Introduction to Machine Learning

10-315, Fall 2019

Carnegie Mellon University

Aarti Singh

Home People Lectures Recitations Homeworks Project

Note: this is a tentative lecture schedule that is subject to change.

Date Lecture Slides Useful links HWs
August 26 Monday Introduction Lecture1.pdf
August 28 Wednesday Bayes Optimal Classifier Lecture2.pdf QnA 1 Out
September 2 Monday Labor Day -- No class
September 4 Wednesday Decision Boundary, Naive Bayes, MLE Lecture3.pdf Mitchell_Ch QnA 1 due, HW1 out (Naive Bayes & LR)
September 9 Monday Naive Bayes, MAP, Continuous features Lecture4.pdf Mitchell_Ch (Secs 1-2)
September 11 Wednesday Logistic Regression Lecture5.pdf Mitchell_Ch (Secs 3-5)
September 16 Monday Neural Networks Lecture6.pdf BackPropDerivation.pdf
September 18 Wednesday Convolutional Neural Networks Lecture6contd.pdf, Lecture7.pdf HW1 due, QnA 2 out
September 23 Monday Case study: NN implementation details Lecture8.pdf
September 25 Wednesday Support Vector Machines - I Lecture9.pdf Tutorial on SVM - Secs 3,4 QnA 2 due, HW2 out (NNs and SVMs)
September 30 Monday Support Vector Machines - II Lecture10.pdf (corrected)
October 2 Wednesday Kernel Trick Lecture11.pdf
October 7 Monday Decision Trees Lecture12.pdf Mitchell: Ch 3
October 9 Wednesday Boosting Lecture13.pdf Schapire: Boosting Tutorial, Video HW2 due
October 14 Monday kNN and Model Selection Lecture14.pdf
October 16 Wednesday Midterm Exam QnA 3 out
October 21 Monday Class canceled
October 23 Wednesday Linear Regression Lecture15.pdf Bishop: Sec 3.1 QnA 3 due, HW3 out (Regression)
October 28 Monday Regularized Least Squares Regression Lecture16.pdf
October 30 Wednesday Nonlinear and Kernel Regression Lecture17.pdf Project Task 1 due
November 4 Monday Student Presentations 1
November 6 Wednesday Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Lecture18.pdf HW3 due, HW4 out (Unsupervised)
November 11 Monday Clustering Lecture19.pdf Bishop: Ch 9
November 13 Wednesday Mixture Models & EM Lecture20.pdf Bishop: Ch 9
November 18 Monday Nonparametric Density Estimation Lecture21.pdf
November 20 Wednesday Learning Theory Lecture22.pdf Mitchell: Ch 7 HW4 due, QnA 4 out
November 25 Monday Learning Theory Lecture23.pdf Mitchell: Ch 7
November 27 Wednesday Thanksgiving -- No class QnA 4 due
December 2 Monday Exam Review ReviewTopics PracticeQs
December 4 Wednesday Final Exam Project predictions due Dec 5, report due Dec 6