253 Frames - Original script

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61 253_061T.jpg (7338 bytes) SFX: A beat, then an abrupt slumping sound (made by running over a potato)
62 253_062T.jpg (11390 bytes) HERCULES: (mumbling to himself) Well, I can kiss my apotheosis goodbye now. I'll never get one of those hot God-shelias.
63 253_063T.jpg (8365 bytes) ZEUS: Chin up, my boy. Hope springs eternal. I have a third task for you.


64 253_064T.jpg (9711 bytes) ZEUS: (rumbling effect begins) Thou shalt take this holy cereal coupon and… (as he speaks, the rumbling turns to corny music and his voice slips into that of a commercial voiceover) redeem it for one twenty-ounce box of Ambrosia, cereal of the gods! Have you ever wondered what you can put on your Olympian breakfast table that’s really befitting a ruler of the universe? Something that’s satisfying, yet fortified with eight of the vitamins and minerals that a growing deity needs? Only one cereal packs the power of the Titans into eight fun shapes that stay crunchy in asses’ milk.
65 253_065T.jpg (9741 bytes) GAEA’S VOICE (Thom): Hi, this is Gaea, Earth Mother. I’m concerned about what my kids eat. So I feed them Ambrosia, cereal of the gods. And if my husband swallows the kids, at least I know he’s getting a healthy part of a balanced breakfast.

ZEUS: (still as announcer) That’s Ambrosia—cereal of the gods! In Nectar and now in new Golden Apple flavor!

66 253_066T.jpg (11781 bytes) HERCULES: Cereal my arse!

ZEUS: (normal voice) Go to the Village…Pantry

SFX: Whisking away effect again

67 253_067T.jpg (4714 bytes) Note—The next several frames have no dialogue. The crunching gravel sound effect is used throughout to tie them together. The sequence is lengthy, with slow fades from frame to frame.

SFX: HERCULES’s crunching walking effect starts again

68 253_068T.jpg (8477 bytes) ZEUS: (his voice is heard faintly, as if it’s travelling on the wind) Pantry, my son.

SFX: The footsteps pause briefly, then resume

69 253_069T.jpg (5822 bytes)
70 253_070T.jpg (9064 bytes) SFX: Footsteps stop; door opens. Squeaky cart wheels are heard passing by, and the heavy breathing of the delivery man (who grunts "thanks")
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