253 Frames - Original script

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221 253_221T.jpg (6469 bytes) UROLOGISTS: (sung) Urology, urology
Darling it's better down where it's wetter--
Take it from me...
Proctology is tough to beat
But for your sake we will repeat
We are the doctors who'll be your proctors
Just wait and see...
222 253_222T.jpg (4670 bytes) HIGH BACKUP VOICES: Urology!

UROLOGISTS: Urology...


UROLOGISTS: Now that you've met us
You won't forget us
We'll drop the fee!

HIGH BACKUP VOICES: We'll drop the fee-ee-ee...

UROLOGISTS: Join up with us and learn the trade
We all are men, don't be afraid--
Take this small cup
Go fill it up

SFX: Toilet flushing

223 253_223T.jpg (6635 bytes) BOY: (laughing) Okay, okay! I’ll do it!

HEAD UR.: Of course you will, my boy. Ja vol—when you gotta go, you gotta go!

BOY: Go? But where are we going?

HEAD UR.: We are taking a journey through the art of urination.

BOY: Urination?

UR. #4: We’re definitely not a nation…

UR. #3: Oui oui! Pas une nation!

UR. #2: I thought we were loaving band ulrorogists.

UR. #1: We're a team, not a nation.

HEAD UR: Enough of this idiotic vordplay! Now we shall sing you the training song. The training song!

BOY (more as THOM than as BOY): And are you going to lose the accents again for this song?

UROLOGISTS: (all in accent) Maybe! (UR. #3 says: "Peut-etre!")

224 253_224T.jpg (6913 bytes) MUSIC: Hooray for Hollywood

HEAD UR.: (spoken) It’s called urology! And for your first lesson we take this cotton swab. If it turns blue you know your mother is sick. And if it turns pink you know your father is sick... But this is the end of the song.

225 253_225T.jpg (8859 bytes) MUSIC: There's No Business Like Show Business

UR. #4: (sung) There's no business
Like our business...

(spoken) And as my beautiful assistant holds the wire I can tell there's something wrong with your pancreas. I can tell by the way it roombles. That's right, I'm from Liverpool, which is ironic because there's a pool of something in your liver.

(sung) There's no business
Like our business
'Cause your business is ours...

(spoken) And you don't want to stick your nose in our business, or your business for that matter, 'cause we don't like anybody's nose in our business, and your business is our business, and that's the way it's gonna be, okay.

226 253_226T.jpg (4483 bytes) MUSIC: Building suspense music

UR. #2: (spoken) Resson numbah three. Most important thing about ulorogy found in ancient Japanese proverb which say, "Frog of young man sometimes become jumpy and start to hop when most inconvenient." This is where we get the phrase: (yells in incoherent Japanese)

Very witty. Now get this thing out of my nose.

227 253_227T.jpg (7284 bytes) MUSIC: Suspense theme

UR. #3: (spoken) Quatrieme lesson. Repetez-moi: Pierre etais tuer dans le piscine. Chouette! Chic! Allons-y!

228 253_228T.jpg (7070 bytes) MUSIC: Chase music

UR. #1: (spoken) Now, here they haven't given me too much time to tell you about this here new thing that we got. It's a newfangled technology that we haven't really understood yet...

As he continues, the voices of the other UROLOGISTS are also heard, training the BOY at a furious and cacophonous pace...

229 253_229T.jpg (8105 bytes) HEAD UR.: Hip hip--


HEAD UR.: You have completed your training. Now you are certified to join our order. Here’s to a golden future, my boy!

UR. #4: Bottoms up!

UR. #3: Oui oui!

UR. #2: Toast on happy day like really bad pee: make you feel warm all over.

230 253_230T.jpg (5805 bytes) SFX: Glugging, etc.
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