This schedule may change throughout the semester.

Check back regularly for updates, including assignment deadlines and other important dates.

The assignments are availble on Gradescope

The postfix (F24) indicates that the material is of Fall'24.

date topic notes
01/14/2025 Introduction, Induction, and Invariants introduction-S24.pdf (F24)
01/16/2025 Introduction using Lean lean (F24)
01/21/2025 Propositional Logic lean (F24), prop.pdf (F24)
01/23/2025 Normal Forms normalforms.pdf (F24), Assignment 1 due
01/28/2025 Implementing Propositional Logic lean (F24)
01/30/2025 Basic SAT techniques basic-SAT-techniques.pdf (F24), Assignment 2 due, lean
02/04/2025 Basic SAT Solving basic-SAT-solving.pdf (F24), lean
02/06/2025 DP and DPLL DP-DPLL.pdf (F24), Assignment 3 due
02/11/2025 Exam I practice1.pdf, practice1_solutions.lean, practice1_solutions.pdf
02/13/2025 Conflict-Driven Clause Learning CDCL.pdf (F24)
02/18/2025 Deduction for Propositional Logic
02/20/2025 Lean as a Proof Assistant I lean (F24), Assignment 4 due
02/25/2025 First-order logic FOL.pdf (F24)
02/27/2025 Lean as a Proof Assistant II lean (F24), Assignment 5 due
Spring break (no classes)
03/11/2025 Implementing First-Order Logic lean (F24)
03/13/2025 Unification unification.pdf (F24), Assignment 6 due
03/18/2025 Exam II practice2.pdf, practice2_solutions.pdf
03/20/2025 Congruence Closure congruence-closure.pdf (F24)
03/25/2025 Decision Procedures and Linear Arithmetic
03/27/2025 SMT Basics smt.pdf (F24), Assignment 7 due
04/01/2025 Using SMT Solvers using-smt.pdf (F24)
04/03/2025 Spring carnival (no class)
04/08/2025 Deduction for First Order Logic
04/10/2025 Automated Theorem Proving for First-Order Logic resolution.pdf (F24), Assignment 8 due
04/15/2025 Using First-Order Theorem Provers
04/17/2025 Lean as a Proof Assistant III lean (F24), Assignment 9 due
04/22/2025 Computer-Generated Propositional Proofs prop-proofs.pdf (F24)
04/24/2025 Higher-order Logic and Beyond lean (F24), Assignment 10 due
TBD Final Exam practice3.pdf, practice3_solutions.pdf