CS 15-312: Foundations of Programming Languages
(Spring 2008)

Course Information

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Lectures:  Mo,We   14:30 - 15:50 (room C008)
Recitations:  Tu 14:00 - 14:50 (room C010)

Class Webpage:   http://qatar.cmu.edu/cs/15312

Instructor: Iliano Cervesato
Office hours:  by appointment
Office:  LAS A128

Co-instructor: Thierry Sans
Office hours:  by appointment
Office:  LAS behind A128A

Course Links

Calendar of Classes

Click on a class day to go to that particular lecture or recitation.

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Coursework Calendar

Hw1 Hw2 Hw3 Hw4 Midterm Hw5 Hw6 Hw7 Hw8 Final
Posted 16 Jan 23 Jan 06 Feb 13 Feb 05 Mar 12 Mar 19 Mar 09 Apr 16 Apr 5 May (9:00)
Due 23 Jan 06 Feb 13 Feb 27 Feb 19 Mar 09 Apr 16 Apr 23 Apr
Corrected 28 Jan 11 Feb 18 Feb 03 Mar 10 Mar 24 Mar 14 Apr 21 Apr 30 Apr 07 May

About this course

 [  Description  |  Prerequisites  |  Readings  |  Software  |  Grading  |  Assessment  ]


This course has the purpose of exposing students who have mastered advanced programming techniques and concepts to some of the foundational principles that underly the very programming languages they have been using. These same principles pervade many disciplines in and beyond Computer Science and can be found any time one needs to give and work with a representation of some domain. More specifically,

  • You will see that a (good) programing language is not an ad-hoc collection of constructs, but a mathematical object whose external features (including expressiveness and usability) are the necessary manifestation of intrinsic properties. We will use judgments and derivations as a universal vehicle to talk and reason about language constructs.
  • You will learn some of these general design principles, for example the use of types as an organizing principle, safety proofs as a measure of correctness, and the orthogonality of constructs, and study how they apply to the most common programming mechanisms, such as functions, records, variants and recursion, as well as to more specialized or esoteric concepts, such as polymorphism, exceptions, inheritance and concurrency. This will provide you with the tools to knowledgeably design your own language if the occasion arises.
  • You will see that these same principles can be used to derive efficient and correct implementations techniques for a language. In particular, we will be able to establish correctness mathematically.
This course will be coordinated with the edition currently offered on the main campus, taught by Professor Robert Harper. The material presented and the homeworks will be roughly the same.


You must have completed CS 15-212 (Principles of Programming)


The course will closely follow Harper's book. Note that it is work in progress and is being continuously updated.

Further References


The course has a programming component, mainly in the form of 4 programming assignments. Students are allowed to use any programming language they want to develop their solution to these assignments. The only requirements are that the solution work as per the text of the assignment, be understandable to the instructors, and that the student be able to explain it. Said this, some programming languages will make the task simpler than others. In particular, using Standard ML (SML) and similar languages, or Twelf and similar languages, is likely to get you a working solution in a much shorter time than, say, Java or C.


A reference build of Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ), version 110.65, and Concurrent ML (CML) have been made available on the Unix clusters. To run it, you need to login into your Unix account. In Windows, you do this by firing PuTTy and specifying unix.qatar.cmu.edu as the machine name. When the PuTTy window comes up, type sml, do your work, and then hit CTRL-D when you are done.

You can edit your files directly under Unix (the easiest way is to run the X-Win32 utility from Windows and then run the Emacs editor from the PuTTy window by typing emacs - see also this tutorial). If you want to do all this from your own laptop, you first need to install X-Win32 from here. PuTTy is pre-installed in Windows.

If you want, you can install a personal copy of SML/NJ on your laptop. To do this, download this file and follow these instructions Personal copies are for your convenience: all ML programs will be evaluated on the reference environment on unix.qatar.cmu.edu. You need to make sure that your homework assignments work there before submitting them. To do so, you need to transfer your files onto unix.qatar.cmu.edu and test them there. You can do so by using the PSFTP utility which comes with PuTTy (or any of the many more user-friendly FTP front-ends).


Useful documentation can be found on the SML/NJ web site. The following files will be particularly useful:


A reference build of the Twelf specification environment has also been made available on the Unix clusters and is accessed similarly to SML/NJ. The easiest way to use it is within the Emacs editor. Alternatively, you can install a personal copy on your laptop. Downloads, documentation and examples can be found on the Twelf wiki (it supercedes the Twelf web page).

Trying out Twelf or any other language is likely to get you bonus points


Tasks and Percentages

  • 8 homework assignments: 50%
    • 4 written assignments (# 1, 3, 5, 7)
      • 1 week duration
    • 4 programming assignments (# 2, 4, 6, 8)
      • 2 weeks duration
    • Handed out on Tuesdays
    • Due on Tuesday 14 (resp. 7) days later at 7:59am Doha time (6:59am after March 11). To submit, log onto unix.qatar.cmu.edu and copy assignment n into directory /afs/qatar.cmu.edu/course/15/213/handin/<username>/hwn/
    • No joint assignments
  • Midterm exam: 20%, in class on February 21, open books
  • Final exam: 30%, 3 hours, open books

Evaluation Criteria

Your assignments and exams are evaluated on the basis of:
  • Correctness: your arguments should make sense, your proofs should be valid, and your program should work in the reference environment
  • Specification: say what you want to do before doing it. In the case of programs, use structured comments describing types, meaning of the returned value, invariants, and side-effects
  • Elegance: written material should be of the same quality as what a professional would write. No typos, no bad grammar, clarity is paramount. See these notes about ML programming style
  • Bonus points: up to 10% for particularly elegant solutions
  • Negative points: up to 100% if caught cheating
    • Don't cheat!
Because this course is coordinated with the edition offered in Pittsburgh, the grades of individual homeworks and exams, as well as the final grade, will be uniformed to the performance of that class.

Late Policy

Every student has up to 3 late days that may be used for any assignment throughout the semester, but no homework may be more than two days late (this is so that we can discuss assignments in lecture the Wednesday after they are due). No fractional late days: if you submit 1 minute late, you have used up a full late day.

Academic Integrity

You are expected to comply with the University Policy on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism.

Collaboration is regulated by the whiteboard policy: you can bounce ideas about an assignment, but when it comes to typing it down for submission, you are on your own - no notes, snapshots, etc., you can at most reconstruct the reasoning from memory.


Course Objectives

This course seeks to develop students who:

  1. demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the fundamentals of programming languages, namely
    1. are able to critically understand and analyze programming languages and their constructs
    2. are able to learn and apply programming languages quickly
    3. are able to analyze, compare, and choose the appropriate paradigm for a wide variety of computational tasks
  2. are able to approach or think about problems mathematically, are familiar with the mathematics that relate directly to the field of programming languages, and are able to master new mathematical concepts that arise in the context of their work
  3. master fundamental, advanced, and recent concepts in the field of programming languages
  4. think clearly about tangible problems and create innovative solutions relying on proven techniques such as abstraction, decomposition, iteration and recursion, inductive and deductive thinking, and know the limits of computation
  5. communicate orally and in writing in effective and appropriate ways within the discipline of programming languages, namely
    1. are able to understand and articulate technical ideas
    2. are able to follow and form cogent arguments

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  1. know the basics of the theoretical foundations of programming languages and be able to evaluate languages, easily learn additional language, and even design new languages. Namely, students will
    1. be able to extrapolate the concrete syntax of a particular language and assess constructs abstractly independently of the syntax they are written in
    2. be able to discuss the semantics of a construct and describe it semi-formally and formally
    3. appreciate the distinction between static and dynamic semantics
    4. be familiar with the standard assessment tools for programming languages, in particular type safety theorems, and be able to carry out a proof
  2. understand the main concepts in programming languages, namely:
    1. the difference between an interpreted and a compiled language
    2. the degree of abstraction at which a language sits
    3. the standard control flow mechanisms, including sequential execution, branching, loops, recursion and function invocation
    4. types as an organizing principle and an abstraction mechanism for data
    5. the most common mechanisms for code reuse including functions, modules and libraries
  3. have a clear understanding of the mechanisms underlying both imperative and non-imperative languages. Specifically, they will
    1. understand the standard and emerging constructs found in imperative programming languages such as conditionals, loops, functions, polymorphism, and exceptions
    2. understand the various principles underlying the object-oriented paradigm, including encapsulated objects, classes, and inheritance
    3. have familiarity with a functional language and functional programming concepts, in particular recursion, higher-order functions, continuations, and functional modules
    4. have had exposure to some of the paradigms for distributed and concurrent programming, with emphasis on the concepts of threads of computation, state change, synchronous and asynchronous communication
  4. understand basic logic and proof techniques necessary to create and understand a formal proof. Specifically, they will be able to
    1. apply formal methods of symbolic propositional and predicate logic
    2. describe the basic structure of and give examples of the following proof techniques: direct proof, proof by contrapositive, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction
    3. discuss which type of proof is best for a given problem
    4. relate the ideas of mathematical induction to recursion and recursively defined structures
    5. identify the differences between mathematical induction and structural induction and give examples of the appropriate use of each
    6. identify and correct flawed logic used in language design
  5. be able to communicate clearly and effectively ideas, concepts and intentions within the field of programming languages, namely
    1. be able to describe technical constructs (concepts) clearly, so as to be readily understood by their peers
    2. be able to give an individual presentation on a technical subject to audience of peers within the discipline of programming languages
    3. form a cogent, logical argument asserting and reiterating all technical concepts that lie within the bounds of the taught curriculum or their research within that curriculum.

Schedule of Classes

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Mon 14 Jan.
Lecture 1
Welcome and Course Introduction
We outline the course, its goals, and talk about various administrative issues.
Tue 15 Jan.
Recitation 1
Judgments, Rules, Derivations
Wed 17 Jan.
Lecture 2
Inductive Definitions, Hypothetical Judgments
We present a general method to prove properties of derivable judgments. We also look at derivations lacking a justification for some of judgments and reify it as the new form of hypothetical judgments. We examine some elementary properties of these judgments. Finally, we define transition systems as a special form of judgment.

Mon 21 Jan.
Lecture 3
Concrete and Abstract Syntax
We give a judgmental representation of strings, that allow expressing the concrete syntax of a language and show that the productions in a context-free grammar are nothing but rules in disguise. Derivations are then a representation of the intrinsic structure of a sentence and, once streamlined, yield abstract syntax trees, an efficient notation for syntactic expressions.
Tue 22 Jan.
Recitation 2
Substitution, General Judgments
  • Key Concepts: α-conversion, Substitution, Structural properties
  • Readings:
  • Handout: Substitutions
Wed 23 Jan.
Lecture 4
Binding and Scope
Binding constructs are pervasive in programming (and other) languages. Because of this, it is convenient to define an infrastructure that allows to efficiently work with them. Abstract binding trees do precisely that at the level of syntax, and are just abstract syntax trees when no binders are present. General judgments are a similar abstraction at the judgment level. We identify α-conversion and substitution as fundamental operations associated with binders. Deductive systems that embed both hypothetical and general judgments form an eminently flexible representation tool for a large class of languages.
  • Key Concepts: Names and Binders, Primitive Operations on Names, General Judgments, Generalized Rules, Generalized Inductive Definitions
  • Readings:
  • Handout: Binding and Scope

Mon 28 Jan.
Lecture 5
Static and Dynamic Semantics
We define a simple spreadsheet-like language but, unlike spreadsheets, introduce types to classify atomic objects. Typing rules are introduced next to classify expressions: they define its static semantics. Execution rules describe how to evaluate expressions and constitute its dynamic semantics. We show several approaches to defining the dynamic semantics of a language, and compare them.
  • Key Concepts: Types, Static Semantics, Dynamic Semantics, Type-Free Execution, Transition vs. Evaluation Semantics
  • Readings:
Tue 29 Jan.
Recitation 3
Elements of LaTeX
Wed 30 Jan.
Lecture 6
Type Safety
How do we know that that rules we have defined make sense? We prove it mathematically. The key results are type preservation (types provide a track from which execution can never gets off) and progress (execution always knows what to do next). We trace back the very possibility of proving these theorems to the interaction between two types of rules, introduction and elimination forms, from which we extract a general design principle. We conduct these proofs in the transition semantics and discuss issues with the evaluation semantics. We conclude by examining dynamic errors.
  • Key Concepts: Preservation and Progress Theorems, Introduction and Elimination Forms, Errors
  • Readings:

Mon 4 Feb.
Lecture 7
Functional Core Language
We define a new language with just (non-recursive) functions and observe how the static and dynamic semantics play out. This involves the introduction of closures to handle scoping issues in an environment-based evaluation semantics.
Tue 5 Feb.
Recitation 4
Wed 6 Feb.
Lecture 8
Recursion, Iteration, Fixed Points
Obtaining an interesting language with functions and numbers requires including some form of recursion. We show two approaches: the first, primitive recursion, includes a recursor that allows to define all and only the functions that can be obtained through a predetermined number of iterations (for-loops) which yields necessarily total functions; the second, general recursion, supports dynamically bounded iterations (while-loops) and allows possibly partial functions.
  • Key Concepts: Primitive Recursion, Gödel's System T, General Recursion, Plotkin's PCF
  • Readings:
  • Handout Recursive Functions

Mon 11 Feb.
Lecture 9
Products and sums
We now examine language that support fixed-length tupling constructs. We begin with 2-tuple (pairs) and 0-tuple (unit), extend it to generic tuples, and then define records as labeled tuples and objects as self-referential records. We then consider safe languages constructs that allow the same data structure to represent objects of possibly different types (variants). The underlying mathematical concept is that of sum. As for products, we consider, binary, nullary, n-ary and labeled sums. As concrete examples, we define the type of Booleans and options.
  • Key Concepts: Pairs, Unit Type, Tuples, Records, Objects; Binary Sums, Void Type, Labeled Sums
  • Readings:
  • Handout: Sum Types
Tue 12 Feb.
Recitation 5
Workshop Test Anxiety, by Jumana Abdi
Wed 13 Feb.
Lecture 10
Recursive Types, Fixed Points
Natural numbers, lists, string have something in common: they all specify infinite objects, and each is built in the same regular way. This suggests that there is a common underlying principle that they share. This is the recursive type construction, which allows to define a type based on itself. Once this principle is exposed, we have a mechanism to define our favorite recursive types: not just the above, but also trees, objects, recursive functions, etc. In this lecture, we examine how recursive types work and how the machinery they rely upon is hidden in practical programming languages.
  • Key Concepts: Recursive Types, Type Equations, Iso-Recursive Semantics, Objects (revisited), Recursive functions (revisited).
  • Readings:
  • Handout: Recursive Types

Mon 18 Feb.
Lecture 11
Dynamic Typing
All the languages we have seen so far are typed, and there are good reasons for this. We look at two untyped languages and show how things can get nasty quickly without types. The first one is actually not too bad: the simply typed λ-calculus has just functions, is Turing-complete, but is not fun to program in. The second is an untyped version of Plotkin's PCF: we now need to check at run time that operations make sense. This essentially builds typechecking into the execution semantics, with loss in performance because we need to check that expressions are valid all the time - in particular each time we recurse.
Tue 19 Feb.
Recitation 6
In this lecture, we examine how ML datatypes work. We take lists as an example and show what hides behind ML's user-friendly syntax.
  • Key Concepts: ML datatypes.
  • Readings:
Wed 20 Feb.
Lecture 12
Type-Directed Optimization
We show how the untyped PCF can be compiled into the typed PCF extended with errors and a type representing untyped expressions. This exercise exposes the actual tagging and checking that goes on in an untyped implementation and makes sources of inefficency evident. This embedding in a typed framework also provides an opportunity to use the type system to carry out simple but effective optimizations aimed at mitigating the overhead of tag creation and checking. In many cases, this can push out tagging and checking at the functions or module boundaries. We then show that the type of untyped expressions can be simulated directly within PCF.
  • Key Concepts:
  • Hybrid Typing, Type-Directed Optimization
  • Readings:

Mon 25 Feb.
Lecture 13
Polymorphism and Generics
We now look at polymorphism, which allows writing universal functions that work on arguments of any type. We see that polymorphism, although it has a straightforward definition in terms of universal types, yields surprising expressive power. Finally, we examine restricted forms of polymorphism that simplifies typechecking.
  • Key Concepts: Polymorphism, Universal Types, Polymorphic Definability, Impredicativity, Prenex Fragment
  • Readings:
Tue 26 Feb.
Recitation 7
Polymorphism and Generics
We now look at polymorphism, which allows writing universal functions that work on arguments of any type. We see that polymorphism, although it has a straightforward definition in terms of universal types, yields surprising expressive power. Finally, we examine restricted forms of polymorphism that simplifies typechecking.
  • Key Concepts: Polymorphism, Universal Types, Polymorphic Definability, Impredicativity, Prenex Fragment
  • Readings:
Wed 27 Feb.
Lecture 14
Data Abstraction
Powerful module languages can hide the implementation of a function, yet providing it through a publicized interface. We trace this mechanism down to existential types, which are in a sense dual to the universal types that underly polymorphism.
  • Key Concepts: Modularity, Data Abstraction, Existential Types.
  • Readings:

Mon 3 Mar.
Lecture 15
Stack Machines
We revisit the semantics of a language and bring it closer to actual implementations. In particular, we model the pending operations in a program by pushing them onto a stack and retrieving them when their operands have been reduced to values. This stack semantics is particularly useful when we extend our language with constructs that alter the normal control flow of a language.
  • Key Concepts: Stack Machines, Soundness and Completeness,
  • Readings:
Tue 4 Mar.
Recitation 8
Midterm review
Wed 5 Mar.

Mon 10 Mar.
Lecture 16
Exceptions: Control and Data
A prime example of using a stack machine is the intoduction of exceptions, which, when raised, have the effect of unwinding the stack until the next handler is reached. The same mechanism provides a simple way to handle run-time errors.
  • Key Concepts: Exceptions, Handler Stacks, Failure
  • Readings:
Tue 11 Mar.
Recitation 9
Discussion of the Midterm
Wed 12 Mar.
Lecture 17
Having made the control stack explicit in the description of the semantics of a language, it is a small step to reify it into a construct of this language. This is this very primitive that languages supporting continuations provide. We describe the formal basis of continuations and show how they are used both to carry out a computation and to recover from failure.
  • Key Concepts: Success Continuations, Failure Continuations.
  • Readings:

Mon 17 Mar.
Lecture 18
Curry-Howard Isomorphism
One of the most surprising and far reaching observations in the theory of programming languages is that nearly all forms of types work in the same way as logical operators. This is known as the Curry-Howard isomorphism. With types interpreted as formulas, expressions get interpreted as proofs. This opens the doors to endless possibilities: proofs (at least in some logics) have computational content and can be executed; programs can be generated automatically as proofs of formulas corresponding to appropriately constrained types; our knowledge of logic can inform our understanding of programming languages, and vice versa; new logics are worth exploring in the same way as new programming constructs are.
  • Key Concepts: Implicational Logic, Formulas as Types, Proofs as Programs, Constructive Logic
  • Readings:
Tue 18 Mar.
Recitation 10
Propositions and Types
We examine the relationship between a language featuring solely functions (and some base type) and implicational logic. We then extend this parallel to encompass products (seen as conjunction) and sum types (mapped to conjunctions).
  • Key Concepts: Implicational logic, Products and Conjunction, Sums and Disjunction
  • Readings:
Wed 19 Mar.
Lecture 19
Subtyping and Subsumption
It is intuitively appealing to see some types as special cases of other types, for example an integer as a real number or a 3-D point as a 2-D point with extra information. This is called subtyping: the ability of providing a value of the subtype whenever a value of the supertype is expected, and the formal mechanism that governs it is the rule of subsumption. As a side-effect, expressions do not have any more a unique type.
  • Key Concepts: Subtypes, Supertypes, Subsumption
  • Readings:

Mon 24 Mar.
No class (Spring Break)
Tue 25 Mar.
Wed 26 Mar.

Mon 31 Mar.
Lecture 20
Subtyping and Variance
A subtyping relation at the level of the arguments of a type constructor propagates to a subtyping relation at the level of the type constructor itself. The way the resulting relation goes depends on the specific constructor and on the specific argument. This is called variance: covariance if the subtyping relation at the constructor level goes in the same direction as the argument, contravariance if it flow in the opposite direction.
  • Key Concepts: Covariant arguments, Contravariant arguments
  • Readings:
Tue 1 Apr.
Recitation 11
Varieties of Subtyping
Subtyping on base types, such as between integers and reals, is generally achieved by means of coercions that mediate between the different internal representations. A natural subtyping relation arises within product and sum types by omitting (or adding) components. More tricky is the subtyping relation endowed on recursive types.
  • Key Concepts: Base Types and coercion, Width Subtyping for Records and Sums, Subtyping Recursive types
  • Readings:
Wed 2 Apr.
Lecture 21
Storage Effects
So far, repeated evaluations of the same expression always produce the same value: expressions are self-contained and the result depends only on the text of the expression. A common departure from this model is found in languages featuring a memory and operations to access and manipulate it. The basic building block is the reference cell, which significantly alters the model examined so far, to the point of allowing simulating recursion.
  • Key Concepts: Memory, References, Imperative Programming, Backpatching
  • Readings:

Mon 7 Apr.
Lecture 22
Monadic Storage Effects
The standard treatment of storage effects, discussed in the last lecture, is driven by the evaluation semantics, in the sense that it is impossible to know whether an expression will be effectful by looking at its type alone. Another approach is to mark the possibility of an effect in the type of expressions. This is achieved using a typing device called a monad.
  • Key Concepts: Monad, Computations, Explicit Effect
  • Readings:
Tue 8 Apr.
Recitation 12
Eagerness and Laziness
Up to this point, the distinction between an eager and a lazy construct has been a matter of how the evaluation rules were chosen to be define. Another approach is to lift this distinction to the level of types, so that the programmer can choose the interpretation based on the type of the particular construct he/she decides to use. Yet another approach is to design a type for lazy objects, which can be used within any constructor. This latter approach is called a suspension.
  • Key Concepts: Lazy Types, Lazy Computation, Suspensions
  • Readings:
Wed 9 Apr.
Lecture 23
An eager semantics evaluates an argument exactly one (even if it is never used). A lazy semantics partially evaluates it each time it is encountered. In each case, there is the risk of doing more work than strictly necessary. Call-by-need optimizes this process by evaluating an argument the first time it is encountered but remembering the obtained value for future uses.
  • Key Concepts: Call-by-Need, Memoization, On-Demand Computation
  • Readings:

Mon 14 Apr.
Lecture 24
Speculative Parallelism
The mechanism supporting extreme laziness in a call-by-need semantics is readily adapted to enable extreme eagerness in a setting supporting parallel executions: rather than waiting until the value of an argument is needed, the idea is to evaluate it speculatively, in parallel with other such evaluations, so that it is there the first time it is needed.
  • Key Concepts: Parallelism, Speculative Execution, Futures
  • Readings:
Tue 15 Apr.
Recitation 13
Work-Efficient Parallelism
Effect-free programming languages provide plenty of opportunities for the parallel evaluation of subcomputations. Specifically, unless an evaluation depends on the result of another, they can be executed in parallel. Dependencies and theorical execution time can be measured by equipping the evaluation semantics with an abstract notion of cost, which is then used to calculate useful figures such as the number of steps in a purely sequential setup (work) and the time in a maximally parallel environment (depth).
  • Key Concepts: Parallel vs. Sequential Evaluation, Control Dependency, Cost Semantics, Work and Depth
  • Readings:
Wed 16 Apr.
Lecture 25
Resource-Bound Parallelism
In practice, the number of parallel evaluations is limited by the number of available processing units. The expected execution time depends on the underlying architecture, but can be estimated accurately using Brent's Theorem in common instances.
  • Key Concepts: Processing Resources, Symmetric Multiprocessor, Fetch-and-add Instruction, Brent's Theorem, Data Parallelism
  • Readings:

Mon 21 Apr.
Lecture 26
Expressions so far have been self-contained: they were evaluated from an initial state to a final value without interaction with the external world. The possibility of interaction gives rise to the notion of a process, with synchronization actions causing run-time events. A natural next step consists in considering the interactions among several processes (one of them possibly modeling the external world), hence capturing distributed system.
  • Key Concepts: ACtions and Events, Structural Congruences, Concurrent Interaction, Replication
  • Readings:
Tue 22 Apr.
Recitation 14
Process Calculi
Allowing actions to send or receive data promotes synchronization to a communication mechanism. This becomes particularly powerful when communication channels are themselves seen as data and a mechanism is provided to create them on the fly: this gives rise to the notion of private channel. The semantics of communicating processes is open-ended in the sense that several alternative models coexists. Among them is the decision on whether a sending process should wait till its message has been received, or proceed with its computation.
  • Key Concepts: Private Channels, Scope Extrusion, Synchronous Communication, Asynchronous Communication
  • Readings:
Wed 23 Apr.
Final review

Mon 05 May

Iliano Cervesato