253 Frames - Original script

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81 253_081T.jpg (3857 bytes) SFX: The explosion rumbles on; far, far in the background ZEUS can just be heard laughing and celebrating: "Hercules is smoke!"
82 253_082T.jpg (5109 bytes)
83 253_083T.jpg (5076 bytes)
84 253_084T.jpg (6159 bytes)
85 253_085T.jpg (1719 bytes) SFX: Silence, then the return of the WOODS background
86 253_086T.jpg (8241 bytes) KEN: And so, Hercules met his untimely end. The end. (conversation starts up again, all approving)

--: And what about Presbyter John?

--: Wow. Wow. What a finish. There’s such a lesson to be learned…

--: The Romans really knew how to tell stories, you know? Such majesty, epic proportions—

--: The Greeks.

--: Whatever. The point is that it was a good story.

87 253_087T.jpg (6187 bytes) DIRK: Okay, I’m starting to see it. I think I see it now. Can I tell another one? Please? Can I?

--: (as the WANDERERS make mostly ambivalent noises of assent) Sure. Go ahead.

DIRK: (starts telling his story eagerly; there is no title slide) Okay…

88 253_088T.jpg (9026 bytes) MUSIC: Guitar love theme, not even fully overcoming the WOODS sounds

DIRK: In an urban metropolis there live a suave man-about-town that everyone knew as Disco King. He walked around a lot, and one day he walked into this bookstore, you know, hoping to bag a broad...

89 253_089T.jpg (7219 bytes) DIRK: …and working in this bookstore was a beautiful young maiden. Immediately Disco King was struck with love. (the WANDERERS are still audible behind this; they sound appreciative so far)
90 253_090T.jpg (8358 bytes) DIRK: So the King prepared himself in a time-honored fashion…
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