15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Fall 2023: Schedule


  • The exact topics of the lectures are subject to change.
  • We do not anticipate changing any of the other dates (exams, assignments, etc.)
  • To watch the lecture videos, sign in to YouTube using your andrew.cmu.edu account.
Date Topic Assignment  

Aug 26 Why parallelism? (slides; video )
Aug 28 Instruction-level Parallelism (slides, video )
Aug 30 Modern multicore processors (slides; video ) Assignment 1 out

Sep 4 Parallel programming models (slides; video )
Sep 6 CUDA Programming(slides , video (part 1), video (part 2))

Sep 9 Graphic processing units and CUDA (Continued) (slides , video (part 1), video (part 2))
Sep 11 Parallel programming basics (slides , video ) Assignment 1 due, assignment 2 out
Sep 13 Work distribution and scheduling (slides , video )