------------------------ send the commands -----------------------------
    # We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints
    pNames = "Body"
    # We set the fraction of max speed
    pMaxSpeedFraction = 0.2
    # Ask motion to do this with a blocking call
    proxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(pNames, pTargetAngles, pMaxSpeedFraction)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Pose Zero

Put all NAO motors to zero.


#-*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-

''' PoseZero: Set all the motors of the body to zero. '''

import config

def main():
    motionProxy = config.loadProxy("ALMotion")

    # We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints and actuators
    pNames = "Body"

    # Get the Number of Joints
    numBodies = len(motionProxy.getJointNames(pNames))

    # We prepare a collection of floats
    pTargetAngles = [0.0] * numBodies

    # We set the fraction of max speed
    pMaxSpeedFraction = 0.3

    # Ask motion to do this with a blocking call
    motionProxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(pNames, pTargetAngles, pMaxSpeedFraction)

if __name__ == "__main__":