253 Frames - Original script

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111 253_111T.jpg (5712 bytes) HAMLET (Shawn): I will not eat them, Sam-I-Am—
112 253_112T.jpg (6809 bytes) HAMLET (Shawn): —not even with—
113 253_113T.jpg (5617 bytes) HAMLET (Shawn): —a Danish.
114 253_114T.jpg (1695 bytes)
115 253_115T.jpg (5116 bytes) SFX: WOODS background

(a few moments of silence)

--: Oh, I get it!

--: Yeah, I understand. That’s…really good…

--: It’s such a powerful metaphor, for, uh, life and the world and things—

--: Good breakfast imagery.

116 253_116T.jpg (8539 bytes) DIRK: Wait, I got another one. No, really, I think I understand now. The last one made everything clearer.

--: Really?

117 253_117T.jpg (6860 bytes) DIRK: (rushing a little; the WANDERERS can still be heard underneath him) Listen. This tale is about a suave, man-about-town known to everyone as…Soul Brother. Soul Bro for short. He’s walking down the street one day, and he goes into this bookstore--
118 253_118T.jpg (8693 bytes) DIRK: --you know, hoping to bag a broad. So he looks around for a while
119 253_119T.jpg (7663 bytes) DIRK: --until he spots a beautiful young maiden lingering around the sympathy card rack. With just one look, they were both immediately struck with love… (the OTHERS begin to protest)
120 253_120T.jpg (9726 bytes) DIRK: And so he spoke to her—

--: Hold it. Stop it right there.

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