253 Frames - Original script

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41 253_041T.jpg (5450 bytes) STEVE: The end.

--: Now that’s what I call a story!

--: Wonderful!

--: (under) That’s what I mean. It had a definite end to it, as well as a beginning…

--: And he actually found Truth! That’s what I like about it—none of this modern stuff where they hint and they hint but nobody actually gets anywhere…

42 253_042T.jpg (9069 bytes) --: Very good. Very colorful.

--: Nice detail!

KEN: Steve, your story pales in comparison with classical mythology! (a general cry of assent)

--: Steve—your story wasn’t mythical?

--: Oh, no; that was true.

KEN: You guys must have heard the story of the Twelve Labors of Hercules. I happen to know that the traditional tale isn’t quite accurate. Presbyter John told me the real story on our way to India…

--: (as the sound fades) Presbyter John?

43 253_043T.jpg (1698 bytes) Note—The narrator here takes the tone of a "Wildlife Kingdom"-type documentary—short phrases delivered slowly, as if to build tension waiting for a predicate.
44 253_044T.jpg (5554 bytes)
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46 253_046T.jpg (8169 bytes) MUSIC: Bashes of bass drums sound before each NARRATOR line

NARRATOR (Dirk): Hercules.

Blessed among mortals.

Worthy to be called…a god.


47 253_047T.jpg (6961 bytes) NARRATOR: But not yet worthy of godhood. For that, almighty Hercules must prove his mettle before AL-mighty Zeus.
48 253_048T.jpg (12122 bytes) NARRATOR: Many a Tragic Festival has passed.
For many journeys of the sun chariot Hercules has sallied forth across the Peloponnesian plain, searching for a task befitting his Herculean strength.

SFX: Gravel crunching

SFX: Crunch of a bitten potato as HERCULES eats a snack

49 253_049T.jpg (6890 bytes) SFX: Gradually, HERCULES is heard singing "Waltzing Denyra" as he walks…
50 253_050T.jpg (10781 bytes) ZEUS (Dirk): (filtered and booming) My son!

HERCULES: Father Zeus! At last!

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