101 |
VOICE #1: (and so
forth, reciting an abbreviated Hamlet at speed; this will be transcribed and
added later!) |
VOICE #2: (ditto,
but with Green Eggs And Ham instead of the Shakespeare.) |
102 |
VOICE #1: |
VOICE #2: |
103 |
VOICE #1: |
VOICE #2: |
104 |
#1: (shouting, out of rhythm) To be or not to be
that is the question
tis NObler in mind to SUFfer
the slings and arrows of outRAgeous
fortune or to take up arms against a SEA of troubles
and by opposing end them? |
105 |
All music stops abruptly; a clock ticks loudly and wolves howl in the distance |
106 |
VOICE #1: I did love
you once. I loved you not at all. Get thee to a nunnery. We are arrant knaves all: believe
none of us. O, what a noble mind is here oer-thrown! He shall with speed to England. |
VOICE #2: |
107 |
VOICE #1: |
VOICE #2: |
108 |
VOICE #1: |
VOICE #2: |
109 |
VOICE #1: |
VOICE #2: |
110 |
VOICE #1: |
VOICE #2: |