253 Frames - Original script

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181 253_181T.jpg (9793 bytes) NARRATOR: This gaunt young fellow is our hero—an unlikely hero, and poorly dressed at that—but well suited for our purposes!
182 253_182T.jpg (9277 bytes) NARRATOR: Orphaned at four, raised by rats, illiterate, putrid-smelling, despicable in every way—but endowed with an angelic singing voice—he wandered the gutters in search of a brighter future, and friends to share it with.

SFX: At "singing voice", we briefly hear the BOY’s not-very-angelic squawking

183 253_183T.jpg (9072 bytes) NARRATOR: For he had no friends. If truth be told, the boy wasn’t a friendly fellow.
184 253_184T.jpg (6799 bytes) BOY (Thom): Truth? Truth sucks!
185 253_185T.jpg (6929 bytes) MAN: No—she is young and beautiful!
186 253_186T.jpg (6681 bytes)
187 253_187T.jpg (9960 bytes) MUSIC: You’re a Loser

BOY: (sings) I don’t got a thing,
Nothing at all
This world’s so big—
I feel so small.
Look at that house
Thirteen stories tall,
People with lives—
I hate them all!

188 253_188T.jpg (6459 bytes) BOY: (sings) I’m no good, I’m no good
I’m no good—I’m no good.

BACKUP SINGERS: (over this) He’s no good, he’s no good, he’s no good—baby sing it again!

BOY: I’m no good, I’m no good, I’m no good—I’m no good.

VOICE: (screaming) You’re no stinking good!

189 253_189T.jpg (11032 bytes) BOY: (sings) With that yellow car,
I could get around
Show it off
All over town.
With money and friends I'd never be down,
Have a proper name,
Not just a common noun--
190 253_190T.jpg (4846 bytes) BOY: (sings) I’m no good, I’m no good
I’m no good—I’m no good.

BACKUP SINGERS: Why don't we sing it again?

BOY: I’m no good, I’m no good, I’m no good—I’m no good.

VOICE: (screaming) You’re no stinking good!

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