15-745 Syllabus


Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition).
Pearson Addison Wesley, 2006. ISBN: 978-0321486814.
(Note: It is important to use the 2nd Edition, rather than an earlier edition.)

This is a graduate-level course. If you need to brush up on the material covered in undergraduate-level compiler courses, please review the earlier chapters of this book and take a peek at the CMU undergrad compilers course: 15-411.


Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:

The project in 15-745 is an open-ended research project, done in groups of two (or three, with special permission). The project requires a proposal report, a milestone report, a final report, and a poster presentation.


Also available as an ical file that you can subscribe to.

Note: Class will meet on average two times per week, but we will frontload the lectures at the begining of the semester. This schedule is subject to change, so please hold all three days (Mon, Wed, Fri) open each week.

Date Topic Assignments Reading
Wed 01/17 Overview of Optimizations; Course Overview
ALSU 9.1
Fri 01/19 The LLVM Compiler: Getting Started
Assignment 1 out llvm.org/docs
Mon 01/22 Local Optimizations; Intro to SSA
ALSU 8.4-8.5, 6.2.4
Wed 01/24 The LLVM Compiler: Further Details
Fri 01/26 Data Flow Analysis: Examples
ALSU 9.2
Mon 01/29 Data Flow Analysis: Theory
ALSU 9.3
Wed 01/31 Common Subexpressions; Constant Folding
Assignment 2 out ALSU 9.2.6, 9.4
Fri 02/02 Induction Variable Optimizations
ALSU 9.1.8, 9.6, 9.8.1
Mon 02/05 Loop Invariant Code Motion
Assignment 1 due ALSU 9.5-9.5.2
Wed 02/07 Lazy Code Motion
ALSU 9.5.3-9.5.5
Fri 02/09 Static Single Assignment (SSA)
ALSU 6.2.4
Mon 02/12 Register Allocation
Assignment 2 Homework problems due ALSU 8.8
Wed 02/14 Register Allocation: Coalescing
Fri 02/16 Discussion of Assignment 1 and 2 homework problems
Mon 02/19 No class
Wed 02/21 Pointer Analysis
Rest of Assignment 2 due; Assignment 3 out ALSU 12.4, 12.6-12.7
Fri 02/23 Memory Hierarchy Optimizations
ALSU 7.4.2-7.4.3, 11.2-11.5
Mon 02/26 Guest lecture - Brian Railing on Compiler-based Instrumentation
Wed 02/28 Dynamic Code Optimization
Whaley, OOPSLA'01; Stadler et al., CGO'14
Fri 03/02 Recent Research on Optimization I
Mon 03/05 Recent Research on Optimization II
Wed 03/07 Recent Research on Optimization III
Fri 03/09 No class - Mid-Semester break
Assignment 3 Homework problems due
Mon 03/12 No class - Spring break
Wed 03/14 No class - Spring break
Fri 03/16 No class - Spring break
Mon 03/19 Instruction Scheduling
Rest of Assignment 3 due ALSU 10.1-10.3
Wed 03/21 No class - Day of meetings to discuss Project Proposal ideas
Fri 03/23 Discussion of Assignment 3
Mon 03/26 Project Proposal
Proposal Report due before midnight tonight
Wed 03/28 Region-Based Analysis
ALSU 9.7
Fri 03/30 Global Scheduling
ALSU 10.4
Mon 04/02 Software Pipelining and Prefetching
ALSU 10.5, 11.11.4
Wed 04/04 Locality Analysis and Prefetching
ALSU 11.5
Fri 04/06 Array Dependence Analysis; Parallelization
ALSU 11.6, 11.7.8
Mon 04/09 Domain Specific Languages
Wed 04/11 No class
Fri 04/13 Project Milestone
Milestone Report due before midnight tonight
Mon 04/16 No class
Wed 04/18 Exam
Closed book, closed notes
Fri 04/20 No class - Spring Carnival
Mon 04/23 No class
Wed 04/25 No class
Fri 04/27 No class
Mon 04/30 No class
Wed 05/02 No class
Fri 05/04 Project Poster Session
Project posters due at class time
Tue 05/08 Project Final Report
Final Report due before midnight tonight

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