253 Frames - Original script

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91 253_091T.jpg (8432 bytes) DIRK: …and accosted the maiden.
92 253_092T.jpg (8153 bytes) DIRK: Each of them knew that this was exactly the kind of person that they’d been saving themselves all those lonely Saturday nights for, and they soon fell in love.
93 253_093T.jpg (7545 bytes) DIRK: So after pledging their love again and again in voices that grew faint with fatigue, they agreed to meet and marry that very night, expressing a desire to share life’s adventures with one another to the very end.

MUSIC: Peaks

94 253_094T.jpg (8202 bytes) DIRK: But suddenly he was struck down by a recklessly driven red Ford Tempo. The end.
95 253_095T.jpg (4018 bytes) --: What?

--: That’s the end?

--: I don’t like your stories very much—

--: All right, that’s it. Dirk’s not telling any more stories.

DIRK: What? Give me a break!

96 253_096T.jpg (9183 bytes) SHAWN: All right, all right. Let me tell a story.

--: Is it based on mythology?

--: Tell us something a little more modern.

SHAWN: It’s a little hard to explain. It’s a classic story—two classic stories, actually. I’ve chosen to juxtapose them to place their varied metaphors in opposition and emphasize the similar underlying themes in each. (after a stunned silence) You’ll recognize the elements, I expect. One is a quite famous Shakespeare piece—

--: Oh, I love Shakespeare.

--: What did I tell you—death, decay, destruction…

97 253_097T.jpg (1688 bytes) Note—The following eleven frames are each onscreen the same length of time, with extremely slow fades between them, except where noted.
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99 253_099T.jpg (1714 bytes)  


100 253_100T.jpg (7238 bytes) VOICE #1: How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Not so, my lord, I am too much in the sun. Let me not think on’t—Fraility, thy name is woman! Within a month she married. O, most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestous sheets!


VOICE #2: I am Sam.
I am Sam.
That Sam-I-Am.
That Sam-I-Am.
I do not like that Sam-I-Am.
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