Introduction to Machine Learning

10-315, Fall 2020

Carnegie Mellon University

Aarti Singh

Home Teaching Staff Lecture Schedule Recitations Homeworks

Note: this is a tentative lecture schedule that is subject to change.

Date Lecture Slides Useful links HWs
August 31 Monday Intro to ML concepts Lecture1.pdf Murphy: Sec 1.1-1.3
September 2 Wednesday Intro to ML concepts Intro_contd.pdf, Lecture2_inked.pdf QnA 1 out
September 7 Monday Labor Day -- No class
September 9 Wednesday MLE, Bayes classifier MLE_BayesClassification.pdf, Lecture3_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 2.1-2.3.6, 1.5, Mitchell_Ch QnA1 due, HW1 out
September 14 Monday MLE, decision boundary Lecture4_inked.pdf
September 16 Wednesday MAP, Naive Bayes NaiveBayes_MAP.pdf, Lecture5_inked.pdf Mitchell_Ch (Secs 1-2)
September 21 Monday Logistic Regression LogisticRegression.pdf, Lecture6_inked.pdf Mitchell_Ch (Secs 3-5), On Discriminative and Generative Classifiers, Ng and Jordan, NIPS, 2001 (pdf)
September 23 Wednesday Linear regression Lecture7_inked.pdf, LinearReg.pdf, Lecture8_inked.pdf Murphy: Sec 7.1-7.3 HW1 due, QnA2 out (Fri Sept 25)
September 28 Monday Regularization, Nonlinear regression LinearNonLinReg.pdf, Lecture9_inked.pdf Murphy: Sec 7.5-7.6
September 30 Wednesday Neural networks Lecture9contd_inked.pdf, NeuralNets.pdf Goodfellow et al: Ch 6 QnA2 due, HW2 out (Fri Oct 2)
October 5 Monday Neural Networks Lecture10_inked.pdf Goodfellow et al: Ch 6
October 7 Wednesday Deep Convolutional Neural Networks CNN.pdf, Lecture11_inked.pdf, NNTipsTricks.pdf Bishop: Sec 2.5, Goodfellow et al: Ch 9
October 12 Monday Nonparametric methods - density estimation, kernel regression, Nearest neighbors nonparametric.pdf Bishop: Sec 2.5, Notes Eduardo, Murphy: Sec 1.4
October 14 Wednesday Mid-term review Lecture13_inked.pdf, MidtermReview.pdf HW2 due, QnA3 out (Thurs Oct 15)
October 19 Monday Midterm Quiz (in-class)
October 21 Wednesday Support Vector Machines (hard, soft) SVM.pdf, Lecture14_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 7.1.1-7.1.3, Sec 4.1.1, 4.1.2, Appendix E QnA3 due, HW3 out
October 26 Monday Support Vector Machines (dual) SVM_dual.pdf, Lecture15_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 7.1.1-7.1.3, Sec 4.1.1, 4.1.2, Appendix E
October 28 Wednesday Support Vector Machines (kernel trick) svm_dual_kernel.pdf, Lecture16_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 6.1, 6.2, SVMdemo
November 2 Monday Kernelized Logistic and Linear Regression Kernels_contd, Lecture17_inked.pdf
Slides 52-56 KRR Dual derivation, Welling's KRR Notes.pdf
November 4 Wednesday Decision Trees DecisionTrees, Lecture18_inked.pdf Mitchell: Ch 3 HW3 due, QnA4 out
November 9 Monday Boosting Boosting.pdf, Lecture19_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 14.3
Schapire: Boosting Tutorial, Video
November 11 Wednesday Model selection, cross-validation ModelSel.pdf, Lecture20_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 1.3, 3.2 QnA4 due, HW4 out
November 16 Monday Dimensionality Reduction Dim_Red.pdf, Lecture21_inked.pdf Bishop Ch. 12 through 12.1
November 18 Wednesday Clustering, Mixture models clusteringGMM.pdf, Lecture22_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 9.1,9.2
November 23 Monday Expectation-Maximization EM.pdf, Lecture23_inked.pdf Bishop: Sec 9.1,9.2
November 25 Wednesday Thanksgiving -- No class HW4 due
November 30 Monday Learning Theory (PAC bounds) theory.pdf, Lecture24_inked.pdf Mitchell: Ch 7, Murphy: Sec 6.5.4 QnA5 out
December 2 Wednesday Leaning Theory (VC dimension) theoryII.pdf, Lecture25_inked.pdf Mitchell: Ch 7
December 7 Monday Exam Review FinalReview_inked.pdf Practice Problems on Piazza QnA5 due
December 9 Wednesday Final Quiz (in-class)