Alonzo Kelly's Publications
Publications are available for download in PDF format.
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and/or viewing such files. In many cases, these versions are not the
official ones and they may differ in important ways. Your best bet is
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- Kelly, A, Mobile
Robotics: Mathematics, Models, and Methods. Cambridge University Press,
2014. Publisher website for the book is
- A.
Howard, K. Iagnemma, and A. Kelly (eds.), Special Issue on the Seventh
International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, The International Journal
of Robotics Research October 2010 29: 1459-1460.
- Iagnemma, K., Kelly, A.,
Howard, A., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Symposium on Field and
Service Robotics. Springer Star Series.
- Chatila, R., Kelly, A., Merlet, J. P., (eds.) IEEE/RSJ proceedings
of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2008).
Nice (France), 22-26 Septembre 2008.
Kelly, A., Matthies, L., Wettergreen, D., (eds.) Journal of
Field Robotics Special Issue on Space Robotics, Volumes 24, Issues 3,4,5 March
Refereed Journal Articles - Published
- A. Kelly and N. Seegmiller, “Recursive Kinematic Propagation for Wheeled Mobile Robots”, vol. 34, no. 3, International Journal of Robotics Research, March 2015.
- T.M. Howard, M. Pivtoriako, R.A. Knepper, and A. Kelly,
"Model-Predictive Motion Planning: Several Key Developments for
Autonomous Mobile Robots," IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 64-73, March 2014.
- Neal Seegmiller, Forrest Rogers-Marcovitz, Gregory
Miller, and Alonzo Kelly, “Vehicle Model Identification by Integrated
Prediction Error Minimization”, International
Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 32, No. 8,
July, 2013, pp. 912-931.
- A. Kelly et al., “Real-Time Photorealistic Virtualized
Reality Interface for Remote Mobile Robot Control”, The International Journal of
Robotics Research. March 2011 vol. 30 no. 3 384-404. [pdf]
- Pitvoraiko, M., Kelly, A., Knepper, R.,
“Differentially Constrained Mobile Robot Motion Planning in State
Lattices”, Journal of Field Robotics, Volume 26, Issue 3,
(March 2009), pp 308-333. [.pdf]
- Chris Urmson, “… ‘, Alonzo Kelly,
“…‘, “Autonomous Driving in Urban
Environments: Boss and the Urban Challenge”. 40 authors,
Submitted to the Journal of Field Robotics. [.pdf]
- Howard, T., Green, C., Kelly, A.,Ferguson, D. “State Space
Sampling of Feasible Motions for High Performance Mobile Robot
Navigation in Complex Environments”, Journal of Field
Robotics. Vol 25, No 6-7 June 2008, pp. 325-345. [.pdf]
- Kelly, A.,Nagy, B. ,Stager, D., Unnikrishnan, R., “An
Infrastructure-Free Automated Guided Vehicle Based on Computer
Vision”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. September 2007. [.pdf]
- Howard, T., Kelly, A., “Optimal Rough Terrain
Trajectory Generation for Wheeled Mobile Robots”, The
International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 141-166
(Feb 2007). [.pdf]
- Kelly, A., et al., “Toward Reliable Off-Road Autonomous Vehicles Operating in Challenging Environments”, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.
25, No. 5–6, pp. 449-483, June 2006..[.pdf]
- Diaz-Calderon, A., and Kelly, A., “On-line Stability
Margin and Attitude Estimation for Dynamic Articulating Mobile
Robots”, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.
24, No. 10, 845-866 (2005).[.pdf]
- Kelly, A, "Linearized Error Propagation in Odometry",
International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 23, No 2, Feb 2004, pp
- Kelly, A., Nagy, B. "Reactive Nonholonomic Trajectory Generation
via Parametric Optimal Control", to appear International Journal of
Robotics Research", International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol
(No), 2002..[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "Mobile Robot Localization from Large Scale
Appearance Mosaics", International Journal of Robotics Research, 19
(11), 2000..[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A., "Rough Terrain Autonomous Mobility - Part
1: A Theoretical Analysis of Requirements", Autonomous Robots, 5,
129-161, 1998.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. "Rough Terrain Autonomous Mobility - Part
2: An Active Vision, Predictive Control Approach ", Autonomous Robots,
5, 163-198, 1998.[.pdf]
- A. A Goldenberg, and A. Kelly. "A Kinematics
and Dynamics Simulation of the IBM-7565 Robot Using AML." Journal of Robotic Systems 2, no. 4
(1985): 353-371.
Refereed Journal Articles - Accepted
- Thomas M. Howard, Mihail Pivtoraiko, and Alonzo
Kelly, “Model-Predictive Motion Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots”, accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2012.
Refereed Journal Articles - Submitted
Withheld to allow anonymous review.
- Kelly, A...
- Kelly, A....
Refereed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Tallavajhula, and A. Kelly, “Construction and Validation of a
High Fidelity Simulator for a Planar Range Sensor”, ICRA 2015.
- N Seegmiller and A. Kelly, “Enhanced 3D Kinematic Modeling of Wheeled Mobile Robots” RSS 2014.
- A. Kelly and N. Seegmiller,
“Modeling of Wheeled Mobile Robots as Differential-Algebraic
Systems”, submitted to IROS 2014.
- A. Kelly, “Optical Kinematics of Laser Rangefinders”, submitted to IAS 13.
- N. Seegmiller and A. Kelly, “Modular Dynamic Simulation of Wheeled Mobile Robots", FSR 2013. [pdf]
- M. George, J. P. Tardif, A. Kelly. “Visual and Inertial Odometry for a Disaster Recovery Humanoid", FSR 2013. [pdf]
- B. Eckart, A. Kelly, "REM-Seg: A Robust EM Algorithm for Parallel Segmentation and Registration of Point Clouds." IROS 2013. [pdf]
- B. Eckart, A. Kelly,
“Stacked Local Predictors for Large-Scale Point Cloud
Classification.” In SUNW: Scene Understanding Workshop, CVPR
2013. [pdf]
- F. Rogers-Markovitz, M.
George, N. Seegmiller, A. Kelly, “Aiding Off-Road Inertial
Navigation with High Performance Models of Wheel Slip”, IROS
October, 2012. [pdf]
- A. Kelly and N.Seegmiller,
“A Vector Algebra Formulation of Mobile Robot Velocity
Kinematics” Field and Service Robotics (FSR 2012), July, 2012. [pdf]
- Forrest Rogers-Marcovitz, Neal
Seegmiller, and Alonzo Kelly, “Continuous Vehicle Slip Model
Identification on Changing Terrains”, RSS 2012 Workshop on
Long‐Tterm Operation of Autonomous Robotic Systems. [pdf]
- Neal Seegmiller, Forrest
Rogers-Marcovitz, and Alonzo Kelly, “Online calibration of
vehicle powertrain and pose estimation parameters using integrated
dynamics”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, May, 2012. [pdf]
- Alonzo Kelly, Nicholas Chan,
Herman Herman, and Randy Warner, “Experimental Validation of
Operator Aids for High Speed Vehicle Teleoperation”, ISER 2012. [pdf]
- M. Laverne, M. George, D.
Lord, A. Kelly, T. Mukherjee, "Experimental Validation of Foot to Foot
Range Measurements in Pedestrian Tracking," Proceedings of the 24th
International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the
Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2011), Portland, OR, September 2011,
pp. 1386-1393. [pdf]
- Neal Seegmiller, Forrest
Rogers-Marcovitz, Gregory A. Miller, and Alonzo Kelly, “A Unified
Perturbative Dynamics Approach to Online Vehicle Model
Identification”, International Symposium on Robotics Research,
August, 2011. [pdf]
- Michael Fleder, Issa A.D.
Nesnas, Mihail Pivtoraiko, Alonzo Kelly, and Richard Volpe. Autonomous
Rover Traverse and Precise Arm Placement on Remotely Designated
Targets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, 2011. [pdf]
- Mihail Pivtoraiko and Alonzo
Kelly. Kinodynamic Motion Planning with State Lattice Motion
Primitives. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2011. [pdf]
- Mihail Pivtoraiko and Alonzo
Kelly. Graduated Fidelity Motion Planning. In Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, 2011. [download
- F. Rogers-Markovitz, A. Kelly,
“Real-Time Vehicle Dynamic Model Identification using Integrated
Pertubative Dynamics”, International Symposium on Experimental
Robotics, June 2010. [pdf]
- Philipp Krüsi, Mihail
Pivtoraiko, Alonzo Kelly, Thomas M. Howard, and Roland Siegwart.
“Path Set Relaxation for Mobile Robot Navigation”. In
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence,
Robotics and Automation in Space, 2010. [pdf]
- J. P. Tardiff, M. George, M. Laverne, A. Kelly, A. Stentz, M.
Pivtoraiko and A. Kelly, “A New Approach
to Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation”, IROS 2010. [pdf]
- J. P. Tardiff, M. George, M. Laverne, A. Kelly,
A. Stentz, “Vision Aided Inertial Navigation for Power Line Inspection”, in
proceedings of the International
Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, CARPI 2010. [pdf]
- A Kelly, E. Capstick, D. Huber, H. Herman, P. Rander and R. Warner, “Real-Time Photorealistic Virtualized Reality
Interface for Remote Mobile Robot Control”, in ISRR 2009. [.pdf]
- T. Howard, C. Green, A. Kelly, “Receding Horizon
Model-Predictive Control for Mobile Robot Navigation of Intricate
Paths”, FSR 09. [.pdf]
- D. Huber, H. Herman, A. Kelly, P. Rander, and J. Ziglar,
“Real-time Photo-realistic Visualization of 3D Environments for
Enhanced Tele-operation of Vehicles” International Conference on
3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 3DIM 09, Oct 3, 2009, Kyoto Japan. [.pdf]
- A. Kelly, D. Anderson, H. Herman, “Photogeometric Sensing
for Mobile Robot Control and Visualization Tasks”, submitted to
23rd Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence
and Simulation of Behaviour, AISB 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland. [.pdf]
- Pivtoraiko, M., Nesnas, I. and Kelly, A., “Autonomous Robot
Navigation using Advanced Motion Primitives”, IEEE Aerospace
Conference, March 2009.
- Dean Anderson, Thomas M. Howard, David Apfelbaum, Herman
Herman, and Alonzo Kelly, “Coordinated Control and Range Imaging
for Mobile Manipulation”, International Symposium on
Experimental Robotics (ISER 2008), Athens, Greece, August 2008. [.pdf]
- Pivtoraiko, Mihail and Kelly, Alonzo, “Differentially
constrained motion replanning using state lattices with graduated
fidelity”, in Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, (IROS08) pp. 2611 – 2616, September 2008. [.pdf]
- Green, C., Kelly, A., “Toward Optimal Sampling in the Space
of Paths”. 13th International Symposium of Robotics Research,
ISRR 07, November, 2007, Hiroshima, Japan. [.pdf]
- Pivtoraiko, M., Nesnas, I. and Kelly, A., “Autonomous Robot
Navigation with Advanced Motion Primitives”, IEEE
Aerospace Conference, March 2009. [.pdf]
- Dean Anderson, Thomas M. Howard, David Apfelbaum, Herman Herman,
and Alonzo Kelly, “Coordinated Control and Range Imaging for
Mobile Manipulation”, 2008 International
Symposium on Experimental Robotics., Athens, Greece, August 2008. [.pdf]
- Pivtoraiko, M., Howard, T., Nesnas, Issa A.D., Kelly, A.,
“Field Experiments in Rover Navigation via Model-Based Trajectory
Generation and Nonholonomic Motion Planning in State Lattices”,
9th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence,
Robotics and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 2008). [.pdf]
- Kelly, A. Howard, T., Green, C. “Terrain Aware Inversion of
Predictive Models for High Performance UGVs”, Proceedings of the
SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, April, 2007, pp. 6561-6566. [.pdf]
- Howard, T., Green, C., Kelly, A.,“ State Space Sampling of
Feasible Motions for High Performance Mobile Robot Navigation in Highly
Constrained Environments, in Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Field
and Service Robots - FSR 2007, Chamonix, France, July 9-12, 2007. [.pdf]
- Howard, T., Kelly, A., “Trajectory and Spline Generation
for All-Wheel Steering Mobile Robots”, International Conference
on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2006, Beijing, China. Beijing, China.[.pdf]
- [Knepper, R., Kelly, A., “High Performance
State Lattice Planning Using Heuristic
Look-Up Tables”, International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2006, Beijing, China.[.pdf]
- Howard, T.,
Kelly, A.,
“Constrained Optimization Path Following of Wheeled Robots in
Rough Terrain”, submitted to International Symposium on
Experimental Robotics (ISER 2006), Rio De
Janero, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2006.[.pdf]
- Anderson, D., Herman H., Kelly, A., “Experimental
Characterization of Commercial Flash Ladar Devices”,
International Conference on Sensing Technologies”, November
21-23, 2005 Palmerston North, New Zealand[.pdf]
- Pitvoraiko, M., Kelly, A., “Efficient Constrained Path
Planning via Search in State Lattices”, 8th International
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation I-SAIRAS,
September 5-9, 2005, Munich, Germany.[.pdf]
- Howard, T., and Kelly, A., “Terrain-Adpative Generation of
Optimal Continuous Trajectories for Mobile Robots”, 8th
International symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and
Automation I-SAIRAS, September 5-9, 2005, Munich, Germany.[.pdf]
- Pivtoraiko, M., Kelly, A., “Generating Near Minimal
Spanning Control Sets for Constrained Motion Planning in Discrete State
Spaces”, Proceedings IROS 2005, Edmonton Alberta, Canada, August
- Pivtoraiko, M., Kelly, A, “Constrained Motion Planning in
Discrete State Spaces.” Field and Service Robots, Ocober 2005,
Port Douglas, Australia.[.pdf]
- Howard, T., and Kelly, A., “Trajectory Generation on Rough
Terrain Considering Actuator Dynamics”, Field and Service Robots,
October, 2005, Port Douglas, Australia.[.pdf]
- Pivtoraiko, M., Kelly, A, and Rander R., “Efficient
Braking Model for Off-Road Mobile Robots.” Field and Service
Robots, Ocober 2005, Port Douglas, Australia.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., “Fast and Easy Systematic and Stochastic Odometry Calibration”. IROS, Sendai Japan, September 2004.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., et al., “Toward Reliable Off-Road Autonomous
Vehicle Operating in Challenging Environments”, International
Symposium on Experimental Robotics, June, 2004, Singapore.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., “Precision Dilution in Triangulation-Based
Mobile Robot Position Estimation”, Intelligent Autonomous
Systems, Amsterdam, 2003.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A. Unnikrishnan, R., “Efficient Construction of
Optimal and Consistent Ladar Maps using Pose Network Topology and
Nonlinear Programming, 11th International Symposium of Robotics
Research (ISRR'2003), Sienna, Italy, November 2003.[.pdf]
- Stentz, T., Kelly, A., Herman, H., Rander, P., Mandelbaum R.,
“Integrated Air/Ground Vehicle System for
Semi-Autonomous Off-Road Navigation”, in Proceedings of
AUVSI’s Symposium on Unmanned Systems 2002, July, 2002 . [.pdf]
- Diaz, A., Kelly, A., “Development of a Terrain Adaptive Stability Prediction System for Mass
Articulating Mobile Robots
”, Field and Service Robots 2003, Tsukuba Japan, 2003.[.pdf]
- Kelly A., “Efficient Parametric Synthesis of Optimal
Mobile Robot Trajectories”, 11th International Conference on
Advanced Robotics, July 2002, Coimbra, Portugal.[.pdf]
- Unnikrishnan, R., Kelly, A., "A Constrained Optimization
Approach to Globally Consistent Mapping", International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 02), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "General Solution for Linearized Stochastic Error
Propagation in Vehicle Odometry", Proceedings of 15th IFAC World
Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002.[.pdf]
- Unnikrishnan, R., Kelly, A., "Mosaicing Large Cyclic
Environments for Visual Navigation in Autonomous Vehicles", in
Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA02), Washington, DC., May 2002.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "General Solution for Linearized Error Propagation in
Vehicle Odometry", Proceedings of 10th International Symposium of
Robotics Research (ISRR'2001), Lorne, Victoria, Australia, November 2001[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "Model-Based Object Pose Refinement For Terrestrial
and Space Autonomy", 6th International Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (ISAIRAS 01), Montreal,
Quebec, Canada June 18,2001.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "General Solution for Linearized Systematic Error
Propagation in Vehicle Odometry", International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 01), Maui, Hawaii, Nov 2001.[.pdf]
- Nagy, B., Kelly, A., "Trajectory Generation for Car-Like Robots
Using Cubic Curvature Polynomials", Field and Service Robots 2001 (FSR
01), Helsinki, Finland - June 11, 2001.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "Pose Tracking For Mobile Robot Localization From
Large Scale Appearance Mosaics", International Symposium on Robotics
and Automation (ISRA 00), Monterrey, N.L., Mexico - November 2000.[.pdf]
- Rowe, P., Kelly, A., "Map Construction for Mosaic-Based Vehicle
Position Estimation", International Conference on Intelligent
Autonomous Systems (IAS6), Venice, Italy, July 25, 2000.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., "Contemporary Feasibility of Image Mosaic Based
Vehicle Position Est", in Proceedings of International Conference on
Robotics and Applications (IASTED99), Santa Barbara, CA - October
28-30, 1999.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. "Minimum Throughput Adaptive Perception for High Speed Mobility", IROS 1997.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. "Computational Complexity of Terrain Mapping Perception in Autonomous Mobility", ICRA 1997.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. ,J.
Riekki, J. Roning, A. Mandow, V. F. Munoz, R. Fernandez, and A.
Garcia-Cerezo. "Perception for Vehicle Control." In proceedings of the
1997 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, IROS'97, September 7-11, 1997.
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. "Analysis of Requirements for High Speed
Rough Terrain Mobility: Part 1 - Throughput and Response", ICRA 1997.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. "Analysis of Requirements for High Speed
Rough Terrain Mobility: Part 2 - Resolution and Accuracy", ICRA 1997.[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A. "An Approach to Rough Terrain Autonomous
Mobility", International Conference on Mobile Planetary Robots, Santa
Monica, January 1997.[.pdf]
- Singh, S. and Kelly, A., Robot Planning in the Space of Feasible
Actions: Two Examples, In Proc. Int'l Conference on Robotics and
Automation, April 1996, Minneapolis. [.pdf]
- I. Davis, A. Kelly, A. Stentz, L. Matthies, "Terrain Typing for
Real Robots", IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles, Detroit, 1995. [.pdf]
- L. Matthies, A. Kelly, T. Litwin, G. Tharp, "Obstacle Detection
for Unmanned Ground Vehicles: A Progress Report", 7th International
Symposium on Robotics Research, October 21-24, 1995, Munich, Germany. [.pdf]
- Motazed, B., Patukas, D., Kelly, A., Pomerleau, D., Jochem, T.,
"Demonstration of an Autonomous Convoying Concept", Proceedings of the
Fifth Annual Meeting of IVHS America, March 15-17, 1995, Washington,
- Brumitt B., Coulter R., Kelly A., Stentz A., " A System for
Autonomous Cross Country Navigation", IFAC Symposium on Intelligent
Components and Instruments for Control Applications, May 20-22, Malaga,
Spain, 1992.
- Kelly, A., Stentz, A., Hebert M., "Terrain Map Building for Fast
Navigation on Rugged Outdoor Terrain", proceedings of SPIE Mobile
Robots VII, Boston, MA, 1992.
- Stentz, A., Brumitt, B.L., Coulter, R.C., Kelly, A. J. "An
Autonomous System for Cross Country Navigation" proceedings of SPIE
Mobile Robots VII, Boston, MA, 1992.
Un-Refereed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
- George, M., Laverne, M., Kelly, A.,
“New Aiding Approaches in Personal Navigation”, JSDE/ION
Joint Navigation Conference 2011, San Diego, California. [download
- George, M., Laverne, M., Kelly, A., “Experimental
Validation of Foot to Foot Range Measurements in Pedestrian
Tracking”, 2011 Joint Navigation Conference, Colorado Springs,
Colorado. [download unavailable]
- Mihail Pivtoraiko and Alonzo Kelly. Rover Trajectory
Planning: Constrained Global Planning and Path Relaxation. In
Workshop on Motion Planning at the International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, 2010. [download unavailable]
- Mihail Pivtoraiko and A. Kelly, ‘Fast and Feasible
Deliberative Motion Planner for Dynamic Environments., ICRA 2009
Workshop on Safe Navigation in Open and Dynamic Environments:
Application to Autonomous Vehicles. [.pdf]
- Al Kelly, Tamal Mukherjee, Gary Fedder, Dan Stancil, Amit Lal,
Michael Berarducci, "Sensor Assisted Micro Inertial
Measurement for GPS Denied Personal Navigation”, 2009 Joint
Navigation Conference, Orlando Florida.
- Kelly, A., Howard, T., Terrain Aware Inversion of Predictive
Models for Planetary Rovers, In Proc. Nasa Science and Technology
Conference, College Park, Maryland, June 20, 2007. [.pdf]
- Kelly, A., ICRA 06, “Vehicle
Modelling and Precision Motion Generation in Complex Environments", workshop
on “Sensor-Based Motion for Complex
Robots in Complex Environments”, Orlando, Florida,
May 2006
- Kelly, A., "General
Solution for Linearized Stochastic Error Propagation in Vehicle Odometry",
Proceedings of 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain,
July 2002. [.pdf]
- Kelly,
A., “Stereo Vision Enhancements for Low Cost Outdoor Autonomous Mobility”, Int'l
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium - May 1998. [.pdf]
Magazine Articles
- Kelly A, “On The Upside: A Decade of Growth and
Innovation”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. Vol 16
(2), pp 116-118, June 2009.
- Chatila, R.,Kelly, A., Leonard, J., Sukkarieh, S., « Les
Drones, International: Tendences Scientifiques et Techniques, le
Magazine Des Ingénieurs de l’ Armament »,
Confédération Amicale des Ingénieurs de l’
Armament, No 83, June 2007.
Symposium Session and Journal Editorials
- Kelly, A., « Human Robot Interaction
». Session summary for International Symposium on Experimental
Robotics (ISER 2012), Quebec City, Canada, July 2012.
- Howard, A., Iagnemma, K., Kelly, A., International Journal of
Robotics Research, Editorials for 2010 Special Issue on Field Robotics,
Volume 29, Issue 12 October 2010.
- Kelly, A., Matthies, L., Wettergreen, D., Journal of Field
Robotics, Editorials for 2007 Special Issue on Space Robotics, Volumes
24, Issues 3,4,5 March 2007.
- Kelly, A., « SLAM in Collaborative Robotics ».
Session summary for International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
(ISER 2006), Rio De Janero, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2006.
- Kelly, A., Thorpe, C., Summary for Field Robots Session,
12th International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR 2005) October
12th-15th, 2005 San Francisco, CA,
CMU Tech Reports
- Kelly,
A., “A Vector Algebra Formulation of Kinematics of Wheeled Mobile
Robots”, Tech. report CMU-RI-TR-10-33, Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University, August, 2010. [pdf]
- Kelly, A., “Error Propagation in
Aided Discrete 2D Accelerometry”, Tech. report CMU-RI-TR-10-32,
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, August, 2010
- M. Pivtoraiko, R.A. Knepper, and A. Kelly,
Optimal, Smooth, Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Motion Planning in State Lattices
Tech. report CMU-RI-TR-07-15, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,
May, 2007. [.pdf]
- Chris Urmson, “… ‘,
Alonzo Kelly, “…‘, “Tartan racing: A
Multi-Modal Approach to the Darpa Urban Challenge”, Defense
Advanced Res. Projects Agency, Arlington, VA, DARPA Tech. Rep,
2007.Propagation of
Error in Vehicle Odometry[.pdf]
- Green, C., Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-06-51, “Optimal Sampling In the Space of Paths: Preliminary Results”.
- A. Stentz, A. Kelly, P. Rander, H.
Herman, O. Amidi, R. Mandelbaum, G. Salgian, and J. Pedersen.
"Real-Time, Multi-Perspective Perception for Unmanned Ground
Vehicles." NREC Whitepaper. 2005.
- M Pivtoraiko, A Kelly, CMU-RI-TR-04-68.
“A Study of Polynomial Curvature Clothoid Paths for Motion
Planning for Car-like Robots”.
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-00-21, “Mobile Robot Localization from Large Scale Appearance Mosaics”[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-00-20, “Some Useful Results for Closed Form Propagation of Error in Odometry”
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-21, Concept Design of a Laser Rangefinder For Autonomous Vehicles[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-20, “An Intelligent Predictive Controller for Autonomous Vehicles”[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-19, “A 3D State Space Formulation of a Navigation Kalman Filter for Autonomous Vehicles” [.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-18, “Adaptive Perception for Autonomous Vehicles”[.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-17, “A
Feedforward Control Approach to the Local Navigation Problem for
Autonomous Vehicles” [.pdf]
- Kelly, A.,
CMU-RI-TR-94-16, “A Partial Analysis of The High Speed Autonomous Navigation
Problem” [.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-15, “Modern Inertial and Satellite Navigation Systems” [.pdf]
- Kelly, A., CMU-RI-TR-94-14, “Essential Kinematics for Autonomous Vehicles” [.pdf]
- US
Patent , Jan 2009, “Apparatuses, Systems, and Methods,
For Vehicle Operation and Remote Sensing.” Issued.
- US Pat.Number 5,999,866 “Infrastructure Independent Position Determining System”, Issued Dec 7, 1999.
- European Patent US1997/019944 “Infrastructure Independent Position Determining System”
- US
Pat. 6,453,223 CIP “Infrastructure Independent Position
Determining System” – Continuation In Part. Issued
September 17, 2002
- US
Pat. Application 09/940,096 “High Precision Object Localization
System for Autonomous Fork Vehicles”, Filed Aug 27,2001. Issued.
- US
Pat. Application “Method and Apparatus for Receiving, Storing,
and Distributing Range Data in Earthmoving Applications”.
- US Patent Application
99240;99244 “System and Method for Object Localization”.
Last-Modified: June 2015